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Blog Entries posted by -SZ-

  1. -SZ-
    Yup, I'm selling the game Portal for PC.

    Anyone wanna buy it? It has never been played (but the shrink-wrap is off).

    PM me if you want it.

    If enough people want it I'll start an action here in this blog.


    Help me out here, I needs money! D=

  2. -SZ-
    hey everyone i'm sneaking on to sz's account. i cant use his name. he's gone right now
    this site is strange. lots of weird people. how can so many people like a toy so much? good thing sz's not as in to it as you guys haha
    cool i can change colors
    so i see hes rote about hilary duff hehe i love hilary. does anyone here like comeclean? that's my favorite
    oh no he's coming bye
    ~luv you cassie
  3. -SZ-
    Someone PM me.
    I hasn't gotten one in, like, a month.
    If all goes well I should be able to post my entry tomorrow.
  4. -SZ-
    Front | Left Side | Back | Right Side | Back 2
    Personally I am very displeased with him. The build is very sloppy, he looks thrown together, and he has major holes in his torso, and legs. For once I agree with DV; this is a bad set. The only thing that I really liked were the feet, they seemed to be built nicely, but even they still had holes. I recommend not to buy this set when it comes out, it's not worth the $30 ($35?) price tag, even if it does come with Spinax (which I made too, but didn't take pics since I couldn't make the head).
    Dimensions: He's about 12.5 inches tall, and around 5 inches wide.
  5. -SZ-
    If you're waiting for another person to be raving about Transformers then you've come to the wrong place.

    Yes, I saw it (for my first time ><) and I thought it was pretty good, not great, not bad, just good...pretty good.

    The action, it was unbelievably amazing. It blew my mind. The best part of the movie by far. So awesome.
    Shia Leboeuf. His acting was great.
    Megatron. Whoa, talk about the evil of all evils. O_O

    The plot. Yeah, very stereotypical.
    Characters. Again, stereotypical.
    Too much language. Wow, there was way too much of it. Way too much.
    The Autobots. Lame, in my mind.

    Overall: Not bad, and the action makes up for some of it's bad spots.


    And Megan Fox wasn't that bad, now that I look back on her performance. Her acting wasn't that bad; kinda flowed with Shia's.


    But the movie was a bit of a let down, compared to what almost every BZP member had said.


    I just sure hope they don't make a sequel. ><

  6. -SZ-
    Time goes on like a mighty boulder rolling downhill, crushing everything in its path, yet no one hears it.
    Just a random thought.
  7. -SZ-
    ... I wonder if this is legal. =P
    So I finished school early and figured I should post...
    I kinda miss you peeps, 'specially seeing the GOOD MOCs from the REAL MOCists.
    ... I may come back for a little while...but it's kinda pointless when I...yeah... don't have a blog
    I may post here and there in blogs.
    I think I may be getting to old for this somewhat non-mature place.
    Feel free to ask me questions...
    --The Ess and the Zee
  8. -SZ-
    For Bionicle MOCs...
    1. ToM Dracone.
    2. Shannara.
    3. Roa McToa.
    4. Seranikai.
    5. Shadrahk.
    6. Arpy.
    7. Darth Vader.
    8. Bundalings the Bunny.
    9. BCii.
    10. CzaR.
    ...in my humble opinion.
    (List is subject to change, cuz I might've forgetton someone.)
  9. -SZ-
    It's ruined, and horrible. I don't know why I even tired. But I still have time, maybe I'll be able to make something better.
    My life is odd at the moment...and not just because I'm watching The Sound of Music. But because I feel like a faliure, I seem to never be able to finish anything (except my PBZP), or start it for that matter (like my comics ). I also feel sad and down for some reason, maybe it's time I write a comedy to cheer me up; any ideas?
    I feel like being random.
    Cookie pants! Never understand being the junior of perplexity! Snow has it of the uses for the unknown jellys and irrationally forged jingles with tutus.
    Everyonez talkz likez thisz, becausez Iz saysz soz! Nowz!
    -ZS- ZOMG! me nam iz bakwerdz
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