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Status Updates posted by Shine

  1. Really old and really bad too. =D

  2. Shine

    SMT:DDS, right?

  3. Sure, why not.

  4. Thank you, everybody. ^^

  5. This account has been banned. Discussion needs to stop now.

  6. This member is banned. Discussion stops.

  7. This member is now banned. Discussion stops.

  8. To tell truth, I don't really remember. ^^;

  9. Uh, I had one some years ago, but I don't really ever use it anymore. You're better off with PM system. Sorry.

  10. What part of "don't discuss banned members" do you not get? DON'T DO IT.

  11. What part of "don't discuss banned members" do you not understand? Cease at once.

  12. What's that got to do with anything? 0_o

  13. Whoops. ^^

    And yeah, I don't know that many either... I made the list like two/three years ago. I really need to prune it.

  14. XD About 20 up.

  15. XD It only totals like 300000 NP.

  16. XD Whoops...

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