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Shadow Kurahk

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Status Updates posted by Shadow Kurahk

  1. I dunno, it's just become a habit. :P

  2. i guess 2010 gets the FL's in a good mood xP

  3. I hadn't changed it yet? O.o Sorry about that. :P

  4. I hav no idea either. I just put it there for some reason.

  5. I have a dinner to go to tonight, so maybe we can talk about it tomorrow. Is that okay?

  6. I have Yahoo Messenger, but my bro, Optimus, has an AIM. We can set something up.

  7. I made my avatar.

  8. I think I've got the answer to your riddle:

    My great great uncle.

  9. I thought it was sorta cheesy. :P lol

  10. I wantz to be Brickpix adminz. :(

  11. i was just saying hi ;.;

  12. I would rather you stay with this name. It represents you and that you are really good here around BZP.

  13. I'll do a triple: "He who moves first always wins." "I could fall for you, you know?" and "Light-kun is my first ever friend."


  14. I'm glad we have fellow fans on this site. :)

  15. I'm going to make a rocker out of symbols!

    |ֿ|_|ֿ| _ַ


  16. I'm purmou@gmail.com.

  17. I've already decided what my name's going to be anyway. What do you think of Black Brutaka?

  18. I've replied. We're good. Thanks for letting me know. :P

  19. If you friend him, then you won't need to write his name. Or just click send message in the profiles.

  20. If you'd like, I could make a much better looking version of your personal pic for you. :P No offense or anything. ;)

  21. Is it better now? TELL ME WHAT FONT YOU USED! Pweese? :(

  22. It really is urgent. :P

  23. It's a perfectly fine question. ;) And, yes, I am. Why do you ask?

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