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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Entries posted by Sif

  1. Sif
    Have my Profs support on teaching a freshmen geo lab in the fall semester. As i want to Teach full time in the future it should be good Experience. Also money
  2. Sif
    Ok so this is an idea i just had. What if you bought some contact lenses with tiny LED screens inside them and set them to alternating pool balls.
    It would be the coolest/scariest thing ever.
  3. Sif
    I'd build something if i was good at building, or had any parts with me. Maybe i still will, don't expect anything great.
    Also since when has it been called BBCC?
  4. Sif
    I ordered Pokemon White off of Target's website, got it with express shipping and took it with me back to college.
    The next Monday i get a text from my brother that my package from target arrived. Evidently they accidentally shipped it to me twice, so now I've got two copies of White.
  5. Sif
    OK, so for those of you who don't know i live in Texas and generally it never gets below about 40, also it doesn't rain much. Imagine our surprise when it snows 4in on Christmas day.
    Also i got some Homestuck stuff, a sims 3 expansion, some noise cancelling headphones and some gloves that can use a touch pad.
  6. Sif
    10 Slots available. Game will take place on Saturday.
    Time will be determined when a few people have signed up.
    1. Ddude the Insane
    2. Korhra
    Canceled due to lack of participants
  7. Sif
    Grabbed some of those pony trading cards, they're rather cool.
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