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Captain Flowers

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Posts posted by Captain Flowers

  1. Well, I didn't realize there was a new art contest until late last night, and i got it into my head that i had enough time to put something together before the deadline. It was going to be an epic piece with tahu in the foreground, with a larger then life BZPOWER behind him. I was excited! Then life happened, so I didn't come close to finishing. In fact, this is all i got done so far.

    That being said, I guess this will be a WIP thread of sorts to keep me on track and kinda motivate me to actually finish this one.

    If you guys have any thoughts on the progress of the piece, feel free to post bellow, i'll be sure to take it into account!

    (also, is double posting still prohibited here? its been a really long time since I was last here)


    (p.s. didn't realize my title didn't fit... and I can't edit it... whelp...)

    • Upvote 1
  2. Thanks for the comments guys

    @Flamestreak; yea, the legs were unfinished, but i can't be bothered to mess with them anymore. finished leg design can be seen on the honorguard variation

    Bump for updates and great justice

  3. Got bored during a road trip, spat this sucker out.

    Enjoy maybe?


    ^click for full image^

    Aaaand, I made another one

    Dumes Honor Guard:


    Oh, Nokama wanted to come to the party too

    (inb4 her mask is fugly, trust me, i know)


    (sorry for the shoddy picture, theres only so much i can do in a dimly lit room and a camera phone)

  4. Oh cool, you're back as well!

    Thats reassuring.

    Loving what you did with the armor, very traditional. (I'm a sucker for that gear)

    The colour separation is very nice.

    And lets be honest, lens flare is always a nice thing (unless we're talking about the new startrek movie)


  5. drat, i miss BD... that was a long time ago huh?
    Feels like forever D:
    Pencil with pencil and more pencil. also, a little bit of maple syrup..
    Aah, I see. ^^The nokama drawing is quite good too, but her proportions are a bit wonky - the head seems a little big.

    Whelp, thats what happens when you use a pokemon drawing for pose reference. Not doing that again =P

    Nokama really caught my eye. That's a real interesting take on her(Love her weapon), and besides, there isn't enough Toa Metru drawings around here.
    I really like the style you did this in! It's different, yet somewhat familiar... Not sure how to explain it.Considering these started out a doodles, they're pretty impressive. You've got an eye for little details that add to the overall picture, and the drawing itself seems very clean and tidy. I like your style sir. *Tips hat* I'd love to see a full finished product of these. I feel like these are just teasers to something more. :PI look forward to more from you in the future.

    *tips hat back*

    Wait, I dont own a hat...

    Thank ye kindly

    i deeply apologize for not just drawing the set, i do hope you'll accept my apologyoh wait, thats right, its stylized...
    Not what I meant. I meant, what's with the blue? And I can imagine the shoulder and knee armor in humanoid form. Sorry about the overstating and harsh words...I think the face, at least, is the problem.

    The face was inspired by a number of random concept art pieces I saw floating around, along with pieces from the metel gear series and the halo 4 spartan helmets. I figure its not to your liking. As for the blue, they're electricity infused toa right? The green never made sense, lightning is bright blue/white. That, and the green i had on hand looked like vomit, so blue was the best choice.

    I quite like this. Their masks appear to be more like helmets, which is something that is strangely appealing. Although they look a bit different (especially Jaller) I find that I can recognize them as their respective characters. The Calix is especially nice, as I can see which details from the set form you incorporated.Giving a katana to Jaller was the right choice. 'Nuff said. Also, coincidentally enough, Nokama's Rau reminds me of the katana-wielding Raiden as he appears in Metal Gear Solid 4. Huh.

    Cheers. And yes, I love MSG

    ~The Captain

  6. Static.jpg

    Get it? Cuz the poses are static!

    Alright, enough with the bad humor

    Just try and be more dynamic with your poses


    And once again, proportions. Even transformers have them, though they're a bit wonky..

  7. Looking good Tak, but bulk that sucker up a little. Feed him a steak or something, he's looking a tad scrawny!

    I'd love to link you to something Uncle K once showed me, but alas, it seems to have run away from my bookmarks

    Point is, dont be afraid of heavier set figures. I notice you tend to stray away from them (god knows i used to), but mastering them will help you advance astronomically within the realm of art.

    (Q.Q., are we the 'oldies' now?)

  8. Even if its bionicle, the drawing is badly proportioned by a titan or toa standard

    The fact that its bionicle doesn't excuse the tiny hands

    Try to be a bit less lazy with the art, you might be surprised at what you can draw

  9. I think it was french toast, but its a little fuzzy now.Good to be back Tak!drat, i miss BD... that was a long time ago huh?Pencil with pencil and more pencil. also, a little bit of maple syrup..

  10. tumblr_m5kqh6DRXJ1r8ubxeo1_250.png

    ^click for full image^


    ^click for full image^


    ^click for full image (kopaka and kongu mahri)^


    ^Click for full sized image^

    So, breakfast doodles ended with a concept of Jaller. Just thought I'd share

    Edit; did Nokama during a break today

    Edit 2; long car ride = 2 new doodles with poodoo pictures due to poodoo light and poodoo camaraphone flash

  11. Art time yo. sharing is caring is sharing right?

    MatoroClickCaptain Flowers?ClickLewaClickPridakClick

  12. all brony stuff aside...It needs work.The ponies don't much look like the other fan ponies i've seen, or much like a pony at all. I think its the perspective or the faces...You should also look at the legs/weight distribution.Good effort though

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