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Retired Staff
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Status Updates posted by Shine

  1. Discussion stops now.

  2. I'm melting? Oh no! :o

  3. What's that got to do with anything? 0_o

  4. Blah, it hasn't been updated in like forever.

  5. Banned members are NOT to be discussed.

  6. XD It only totals like 300000 NP.

  7. What part of "don't discuss banned members" do you not understand? Cease at once.

  8. *noms on cookie army*

  9. No, you CAN'T still comment. Discussion of banned members in prohibited.

  10. Nah, I still know you.

  11. Shine

    Since when is "oh my god" swearing?

    If it was, my teachers wouldn't use it, and kids would be punished when they said it.


    As an Atheist, I find this argument amusing. :P


    Religious discussion is banned, as is trolling. Don't do either.

    Also, I would ask you to stay out of WX's

  12. Shine

    blog, as all you ever do there is stir up trouble.

  13. This member is now banned. Discussion stops.

  14. Thank you, everybody. ^^

  15. @Andrewnuva199

    Puffin magicks.

  16. Hmm? I'm a BS01 staff member, if that's what you're asking...

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