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Chromatic Ninja

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Posts posted by Chromatic Ninja

  1. I'm happy to see this here! I have all the novels, personally, but having a handy digital format is a great idea. Thanks for your work on this! I wouldn't worry too much about the legality of it. Like everyone's been saying, it's not like Scholastic is making money off these relics anymore. :U

    • Upvote 2
  2. This is amazing. The shapes, color, details...even the background.


    You should be a promotional artist for Lego. I'm not even joking.

    Gosh, thank you. I don't think I'm quite that good, but it means a lot.


    Eeeeey. 2015 is hecka pretty.

    So's this.

    I like how the colors of the scenery (trees and sunset) mirror the green and yellow of Lewa's armor.

    The depth on the leaves is a cool effect as well.

    this is what you get when someone who can't make art tries to review art


    Aww thank! I was inspired to put some work into a tribute for the 2015 series, being a veteran fan and all. Lewa is my favorite set out of the new wave. Also probably my favorite character so far, based on the webimation series. xD


    Thanks, everyone!


    I saw that last comment shhhhhh you are awesome <3

    • Upvote 1
  4. Time Trap is certainly the arguably agreed-upon best book in the entire series. I certainly enjoyed it! Makuta and Vakama are two of my favorite characters. Can't go wrong.


    That said, I think the novel I enjoyed most in the series was probably Adventures #5: Voyage of Fear. I felt the character interaction was really strong and it held a lot of weight.


    It's a tough decision, though. I also really loved Legends #4: Legacy of Evil. Seeing as pre-split-off-with-Vezon Vezok is another one of my favorite characters. And the Piraka are awesome.



  5. I don't know so much about wasted character, but the Toa Nuva during the Bohrok Kal period were significantly rushed. Can you imagine losing the very power that seems to define you as a Toa and then facing six creatures more powerful than anything you have yet experienced? Can you imagine the identity crisis, the sense of despair, the primal fear? My goodness, they could've been the most introspective, fascinating characters in the whole series. But then again, Bionicle was a "kids" toy. Sigh.

    This. This this this this this. Oh dear god, this.But for a more accurate answer, I would have to say that one character I would have liked to know a lot more about was Hydraxon, especially before he originally died. He seemed like kind of a soulless character in the Mahri Nui story arc... probably because it wasn't really him. But he sounded freaking awesome in the flashbacks with the Toa Mata.~Tay
  6. The ponies... so... many... ponies... :censored: I'd have to say, though, from what I remember from before the downtime (and believe me, I have a little trouble remembering things like this that far back), there was actually a lot more of a meme presence back then. I see a bit now, but aside from the ponies, not as much as I remember.Besides, all the old standby memes like Weegie and DINNER are just sooooo last year.

  7. My favorites would have to be Voyage Of Fear, Maze Of Shadows, and Time Trap. The first few books of "BIONICLE Legends" were pretty good too.

    Same here. I'd have to throw in Legacy of Evil and Raid on Vulcanus. It's so hard to pick just one. But Time Trap was probably my favorite overall (big surprise). Vakama was freaking awesome in it.
  8. Against my better judgement, I got most of the Gen1 and Gen3 sets, even though Gen1 has no articulation, and Gen3 is kind of a lame and Beast Wars-like... I freaking adore the characters. I am a proud Bionicle fan, that's for sure, and I always will be. But the the characterization of the Heroes in the mini series and radio broadcasts makes them so likable that I feel I must collect them out of sheer fangirlism.

  9. 1. Have you changed since BZP came back?2. How have you changed?3. Have you noticed anyone else change?4. *insert pointless question here*

    1. Well, yes, I think so.2. I've been spending a lot of time with my friends and I've probably matured quite a bit.3. Well... I have been seeing an awful lot of PONIES lately...4. No, you may not duct tape your breakfast to the roof of my car. ~Slushie
  10. I don't really have any argument to add to the conversation, other than the fact that I find it kind of depressing that they can't communicate with an age group that comprises the majority of their fanbase. It doesn't really make sense to me.

    Also, I wonder if this has anything to do with the fact that Greg hasn't updated any of the Bionicle serials in months? This must be a pretty solid blow to his established rapport with his Bionicle fans, which were the whole reason that the serials were still being updated. :/


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