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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Status Updates posted by Necro

  1. *Rolls eyes* Dual-boot is rather handy. You can use XP/Vista without using another computer, and it has been benchmarked to run about .5 seconds slower than Windows PCs. Let me see...$1,000+ of a new PC, or $250 of a new OS? I take OS. =P

    Ironically, most of my games also have mac variants. ^^ And Vistas no gaming juggernaut, with it's...*Counts on fingers* 7 games made fo

  2. *Salutes* You were a hero to me, I was terribly sad when you were hacked. You are missed good sir.

  3. *Shakes hand* You air are not along in the world of lazy homeschooling parents. T_T

  4. *Shoots Bioran with tommy gun* Dude, I accept Windows has advantages. I also accept it has a lot of flaws. And until the Zune is mac-friendly or gets multitouch, it's dead in the water. Can you please accept maybe Apple stuff sucks less than you think, possibly even less than some Microsoft stuff?

  5. *sigh* got cut off.

    Anyway, Players should work, and if not, dual-boot.

    Plus, the UI is MUCH better than Vista.

  6. *sigh* it was a bad joke which, sadly, I make a lot. ask many of my friends in real life. >

    Kay then. I knew I recognized your typing style, so I checked your profiles "Former usernames" section. Nice to see ya again I suppose Enzwei. :P

  7. *Sigh* Look, please stop spamming people's comments. I don't mean to armchair moderate, but it's getting annoying. Also, water defeats both, it has been and will be here till' earth asplodes.

  8. *slaps Xaeraz* Agreed, after writing a few parodies, you really need to try to get it to fit. Still, it's really hard to do. *slaps TPTi* Thats for undermining the skill needed to parody. Still, Xaeraz started it, so it's only fitting he get a worse punishment... *stabs Xaeraz* Although to be fair he didn't know...TPTi, how soft is your flesh?

  9. *Slaps Zephyr, then proceeds to hand TPT1 bodies* Still have soul in them AND you can make a flesh golem!

  10. *Sprays lizard repellent*

  11. *Steps back* Time to sit back and watch Kavita fly. Kav, if I've learned one thing in a friendship with three fangirls, it's when I see people insulting the person they are fangirls to, that person goes flying, rather painfully. Lucky not to be one of sed people.

  12. *Sticks USB 3.0 cord in Iruini's mouth* Nope, still USB 2.0

  13. *Still has Xae-B-gone down*

  14. *Strokes goatee he doesn't actually have*

    Hrrm...maybe, but she's often picky about this kinda stuff.

  15. *Summons souls, then proceeds to take Xae's* I'm a necromancer, I can do that kinda stuff. =D

  16. *Thinks* Eh, I can transmute the automail to giant spike, so lets go with that.

  17. *Throws server through wall*

    Alright then, but are there spoons, or are we in the matrix?

  18. *time travels into future-England*

  19. *waves pitchfork and torch* Should this be pre-1000 AD style witch hunting, pre-2000 with hunting, or modern-day witch hunting? If modern day I need my paparazzi camera.

  20. ######: ...I never got anything from you.

  21. ^Wow. Weird looking happy/laughing smiley. o.O

    *screams* THE CAKE!!! You fiend! Come at me! *Slices air with sword.*

  22. =D

    But Tafin payed me a dollar...

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