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Blog Entries posted by -SZ-

  1. -SZ-
    I'm a Premier Member now, so now I can blog up the site!
    More stuff coming tomorrow.
  2. -SZ-
    Wow, three entries today...
    Anyway, as the title of this blog suggests, I can't think of a good name for this blog. If there's anyone out there who can think of a name please tell it to me.
    Not spam, if you please.
  3. -SZ-
    We're only liars, but we're the best (we're the best)
    We're only good for the latest trend
    We're only good cause you can have almost famous friends
    Besides, we've got such good fashion sense
    Yup, still listening to Fall Out Boy.
    So life is being life, which is strange since it's hardly ever not life. Hmm. Anyways, I plan to get Kopaka and Tahu Olda sometime soon, that is if my deals work out. Also does anyone remember that non-Bionicle auction I had planned to do, well, I still plan to do it as soon as I can, so keep your hopes up.
    In other news, I plan to start MOCing again soon to get ready for an upcoming BBC. I think I'll start with MOCing some characters from my new short story which I haven't posted yet.
    Oh yeah, my dream car:
  4. -SZ-
    Saw The Dark Knight. It was pretty good. The Joker was incridible. I can't decide which Joker was better: Ledger or Nicholson. Harvey Dent was kinda boring, and Batman too.
    But The Joker. Yeah. Awesome.
    also confusion abounded
  5. -SZ-
    Ladies and gentlemen, today I present to you the strangest thing your eyes will ever feast on. It comes from the deep dungeons of SZ's room, and it is the most terrifying, incredible, unusual, and amazing MOC in the whole history of MOCs. I give you...
    The smallest St. Louis Arch that can possibly be made out of LEGO pieces! NO WAI

    So yeah, that's how I decided to celebrate.

  6. -SZ-
    Since I haven't done this yet...
    Gali: Yay, silver and dark blue. Boo, it's a guy.
    Onua: My arm...it has problems.
    Krika: Yay, Rahkshi head, and finally a good color scheme! Boo, fifth arm.
    Gorast: Bley and gloves FTL.
    Bitil: Yay, folding wings! Boo, unimaginative torso.
    Ghost Blaster = NERF!
    Vultraz: I rides on a pencil!
    Takanuva: Yay, complexity! Boo, claws.
    Rockoh T3: Boo, flying lunchbox.
    Jetrax T6: Boo, tiny cockpit. Boo, Antroz figure.
    Axalara T9: Boo, flying lunchbox part deux.
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