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Transparent Blue

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About Transparent Blue

  • Birthday 07/08/1994

Profile Information

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  • Location
    Auckland, New Zealand
  • Interests
    Most people's interests section only consist of 'my favourite bands:' and then something like 600 rock bands which ALWAYS include My Chemical Romance. I don't like My Chemical Romance. Anyway, my 5 most favourite bands are (Most favourite to least):

    1. Gorillaz
    2. Red Hot Chili Peppers
    3. The Chemical Brothers
    4. Linkin Park
    5. Massive Attack

    My 5 favourite songs (most favourite to least):

    1. Gorillaz - Last Living Souls
    2. The Chemical Brothers - The Test
    3. Klaxons - Two Receivers
    4. Gorillaz - Feel Good Inc.
    5. Red Hot Chili Peppers - The Zephyr Song

    Well, ah, about me. I live in Auckland, New Zealand. Your concept of summer sets confuses me, because we never know what season it is. Mostly because our weather's so bad. Once in February it was 47 degC (117 degF). I got major sunburn that day. What season is February in? Probably summer, I suppose.

    I'm not really into sports as well. I'm not an American, and one of the things I've seen them do is debated endlessly over baseball teams. I honestly don't understand why they do that.

    I don't know why people use their interest section to talk about everything about themselves. I know why I did though. Because everyone else does. And this is the only space which allows you to do something like that. Ah, that's probably why.

    I like video games, despite my lack of skill. No, you're not going crazy, you really are seeing someone not saying that they're the best at everything and being extremely over-competitive and cheating at everything. Everyone I know's like that. Anyway, back to video games. I have one PS2, and my favourite video game is Ratchet and Clank 3. Kinda old, but still good in my opinion.

    I have a very poor memory. I can't even remember my favourite TV show. I think it's Lost. This also gets me into trouble with homework frequently. No-one cares, anyway. Except for me. Wouldn't it be great if I had such a bad memory that I forgot that I did? Then maybe I wouldn't be so annoyed.

    I like writing and drawing, although I'm not that good at it. I might write something and post it here if I can remember to, same applies for art.

    Well, that was me.

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  1. Hi, by the way Ratchet and Clank 3 is my favorite game to... and February is in winter

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