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Posts posted by Lekal

    • Anything by LeKal - Except for The Quest for the Summoning Stones, which I still have, miraculously. I actually don't recall much about LeKal's games, except that I thought very highly of him at the time. Also there was a boss named Rakanishu which I later found out was just taken from some superunique from Diablo.

    Oh, wow! I can hardly believe someone actually held onto those little RPGMaker games I made oh-so-long ago but never got around to finish. I didn't even remember if I had posted anything after TQftSS. Or that after such a long absence from this forum I randomly happened to stumble upon this thread. I still have some of your old PMs from 2003 in my inbox, a whole decade and a half ago! What an odd feeling.

    Unfortunately, over the years I've lost the copies of my own RPGMaker games, every RPGMaker resource I had, everything. I'm not even sure if they were lost to hardware failure or accidental deletion. Young me wasn't very careful about that sort of thing and didn't keep proper back-ups... and I don't even remember the sites I used to host them on, much less if they still exist.


    Although, if it's not too much trouble, you wouldn't happen to be able to share The Quest for the Summoning Stones? I'd really appreciate being able to take a nostalgia trip into the past, even if TQftSS was really just a cheap knock-off of Flow of the River. :P

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