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Retired Staff
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Status Updates posted by Shine

  1. What part of "don't discuss banned members" do you not get? DON'T DO IT.

  2. XD Whoops...

  3. Shine

    :o The PS3 is awesome!
  4. Cuz BZP needs moneyz?

  5. DO NOT discuss banned members. Omi's said it once, that should've been enough.

  6. Name changes confuzzle me. <_>

  7. Uh, I had one some years ago, but I don't really ever use it anymore. You're better off with PM system. Sorry.

  8. Sure, why not.

  9. He hasn't been here for like a year, I don't think that was needed.

  10. It's a conspiracy to fill my profile with pink! :o

  11. Shine

    You'd have to ask a CoT staff member in regards to the LP. I can't give permission for that sort of thing.

  12. Really old and really bad too. =D

  13. Yes, it is down again.

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