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Posts posted by BIO RAHKSHI

  1. First off, it's crazy that I was able to recover this account. It's been a loooooooong time.

    I was on this site all the time when I was 13 or so. It was great. Loved it here.

    I am now 25 and recently stumbled across my collection of Bionicles. As a young adult with bills to pay and deciding that these sets would be more appreciated by someone else, I am here to sell what I have. Let's get into it.

    Original Toa: http://imgur.com/qydEiqB


    As you can see the labels are peeled off the cans. Not sure why 13 year old me felt that necessary. None have the instructions either, though I am searching. All Toa are assembled in the cans.

    Toa Nuva: http://imgur.com/kGGcItk


    No instructions, but again, am looking.

    Bohrok: http://imgur.com/dFnT7p8


    Sans instructions.


    Bohrok Va: http://imgur.com/vJLImYY


    Bohrok Kal: http://imgur.com/kPiv2gd


    Some have instructions, some don't.


    McDonalds Matoran: http://imgur.com/1FGA0Es


    Sadly, no bags or booklets. Can't seem to find the discs either.

    Turaga: http://imgur.com/RELgZli


    No idea where the other two are. I know I had them.


    Red and Blue Bohrok Mothers...forget their names: http://imgur.com/ZLuMbU8

    Exo-Toa: http://imgur.com/OuW9kQ7

    Boxor: http://imgur.com/1q5gwd7


    Metru Matoran?: http://imgur.com/kaY3FHe


    Toa Metru: http://imgur.com/r2B7VYQ

    Missing the Black one. Beats me where it is.



    Full set of Kanohi Nuva masks: http://imgur.com/9yA5wqh

    Original Kanohi: http://imgur.com/hcy7QWF

    Turaga Masks: http://imgur.com/hcy7QWF

    Krana: http://imgur.com/nyVXnjN

    Krana Kal: http://imgur.com/338Asep

    Krana Va: http://imgur.com/UzrlOby


    Gold/Silver/Proto Masks: http://imgur.com/XefMOHW


    Whenua/Nuju Mask MISPRINTS: http://imgur.com/ZsaTB5N


    Other Rare Masks: http://imgur.com/kwarWHq

    The two misprint Gali masks (original blue Gali mask shown for comparison)

    Mask of Time

    Copper Masks

    Trans Lewa Mask


    White Metal Krana Kal: http://imgur.com/xMshIrd

    One of 5000. It's a bit oxidated because....it's been sitting around for 10 years and that's what metal does!



    That's most of it, though if I find more, I will update here. 

    I threw this together kind of quick, but I can gladly show more pictures or whatever is needed.


    PLEASE PM me or post here with any interest and we can talk pricing. I'm pretty flexible. Obviously, it'd be cool to sell these things together, but I understand sometimes a few things are just needed and I am amenable to that. Thanks all!

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