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Blog Entries posted by -SZ-

  1. -SZ-
    We had a dusting of snow last night!
    But the bad news is that it's now getting too warm and it's melting.
    But it least it looked...white.

  2. -SZ-
    ^Thanks so much to Sumiki^

    I've just realized a somewhat freaky and somewhat true fact, and it's this: Members actually know who I am? Aaaaahhhhh! It's strange, yes, but true.

    On a more serious note, I never thought that I would ever become known on this site when I first joined. I thought I'd be one of those...well, one of those members who you never even talk about. But Sumiki has shown me that some members know who I am, and I'm happy.


    Remember this? It was from my "What Tahu Does When He Gets Angry" series, which actually turned out not to be a series after all. Anyway, I knida wanted to do something hand-drawn and comedic for AC13. Do you have any suggestions?


    I want to add another content block. Any suggestions?


  3. -SZ-
    Wow, three entries today...
    Anyway, as the title of this blog suggests, I can't think of a good name for this blog. If there's anyone out there who can think of a name please tell it to me.
    Not spam, if you please.
  4. -SZ-
    ...anda' whoz you wanna be?

    So yeah, my life is a bore...or a boar, I can't decide which.
    I should probably do something about that though...like work on my comic...
    Oh, this just in, I've officially decided not to buy any 2007 Titans this year, mainly because they're "bleh". And because I've already wasted too much of my money on 2006 sets.
  5. -SZ-
    Disappointed to find out that none of the links work in Archive. My nostalgia thirst cannot be quenched.
  6. -SZ-
    I saw the summer Exo-Force sets at TRU.
    I saw a hippie talking to the flowers.
    Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End's plot make my mind 'asplode.

    I got two Visorak for $7.50 and a new MarsMission set, and they rox me sox.

  7. -SZ-
    I just re-watched The Terminal for the first time in about 9 years. I didn't realize that Catherine Zeta-Jones' character has such a depressing end to her story arc. I remembered it as a feel-good, chick-flick type movie. Now I feel all sad and stuff.
  8. -SZ-

    I must say, for $15 he's a HUGE bargin. LEGO could've priced him at $20 and I still would've bought him! He's the best $15 LEGO set ever put out! I mean it too.
    Expect upcoming MOCs with lime-green, crystal-blue, and Takadox-blue.
    Also, it's looks like he may be the best Titan this year. Sad, ain't it?

  9. -SZ-
    It snowed! It snowed! It snowed!
    Last night it snowed a good two inches! It covers the grass! This is our first good snowfall in four years.

    But school's not closed, because I'm homeschooled. Darn.
    But it snowed!
  10. -SZ-
    Not in order.
    1. Algebra. That's what really started it. I soon found out that it's not so easy anymore, especially after I got an F.
    2. April Fool's prank. It really made me mad at the BZPower staff. They kept that prank on about two days too long.
    3. MOCing. I really got frustrated while making Patience and Junior, and, as you can see, I still don't like the way they turned out.
    4. Some other things that are personal.
    5. A girl?! ... No.
    How I got better.
    1. Talking to Turakii.
    2. Brickfest (seeing the pics, not going there, because I didn't).
    3. Getting out of my Algebra rut...sorta.
    There, you wanted to know and now you do. Happy?
  11. -SZ-
    When you enter a sports arena or field to see a game, whether it be basketball, football, baseball, soccer, hockey, or whatever, you are aware that there will be referees (sometimes umpires) directing the game. Now, the referees have been trained to enforce the rules of that sport, and it is the players and the fans job to respect their judgements. You have agreed that the referees will enforce the rules, you have agreed that they'll be the ones making the calls, not you or the players. So it is your job, as I said before, to resecpt their judgements no matter what they call or what they say.
    So, if you ever yell or yelled at the referees at a game, you are/were the one doing the wrong thing, not the referees. So please, from the bottom of my heart, do not yell at the referees. It's wrong.
    Now, this doesn't mean that the referees always make the right call, no, they're human, they make mistakes. And if you do have a problem with a call made by a referee you can deal with it quietly and in an orderly fashion.
    This also can be applied to the Admins and Mods of BZPower. It's their job the enfore the rules of BZPower. But they do make mistakes, they're human, and if you do have a problem do not yell or make a public scene, deal with it quietly and in a orderly fashion.
    Thus ends my rant, my first real one. And what have we learned from this rant?
    Look at the title, silly.
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