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~Special K~

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About ~Special K~

  • Birthday 09/11/1995

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    Right Here
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    Please PM or email me if I am on the Member Spotlight!<br /><br />Well I am interested in many things and like many things:<br /><br />Pokemon: I like the Video Games and sometimes get the cards, but I don't like the Anime Tv shows.<br /><br />Bionicles: Well, duh, I'm on this site, but I especially like the Fire/Red Sets and the current Storyline.<br /><br />Pie: I like many types of pie, including Apple, Pumpkin, and <br />Pi=#.14159265358979323...<br /><br />Blah: Like the word :P<br /><br />Video Games: I like a variety of video games including the Systems Wii, Ds Lite, Gameboy Advance Sp, and Gamecude, all of which I have. I like Smash Bros., Mario, Pokemon, Bionicle, Wii Fit, Wii Sports, Wii Play, and other types of games.<br /><br />Harry Potter: I absolutely love this 7 book series of magic and good vs. evil by J.K. Rowling. Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows and Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets were among my favorites. <br /><br />Charlie Bone: I like the books of the descendents of the Red King. They series are not done, there is/are 1 or 2 more books left to be written and sold. <br /><br />Darren Shan Series: I liked this 12 book series on Vampires and a war against good and evil and I was surprised how the last book ended, but it was great all the same.<br /><br />Bionicle Book Series: What else could I say but the books written by Greg Farshtey and C.A. Hapka were stupendous.<br /><br />Series of Unfortunate Events: The 13 books describing the events of 3 orphans were funny and great books overall.<br /><br />Chronicles of Narnia: I liked the 7 book series. It was a very surprising ending but it was stupendous all the least.<br /><br />Star Wars Movies: These 6 movies were great, storyline was amazing.<br /><br />Tv Shows: I like many Tv shows, Drake & Josh and Spongebob being my favorites. There is a Theatrical Movie planned for 2008 for Drake & Josh! :happydance: <br /><br />My new cell phone, a Gold Motorazr V3xx, with great 3d like graphics. Nuff said.<br /><br />Food: I like many different foods; Hamburgers, French Fries, Garlic Clams, Tacos, White Rice, Garlic Bread, Pasta(Ziti being my favorite type), Dark Chocolate, Strawberry flavored candy, and Cinnamon Buns.<br /><br />Drinks: I like many drinks; Sprite, Mountain Dew, Arizona Ice Tea, Milk, Grape/Apple Sparkling Cider, and Blue Gatorade.<br /><br />Colors: My favorite colors are Gold and Red, Orange and Purple.<br /><br />Music: I'm currently listening to Viva la Vida and Gravity Hurts a lot. I have an iPod Nano V3 with a rainbow flames sticker. Favorite Genre is Alternative.<br /><br />Sports: I like baseball and my favorite team is the Yankee's.<br /><br />Random Stupid Things: They're funny and stupid.<br /><br />Rambling on about stupid things like the Infinite phenominon of the universe flux backwards.<br /><br />Palindromes: I love words or phrases that can be said the same backwards or forwards. Weird Al's song "Bob" is a great example.<br /><br />My current Bionicle set completion(every year): 2001: Mctoran:6/6, Turaga:6/6, Toa Mata:6/6, Rahi:5/5, Bionicle Power Pack:1/1, Kanohi Pack: 1/1. 2002: Bohrok Va:6/6, Bohrok:6/6, Toa Nuva:6/6, Titans:3/3, Master Builder Set:1/1, Kanohi Nuva and Krana Pack:1/1, Krana Pack:1/1. 2003: Moltoran:6/6, Bohrok Kal:6/6, Rahkshi:6/6, Titans:4/4, Kanohi Nuva and Krana Kal Pack:1/1, Kraata Pack:1/1. 2004: Metruan:6/6, Vahki:6/6, Toa Metru:6/6, Titans:3/3, Lhikan:1/1, Kanoka Pack:1/1. 2005: Rahaga:6/6, Visorak:6/6, Toa Hordika:6/6, Titans:3/3, Toa Iruini and Toa Norik:2/2, Playsets:4/4, Rhotuka Spinner Pack:1/1. 2006: Doomtoran:6/6, Piraka:6/6, Toa Inika:6/6, Titans:3/3, Irnakk:1/1, Umbra:1/1, Playsets:4/4, Zamor Sphere Pack:1/1. 2007: Matoran:2/2, Hydruka:2/2, Barraki:6/6, Toa Mahri:6/6, Titans:3/3, Nocturn:1/1, Karzahni:1/1, Lesovikk:1/1, Playsets:3/3, Squid Ammo Pack:1/1,Phantoran:6/6, Toa Nuva Phantoka:3/3, Makuta Phantoka:3/3, Mutran & Vican:1/1: Toa Ignika:1/1, Icarax: 1/1 :( Total Set Completion:215/216, Pecentage: 100%<br /><br />Yes, I have basically all the Bionicle that came out other than some of the Accessory Sets and the "Good Guy" promotions(I don't count either of those sets) and I am NOT lying.<br /> <br />Yeah, I like many things...<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />.sdrawkcab xulf esrevinu eht fo nonimonehp etinifnI eht ekil sgniht tuoba no gnilbmaR

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