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Blog Entries posted by -SZ-

  1. -SZ-
    I think
    I think I may have missed something

    Deeplinked for being over 500kB, but it's not letting me actually link it the normal way.-Nukaya
    EDIT: Man, just when I thought I had gone over all the rules... Also, yeah, I have no idea how to fix it.
  2. -SZ-
    ...is most of you.
    I find it very difficult to relate to at least 80% of you. I'm sure you're all still mostly nice people. I just use to relate to almost everyone, which is what made this site so cool. I'm sorry. Pessimist.
    And I just don't get MLP. I don't even
  3. -SZ-
    Disappointed to find out that none of the links work in Archive. My nostalgia thirst cannot be quenched.
  4. -SZ-
    I amazes me how many different X-Wing sets LEGO has been made and how many different times they have gotten the nose wrong. I guess that's what modding's for.
    Although, to be fair, everything else looks pretty dashing.
  5. -SZ-
    I just re-watched The Terminal for the first time in about 9 years. I didn't realize that Catherine Zeta-Jones' character has such a depressing end to her story arc. I remembered it as a feel-good, chick-flick type movie. Now I feel all sad and stuff.
  6. -SZ-
    - BZP forums go down
    - Leave BZP
    - Finish high school
    - Go to college
    - On dean's list every semester
    - Hate college
    - Discover Minecraft
    - Play WAY TOO MUCH Minecraft
    - Drop out of college
    - Look for job
    - Find no job
    - Run my own Lego re-selling business on Bricklink
    - Work for local friend doing the same thing, but at a much larger scale
    - Still playing Minecraft
    - Still living at home
    - Accomplish abso-frikkin'-lutely nothing
    - Profit
    - ???
  7. -SZ-
    Time to welcome your new OVERLORD!!
    erm... wrong speech
    Hi everyone. It's been a while. There are so many new faces since I was last here, and lots of old faces I have not kept up with in the slightest. I'd love it if you could introduce yourself in the comments, so I can get to know people around here again. Then we could become BFFs and go out for ice cream and lollipops.
  8. -SZ-
    Hello, I must be going.
    I cannot stay,
    I came to say
    I must be going.
    I'm glad I came
    but just the same
    I must be going.
    For my sake you must stay,
    for if you go away,
    you'll spoil this party
    I am throwing.
    I'll stay a week or two,
    I'll stay the summer through,
    but I am telling you,
    I must be going.
  9. -SZ-
    Who here loves my banner/sig?
    I know I do! [/larry]
    ^If any of you got that, I'm very impressed
    But honestly, these banners are huge... I may just change it back.
  10. -SZ-
    Gotta get the cobwebs out of this place...
    EDIT: WHOA DUDE! New sig rules?!
    EDIT 2: HOLY DUDE THEY'RE HUUUUUGE. I can hardly even find the post anymore!
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