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Daughter of Irnakk

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Posts posted by Daughter of Irnakk

  1. I feel the same way about the lines, but I need them to be there because I like the facepaint replacing the mask when humanizing bionicles, I couldn't let go of those particular three lines, so he ended up looking a bit more spoopy than expected. 

    Too bad you don't like Skakdi though, they're my favourite species. It's a sad thing they were never fully fleshed out or that we never got to see more sides of them. Like, Nektann essentially took the role of a Turaga in an alternative universe, which is a direction I'd like to see more explored, Skakdi who are at peace with most others. I hate Spiriah, will never forgive him.


    • Upvote 1
  2. Me as a bionicle character, I have way too many versions of myself. But I like this one alot. Tbh, it's always the element of my characters I have difficulty with, I like sound too, and iron...


    Her name was originally spelled with an S here, but a Z feels more Zakaz. Pretty obvious why. 

    The anchor-stave is basically physical damage but it also does psychic damage. Like you might feel a strong but short headache. Or if it hits hard enough, you momentarily forget a lot of things.

    I'm more excited about her vision powers though. It's almost the same as a Kanohi Iden(cause it's my favourite mask power), however it can only be used within the area she can see.
    So she can either look at an empty 'vessel' and let her spirit go in there immediately.She'll use it freely, but to return she must look at her body again. Or she can project her spirit from her eyes, but only within her field of vision. She can see things her body can't see with this power(look around corners for example), but she can' go there unless her physical eyes are able to see that place too.


    Human Bionicles! If you can't read maybe you can even guess who they are? It's a Toa and a Matoran from '04.


    I'm not an artist when I'm holding a pen really, I gave up improving drawing years ago, it's not for me. But I still like putting concepts on paper, because I like my own ideas.

    But what do you think?

    • Upvote 1
  3. You get an apple cake just like how you specified. But you just said chocolate pie, so now all of the vacuums of the universe is filled with chocolate pie and we all die for various reasons, primarily drowning in chocolate pie.

    I wish that the last wish I made was actually corrupted. (Instead someone just got a bagel without corrupting my wish)

  4. Psionics - Near and among all the other elements.

    I don't understand this, can you go into detail? Do they live in other villages or...? And why?


    I believe that every element had a role to play, so they were distributed where the GSR needed them most. E.g. Ba-Matoran would be found in the feet of the GSR to stabilize him, De-Matoran would be situated in the head to serve as the ears of Mata Nui, more examples I can't remember. 

    Av-matorans had a specific purpose, and I believe Vo-Matoran as well served to deal with the workings in regard to energy. So I think more or less they all fill their purposes. But De-Koro is located nowhere near his ears and all inhabitants of Metru Nui were matoran of the original six elements, right? Also I believe I've heard that Ba-Matoran live where there's alot of pressure or something.

  5. Psionics - Near and among all the other elements.

    I don't understand this, can you go into detail? Do they live in other villages or...? And why?


    I believe that every element had a role to play, so they were distributed where the GSR needed them most. E.g. Ba-Matoran would be found in the feet of the GSR to stabilize him, De-Matoran would be situated in the head to serve as the ears of Mata Nui, more examples I can't remember. 

    Av-matorans had a specific purpose, and I believe Vo-Matoran as well served to deal with the workings in regard to energy. So I think more or less they all fill their purposes. But De-Koro is located nowhere near his ears and all inhabitants of Metru Nui were matoran of the original six elements, right? Also I believe I've heard that Ba-Matoran live where there's alot of pressure or something.

  6. Granted, the protectors are now the heroes of the story. Nothing else changes, they're still as boring inlooks and personality.

    I wish your next wish was granted succesfully and without setbacks.

    EDIT: Or is that too difficult? Let me know.

  7. The newest bionicle book happens to be published fanfiction in which the Toa Mahri are a human magical school girls and fight evil big chinned men.

    I wish for more Matorans with different masks, personality and story purposes in the reboot. 

  8. http://newsinfo.iu.edu/news-archive/22445.html


    I would just like to link this piece of science here so people can grasp the importance of representations in childrens media. I would personally love to see Lego retcon the genders in Bionicle, there's only the thing were Orde where gender has ever mattered, but Chiara called Kane-Ra poo on how sexist the Great Beings were in universe, so it never really mattered in that case either. 


    Really, it's the simplest matter to retcon. The voices of the characters will just be more interesting if Kopaka for example was female, finally some other voice other than 'generic female'! =D


    EDIT: Changed something I forgot was inappropriate language into Kane-Ra poo as a substitute.

    • Upvote 3
  9. Gotta say, the mere fact that such a big deal is being made out of leaked images...


    ...makes me more than a little nostalgic. This hasn't been such a big deal in years. :D



    Everything Bionicle is very nostalgic, is there a reason for this, cause NOTHING from my childhood is more nostalgic than Bionicle, and I was into Bionicle way after I could be called child or whatever. This 'leak' is so good, I can't wait for it to be proven or disproven. 

  10. Indeed, it is mostly the sharp chin that adds a more masculine feel to her. She looks a lot like a surfer dude.


    Digging Taipu/Hafu's facial hair there. Especially the 'stache.

    Hafu is the one with the stache, I think... But yeah, I added it because it felt artistic(he's the master carver after all) and to simulate the look of his kanohi, Ruru in this case. In MNOG he had a pakari though, but yeah. Glad you liked it! =D

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