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Blog Entries posted by xccj

  1. xccj
    So since Lego has started making realistic skin tone heads, we've started wanting more shades. Characters from Indiana Jones and Super Heroes got these cool shades of black or dark flesh, but they were all male. Why couldn't we have a larger palette of female heads? After all, there are so many characters that could be made (Zoe from Firefly, Leena from WH13, Cassie from Animorphs... some examples I've been wanting anyway.) Now there have been some female heads in light flesh, but when would we get more?
    I got excited when I first saw the Lone Ranger mine set. It has this one Indian fig, and based on the hairpiece, I assumed it must be a female. When I saw some slightly more detailed picts, it started to look like an older woman. Not as versatile, but still good. Now, having seen box art, I guess it's actually supposed to be an older male chief. So that was disappointing.
    But then... I happened to be browsing through images of the summer Star Wars set. In particular, the Spider Droid set. Ordinarily, I would quickly overlook it. Design isn't that amazing, pieces aren't great, and it's not quite the iconic ship either. But then I saw an image of the figs, and the jedi gal has a female face printed on a brown head.
    So okay, maybe I'll be picking up this set. (Because I know going for that one piece second hand is going to be horridly costly.) But yes, good for Lego for finally diversifying the female figs... even if this one came as a surprise to me.
    Oh... and yeah, then there's life going on and such, but the realization of minifig distribution is so much more important to blog about, no? (And it's not technically even new news either, just me going "HEY!")

  2. xccj
    Anybody know where I can get a black Miru Mata. You know, one of the original 72 masks from 01? I found a couple of places, but they're like ridiculasly expensive. Was it that rare of a mask?

  3. xccj
    Okay, I don't know how many others have noticed this, but it's been driving me crazy all month.
    The Calendar content block in my blog isn't working!
    Well, not correctly, anyway.
    According to it, I've posted every day in January... even the days that have yet to occur.
    I'm not 100% sure on this, but instead of marking what days I post on, I think it highlighted another day for each entry I've posted. (And I did my big blog story which was about 27 entries itself)
    Now, I'll have to see if this problem occurs into February too. I also think I've seen it in some other blogs. And if what I think is true, then we could all be in grave danger.
    Yes, the blog software is out to get us. Be afraid!
    Basically, it's not that big of a deal, just something I've noticed.

  4. xccj
    Disclaimer: The characters in this story are named after real members, but their personalities and traits are fictional and are not meant to reflect on my opinions of the actual members. This is a work of fiction, and I hope you enjoy it.
    Chapter A
    Xccj stalked the dark forests of BZP-Koro in the middle of the night. Earlier that day, there had been a news announcement. Bionicle, the theme that BZP-Koro was built around, was ending. Many people were still in shock from the news, but not Xccj. No, he was suspicious. Something was not right. And whatever it was, he was going to find it and put an end to it.
    Something moved in the shadows nearby. Xccj unsheathed his sword and shouted, “Show yourself!”
    “Now why should I do that?” a voice hissed out of the shadows.
    “I know what you’re up to!” Xccj shouted. “And I’m going to stop you. You won’t bring this end to BZP-Koro!”
    “Unfortunately for you, you’re already too late!” the voice replied.
    Xccj let out a roar of rage, and leapt towards the shadowy figure, swinging his sword. The shadowy figure blocked the first couple of strikes, but then melted back in the darkness.
    “I’ll get you!” Xccj raged.
    “Except that I just got you.”
    Xccj spun around, swinging his sword towards the voice. The blade cut through something, and it fell to the ground with a thump. Xccj was about to compliment himself on his victory when he noticed what the something was that he had cut. It was just a tree. That meant…
    “I only said that so I could get behind you!” the voice said, and then impaled a dagger in Xccj’s back.
    “No…” Xccj groaned.
    “You’re too late.”
    “There’ll be others after you,” Xccj said with his dying breath.
    “More BZP Reporters? I think not. Chocolate Frogs is already dead, and the others will be too. Goodbye, Xccj.”
    Xccj’s lifeless body hit the ground, and the shadowy figure walked away.
    You walked into the General Discussion area. It was a popular area in BZP-Koro, and today it was especially popular. After all, the recent announcement of Bionicle’s end drew a lot of attention.
    You notice a few of your friends hanging out nearby, and walk over to greet them. You see the teal and orange Sumiki and Little Miss “Krahka”, arguing over the pros and cons of the ending franchise. Meanwhile, “Blue” Dragon is sitting nearby, pondering their discussion.
    “Now that Lego doesn’t need to spend so much on Bionicle, they can make a new theme and start using better designs,” Krahka was saying. “The Toa builds were getting old.”
    “Yeah, but what Bionicle really had going was the story,” Sumiki counters. “That’s what made it stand out from the other brands.”
    “The story isn’t ending yet,” Blue puts in. “They’re planning to continue it for at least a year after the sets have finished.”
    Sumiki shrugs. “Yeah, but they just can’t do that with another theme. It takes time to really build a story as cool and complex as Bionicle. And you know that if they start another theme, we’ll get a half baked story for a year before they drop it.”
    “Lego wouldn’t do that,” Krahka says.
    “Oh yeah? Remember Slizers?”
    “I liked Slizers,” you say. “And I liked the Toa Mata. It’s a shame they aren’t doing more sets, but I think Lego will make the right choices in the end.”
    “Yeah, I’m sure Lego has their reasons for dropping Bionicle,” Blue says.
    “What are those reasons?” Sumiki asks.
    You and Blue glance at each other and shrug. “I don’t know for sure.”
    “Maybe we should ask somebody from Lego?” Krahka suggests.
    “Well, we know Greg F and Bink,” Blue says, counting them off on his fingers. “We could ask one of them.”
    “Alright,” Sumiki says, pulling out his crossbow. “Who should we ask then?”
    Go ask Greg
    Go ask Bink
  5. xccj
    Disclaimer: The characters in this story are named after real members, but their personalities and traits are fictional and are not meant to reflect on my opinions of the actual members. This is a work of fiction, and I hope you enjoy it.
    Chapter B
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    “Hey Greg!”
    You, Sumiki, Krahka, and Blue ran to S&T, where you see Greg F leaving a topic full of members, having just answered their questions. He sighs as he sees you run towards him, because he knows what you’re going to ask. But he politely waits for you anyway.
    “Hey, why is Bionicle ending anyway?” Sumiki asks.
    “It’s a big decision that Lego made,” Greg explains. “Bionicle’s been a big cash cow for Lego for years now, but it’s getting old, and we want to do something new and fresh. The people who’ve been following Bionicle have aged and are now out of our target audience, so we need to shift our focus. We’re going to launch new themes that will attempt to do this.”
    “But Bionicle was going just fine,” Krahka says. “Didn’t it have top sales?”
    “They weren’t our top seller,” Greg says quickly. “Besides, we are not completely dropping Bionicle. We’ve worked up an ending with the Stars Sets, and I’ll be continuing the story even after we’ve stopped selling the sets. This may even work for the story, because we can refocus on older characters without having to constantly introduce new ones that represent the sets. And who knows; maybe in a couple of years Lego will pick up the brand again and continue with it. All we’re doing is discontinuing it in the near future.”
    “Wait, so when can we see it come back?” you ask excitedly.
    Greg shrugs. “Obviously, we haven’t planned that far ahead. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have a lot of work to do.” With that, he quickly ran off before more members could intercept him.
    “That was very interesting,” Sumiki says, and members around agree with him. You notice that a crowd had formed to listen to you question Greg. You are not the only members who are interested.
    “Well, good ridden,” somebody says. You recognize the burnt orange Matatu as belonging to Arpy.
    “I’m glad Bionicle’s ending,” Arpy says cheerfully. “It was so dull and boring, and now it’s gone forever. I feel so free… so alive!”
    “How can you be a member of this site and say that?” Sumiki asks.
    Arpy shrugs. “It’s just my opinion, mate.” With that, he walks off.
    “He’s acting strange,” Krahka says.
    “I’m sure he had his reasons,” Blue suggests.
    “He must just be crazy,” Sumiki says.
    “What do you think?” Blue asks you.
    You think Arpy is right
    You think Arpy is acting suspicious
  6. xccj
    Disclaimer: The characters in this story are named after real members, but their personalities and traits are fictional and are not meant to reflect on my opinions of the actual members. This is a work of fiction, and I hope you enjoy it.
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    Chapter C
    “Arpy is totally on to something,” you say. “Bionicle was dying out. The story wasn’t as good, the sets were boring, and the extra merchandise is plain annoying. I think Lego can certainly do better.”
    “You’re insane too,” Sumiki says.
    “I disagree with you,” Blue started.
    “Well, you know what, have it your way,” you shout. “If you can’t handle a little change, why don’t you just go ahead and weep away your sorrows. I’m going to hang out with some more progressive members.”
    You leave Sumiki, Krahka, and Blue behind, and they begin arguing about how they can make Bionicle come back sooner. You catch up with Arpy, and say, “Hey, can we hang out?”
    “Sure,” Arpy says. “I was just heading to a party myself.”
    “A party? For what?”
    “The end of Bionicle, of course. It’ll be quite a celebration.”
    You go with Arpy and attend the party. You see that there are plenty of members who agree with you. Bionicle’s ending could just be the beginning of a special something else.
    But you notice something strange. All the members are very cheerful, but they are very one dimensional. Even Arpy, who’s usually quite full of wit, it just smiling dumbly. You begin to wonder if there’s something strange going on.
    You’re about to leave and go ask some other people about this when somebody sneaks up behind you. Before you can turn around and see who they are, they shove something on your face. To your horror, you realize it’s a kraata. It attaches to your mask and starts sucking the life out of you. You struggle to remove it, but the being behind you pins you down.
    “No, don’t struggle,” he hissed. “Soon enough, it will all be over, and you’ll be on the right side. My side.”
    You tried to scream in protest, but already your voice is gone. Your mind is driven blank, and you become an obedient slave, with no thoughts of your own. But if anybody asks, you love that Bionicle is ending.
    You Lose
    Go Back and Try Again
  7. xccj
    Disclaimer: The characters in this story are named after real members, but their personalities and traits are fictional and are not meant to reflect on my opinions of the actual members. This is a work of fiction, and I hope you enjoy it.
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    Chapter D
    “Arpy is acting rather suspicious,” you say. “Maybe we should check out what he’s doing. He might’ve caught a virus or something.”
    Sumiki, Krahka, and Blue nod in agreement. You all remember what happened the last time accounts were hacked. You decide you have to act with caution.
    Discretely, you follow Arpy out of the forum. He is heading to a gathering in the Voting Booth forum. You and your friends follow behind him, and mingle in with the crowd. It doesn’t take long before you realize it’s a rally, and almost everybody there supports the end of Bionicle.
    A member you recognize as Kumata Nuva starts arguing against some of the main points, saying that Bionicle has changed him and so many others that we should be sad to see it go. You watch as a dozen members pick him up and forcefully remove him from the forum. You and your friends decide to keep quiet as to your opinions on the topic.
    “Now, the speakers!” somebody shouts.
    “The speakers!” the crowd echoes.
    On a nearby podium, two members stand up and greet the crowd. You recognize them as Taka-Tahu Nuva and Eeko. Together, they start a speech about how the end of Bionicle is just the beginning of something greater.
    “With Bionicle’s end, it will be out with the old, and in with the new!” Eeko shouts.
    “And all those who are with us will prosper!” TTN adds.
    The crowd goes wild. You share a worried glance with your friends. You all feel like something is off. Quietly, you retreat, leaving the shouting crowd behind.
    “Something was seriously wrong,” Blue starts.
    “Yeah, how can they be so optimistic about Bionicle’s ending?” Sumiki asks. “If they were big enough fans to join this forum, shouldn’t they feel a little remorse?”
    “No, it wasn’t that,” Blue say. “It was the crowd. Ordinarily, they’re always very rowdy and opinionated and generally annoying. But this crowd was so… so perfect. It wasn’t right.”
    Krahka nods. “Did you even listen to them? Those members weren’t thinking for themselves. They were just agreeing with the speakers.”
    “So you think that somebody’s done something to them?” you ask.
    “That’s the logical explanation,” Blue says. “But what exactly? I cannot say.”
    “Well, maybe we can figure it out,” Sumiki suggests. “There were two speakers, and they were certainly sane. They must have something to do with it.”
    “But which one?” Krahka asks. “TTN or Eeko?”
    “TTN’s probably the smarter of the two,” Blue theorizes. “He might be the mastermind.”
    “No, Eeko’s far more outgoing,” Sumiki counters. “He must’ve organized this all on a whim, and got TTN involved.”
    “Well, we can only follow one,” Krahka says. She turns to you. “Who do you think we should follow?”
  8. xccj
    Disclaimer: The characters in this story are named after real members, but their personalities and traits are fictional and are not meant to reflect on my opinions of the actual members. This is a work of fiction, and I hope you enjoy it.
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    Chapter E
    The four of you sneak behind the bushes, following Eeko to the Movie and Books Discussion forum. You’d been following him for a while, but so far he hasn’t done anything suspicious, outside of the big rally.
    “He’s hiding something,” Sumiki whispers. “He’s acting too normal.”
    “How can normalcy be an indication of oddity?” Blue wonders.
    “Shh,” Krahka says.
    Eeko disappears around the corner of a hut, and the four of you push on to keep him in sight. But as you round the corner, he’s gone.
    “Where’d he go?” Krahka asked, confused.
    “He must’ve ran off quickly,” Sumiki says.
    “He knew we were following him,” Blue exclaims.
    “You were right about that!”
    The four of you spin around to see Eeko standing behind you, holding two Cordak blasters. Without warning, he starts firing them. The four of you duck for cover under a nearby hut, but the Cordaks quickly tear it to shreds.
    “Let’s go get him,” Sumiki growls.
    “No, not yet,” Blue says, holding him down.
    “Why not?”
    “He only has twelve shots,” Blue continues. “Wait until he’s fired them all off.”
    A few blasts later, you hear the sound of an empty Cordak trying to fire. The four of you spring out of your hiding spot, but Eeko’s waiting, and he’s twirling a blade in his hands.
    “So you want to confront me,” he says with a grin. “Well, fine, but to make this even, I’ll only fight one of you at a time. So who’s it going to be?”
    “I can so totally take you!” Krahka growls, shape shifting into a vicious Rahi with long claws.
    “No way, I totally called this fight!” Sumiki protests, grabbing his crossbow.
    Blue looks to you to decide who to let Eeko face first.
  9. xccj
    Disclaimer: The characters in this story are named after real members, but their personalities and traits are fictional and are not meant to reflect on my opinions of the actual members. This is a work of fiction, and I hope you enjoy it.
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    Chapter F
    Krahka advances on Eeko, flexing her muscles. Most people would be afraid if she attacked them, but not Eeko. He calmly spins his blade and waits for her to make the first move.
    Krahka doesn’t take long. She pounces forward, claws outstretched. But Eeko smoothly dodges to the side, and she misses him. While her back is turned, he swings his blade and cuts her hind leg.
    Krahka roars and spins around to attack again. She lashes out with her claws, but Eeko blocks them with his blade easily. She lunges forward again, trying to bite down on him, but Eeko jumps and flips over her head. As he lands, he spins around and kicks her in the side, knocking her to the ground.
    “You give up yet?” he asks a fallen Krahka. “Or do you want me to gut you?”
    Krahka stares at him for a few moments, not making a movement. Then, with a sudden cry, she bolts, leaving the scene behind as she runs away.
    “Hey, where’s she going?” Sumiki asks.
    “She knows when she’s going to be defeated,” Eeko says.
    “Well, we won’t do the same,” you shout.
    “Then you’re all just stupid,” Eeko adds.
    You, Sumiki, and Blue all rush forward, hoping to swarm Eeko before he can attack. Eeko tries to fight back, but you overpower him, and force him to the ground.
    “What are you going to do now?” Sumiki taunts.
    “I’m not the one you have to worry about,” Eeko says with a grin.
    Suddenly, somebody grabs you from behind and pins your arms to your side. You recognize your captor as the member Letagi. Another member, BCII, comes up behind Blue and grabs him too. Eeko then quickly leaps to his feet and subdues Sumiki.
    “You took too long,” Eeko says. “I called for reinforcements, and my minions quickly came to my aid. Yes, Letagi and BCII work for me. Want to know how? Let me show you.”
    Eeko pulls a kraata out from behind his back. “This kraata will suck out all your life force, leaving you an empty shell. All that remains will be completely obedient to me!”
    You and your friends struggle, but Eeko and his minions are too powerful. They place a kraata over your face, and you lose your mind. Literally.
    You Lose.
    Go Back and Try Again
  10. xccj
    Disclaimer: The characters in this story are named after real members, but their personalities and traits are fictional and are not meant to reflect on my opinions of the actual members. This is a work of fiction, and I hope you enjoy it.
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    Chapter G
    “You’re mine!” Sumiki shouts, firing his crossbow. Eeko knocks aside the arrow, but Sumiki is already rushing towards him. Eeko swings his blade, but Sumiki ducks beneath it and tries to deliver a powerful blow to Eeko’s chest. He misses.
    Eeko backhands Sumiki, sending him into the dirt. He stabs his blade down, but Sumiki rolls out of the way just in time. Sumiki gets to his feet and charged Eeko again, but Eeko ducks down and throws Sumiki over his shoulder with ease.
    “Pathetic,” Eeko says. “Where did you learn how to fight? In the Marketplace forum?”
    Suddenly, Eeko feels a sharp pain in his leg. He spins around to see that Sumiki had grabbed his fallen crossbow and fired from behind him, catching him in the leg. Sumiki rushes forward again, and Eeko blocks him, but his movements are slowed.
    The fight only lasts a few more moves. With an arrow in his leg, Eeko cannot dodge as quickly, and has to revert to using his sword to parry any blows. Sumiki gets in a lucky hit and knocks the blade out of Eeko’s hand. After that, it only takes a single punch to bring Eeko down.
    “Ha, told you I could take him,” Sumiki says.
    You and Krahka rush forward to subdue Eeko. Meanwhile, Blue summons a Forum Leader to come aid you.
    “Now, tell us how you’re controlling all these members,” you question Eeko.
    Eeko laughs harshly. “And why would I do that?”
    “Because we’re the winners,” Krahka says.
    “You’ve won one battle, but this is not over,” Eeko snarls.
    “It is for you,” Sumiki says.
    “Well, I guess I can tell you this much,” Eeko says, thinking it over for a moment. “I’m not the one behind this. I’m just the second in command, so I was spared the brain-washing. Who you really want is TTN.”
    “I knew he must’ve been behind this!” Sumiki exclaims.
    “No, you were sure Eeko was,” you correct him.
    “Minor details.”
    “But don’t bother, because there’s no way you can beat him,” Eeko raves. “You and the rest of BZP-Koro are doomed!”
    Eeko starts shouting out more threats, but then Blue arrived with Spirit, who takes Eeko away for imprisonment. Meanwhile, you fill Blue in on the details.
    “Well, I guess we’ll need to follow TTN next,” he says.
    Follow TTN
  11. xccj
    Disclaimer: The characters in this story are named after real members, but their personalities and traits are fictional and are not meant to reflect on my opinions of the actual members. This is a work of fiction, and I hope you enjoy it.
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    Chapter H
    You and your friends catch up to TTN as he enters the Collectables forum. You have to be careful following him, because the forum is not very busy. Collectables hasn’t been busy in years.
    But TTN doesn’t linger by the half built huts, and presses forward through the forum. He walks to the far end, which has long been abandoned. No member ever ventures down that far into the forum. There is scary stuff back there, long forgotten, and the four of you hesitate.
    But then Blue points out that if TTN really is hiding something, what a better place to hide it in? Biting back your fears, you press on.
    As you move forward, it rises out of the forum. It’s a giant building, one you’ve never seen before. You see TTN enter through the main door of the building in the distance.
    “I wonder what he’s doing in there,” Krahka wonders.
    “I guess we’ll have to go check it out,” Sumiki says.
    You sneak forward cautiously, taking care that you aren’t sighted. Instead of entering through the front doors, you sneak around and find an old service door, which you enter through.
    Inside, you hear the sound of machinery running. You realize that it’s a giant factory. But what is it producing?
    The four of you sneak forward and glance down into the main chamber, where the machines are running. You look down at a nearby conveyor belt and gasp. There are slimy slugs on it.
    “He’s producing kraata!” Krahka whispers. You all know what kraata are; in the story, they are slugs made from the essence of a Makuta, and they control the Rahkshi. Furthermore, a kraata can be attached to a mask and infect it. Kraata in BZP-Koro could be used to control members against their will.
    “So that’s how he’s doing it,” Blue says. “He’s using the kraata to take control over members. As soon as he’s built up a big enough following, he can storm the administration and take over BZP-Koro using force of numbers.”
    “That’s the plan,” says a voice behind you. You all spin around and sight TTN standing behind you, with a wicked grin on his face.
    “I had to remove the BZP Reports, who were starting to nose their way into my operation,” TTN says. “But I wasn’t expecting any members to get wind of this, like you did. But that’s okay, because I have a solution prepared, just for you.”
    With startling speed, he throws four kraata at you. You duck down just in time, and the kraata thrown at you sails above your head. But your friends are not so quick; they each get hit in the face with a kraata. TTN begins laughing, not realizing that you haven’t been kraata’ed yet. But he’s soon to notice.
    You may just have enough time to free one of your friends. But who?
  12. xccj
    Disclaimer: The characters in this story are named after real members, but their personalities and traits are fictional and are not meant to reflect on my opinions of the actual members. This is a work of fiction, and I hope you enjoy it.
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    Chapter I
    You jump forward, grabbing the slimy kraata attached to Blue’s face. You pull it off, and with a loud pop it detaches from Blue. With disgust, you throw it off the balcony.
    Luckily, the kraata hadn’t sapped away much of Blue’s will, so he’s still very alert. But your time has run out. “Hey, what are you two doing?” TTN shouts. He reaches for more kraata, and you and Blue have to dodge to the side as he throws them at you.
    “We need to save Krahka and Sumiki,” you say. “But we can’t do that while TTN is attacking us.”
    “We need to distract him,” Blue says. “I’ll do that; you free the others before the kraata suck away what’s left of their life force.”
    Blue makes his move first, grabbing his clawed weapon. “Come and get me,” he shouts at TTN.
    TTN throws another kraata at Blue, but he uses his claw to knock it out of the air before it can attach to his face. Enraged, he grabs his staff and swings it at Blue. Blue ducks down in time to avoid having his head hacked off.
    Blue changes tactics, and ducks behind a pillar holding the factory ceiling up. TTN, not thinking clearly, swings at him, but hits the pillar instead, causing it to crack. Realizing his mistake, TTN uses his regenerative powers to restore the pillar to its former strength, but as he does so Blue sneaks up behind him and strikes him on the head with his claw. He quickly retreats as TTN spins around, swinging his staff to kill.
    Meanwhile, you tear the kraata off Krahka and Sumiki’s faces. You free them soon enough that they still have most of their life force, but they are still weakened momentarily as the kraata’s effects wear off. By the time they have their energy restored, Blue is being cornered.
    “Let’s save him,” you shout, drawing your saber. Sumiki pulls out his crossbow, and Krahka shape shifts her hands to have extra long claws. The three of you rush TTN, who notices you and dodges aside. However, he doesn’t have time to strike down Blue, who quickly joins you.
    “So you want a fight, do you?” TTN asks, spinning his staff in his hands. “You’re outmatched, you know. I am very strong, and I have extra staff powers as well. You don’t stand a chance.”
    “We’ll fight you just the same,” Blue shouts back.
    “How do we attack him?” Sumiki asks you. Apparently, since you saved him, he’s regarding you as the leader. You don’t have time for a rash comeback, so you set your mind to thinking up a winning attack plan.
    Attack from different directions.
    Combine Elemental Powers
    Distract and Ambush Him
  13. xccj
    Disclaimer: The characters in this story are named after real members, but their personalities and traits are fictional and are not meant to reflect on my opinions of the actual members. This is a work of fiction, and I hope you enjoy it.
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    Chapter J
    “Attack from different directions,” you tell your friends. “If we hit him all at once, he can’t possibly block us!”
    The four of you split up, just as TTN fires a blast of energy towards you. You have the furthest to go, as you have to circle completely around TTN. He sights you and fires blasts at you, so you run and duck just in time.
    Meanwhile, Sumiki, Blue, and Krahka get into position, with their weapons in hand. You yell, “Charge!” and then all four of you rush TTN at the same time.
    “How cute,” TTN said, observing your attack. He waits until the last second, and then lashes out, spinning his staff around him, hitting all four of you. As you get back to your feet, you see TTN blast Sumiki into unconsciousness.
    “Not so fast!” Blue shouts, jumping on TTN’s back from behind. As TTN tries to grab Blue, Krahka charges forward, claws slashing the air. But TTN gets the upper hand. He ripped Blue off his back, and then throws him at the charging Krahka. Krahka can’t stop in time; Blue is thrown into her and they both fall over, out cold.
    “Pathetic attempts,” TTN grumbles. You lift your saber, hoping to get TTN while his back is turned on you. But then he says, “I see you too.” He turns and fires an energy blast point blank at you.
    And you remember no more.
    You Lose.
    Go Back and Try Again
  14. xccj
    Disclaimer: The characters in this story are named after real members, but their personalities and traits are fictional and are not meant to reflect on my opinions of the actual members. This is a work of fiction, and I hope you enjoy it.
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    Chapter K
    “Combine you’re elemental powers!” you shout. “It always works for the Toa; it should work for us.”
    The four of you lift up your weapons and place them together. “For Unity!” you all shout, and then you release your energy.
    Or at least, you try. But nothing happens.
    TTN laughs. He is actually beside himself with laughter. “I can’t believe you are so dense,” he says, catching his breath. “Regular members don’t have any elemental powers, only Staff do.”
    “Oh yeah, I forgot about that,” you say.
    “Well, you time playing as Toa is over,” TTN says. “It’s kraata time!”
    He grabs more kraata, and heaves them at you. Your friends dodge this time, and try to fight back, but a kraata catches you in the face. You remain conscious just long enough to see TTN fell each of your friends, and kraata them as well. Then your mind is gone.
    You Lose.
    Go Back and Try Again
  15. xccj
    Disclaimer: The characters in this story are named after real members, but their personalities and traits are fictional and are not meant to reflect on my opinions of the actual members. This is a work of fiction, and I hope you enjoy it.
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    Chapter L
    “We need another distraction!” you say. “Sumiki, Krahka, try to keep his attention. Blue and I will try to find a way to defeat him!”
    Sumiki and Krahka charge forward, swinging their weapons and claws at TTN. TTN parries with ease, and then tries to blast them down with laser vision. The two of them just manage to dodge in time.
    Meanwhile, you and Blue look around the factory, trying to think of a good way to defeat TTN. “He’s too powerful for any of us to beat up,” Blue points out. “We’re going to need something bigger.”
    “Bigger?” you ask. You look at the pillar TTN had hit earlier. It had been repaired, but if it had failed, the entire structure would collapse. “I think I have an idea,” you say.
    You and Blue split up, looking for heavy equipment amidst the kraata production in the factory. Eventually, you find a giant forklift. You get Blue to help you move it into position, pointed at the pillars holding the factory up, and TTN beyond them.
    “You’re only going to get one shot at this,” Blue says.
    “Then let’s make it,” you say boldly. “Full throttle!”
    You send the forklift into full acceleration and jump off. The forklift isn’t very fast, but it is almost unstoppable. It rams into the first pillar and takes it out like it was nothing.
    This causes TTN to turn around. “Hey, what are you doing?” he shouts, but then Sumiki and Krahka hit him while his back is turned. Growling, he knocked them aside with a single blow and runs to intercept the forklift, even as it smashes through another pillar.
    TTN hits the forklift, and tried to push it backwards, but even his strength isn’t enough, and he only slows it down slightly. Suddenly, he loses his footing, and the forklift pushes forward, knocking TTN into the last pillar, shattering it. The warehouse roof begins to shake.
    “Get out of here!” you yell at Sumiki and Krahka. They are already rushing for the main door as parts of the ceiling begin to fall. TTN pulls himself from the rubble to pursue you, but then a chunk of the ceiling falls and pins him to the ground.
    You and your friends escape as the factory collapses down on itself, destroying the kraata and burying TTN. You all breathe a sigh of relief, and then go summon the staff. There is a lot of clean up that needs to be done.
    You watch from the sidelines with Sumiki, Blue, and Krahka as the kraataed members are treated. Once TTN had been captured, it was easy enough for the staff to find a remedy for the kraata, and freed the members from their embrace. Both TTN and Eeko were tried and banned from BZP-Koro for their plot to take over, and you and your friends were all rewarded for your help.
    You smile. In the end, it turned out to be a good day to be in BZP-Koro. Bionicle might be ending, but at least you still have all your friends here.
    Congratulations! You Won!
  16. xccj
    Disclaimer: The characters in this story are named after real members, but their personalities and traits are fictional and are not meant to reflect on my opinions of the actual members. This is a work of fiction, and I hope you enjoy it.
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    Chapter M
    You jump to help free your friends from the kraata’s grasp, but you wait a moment too long. TTN finishes laughing, and notices that you’re not under his control. Before you can even reach out to help your friends, another kraata is thrown, and you feel it attach to your face, and suck away your free will.
    You become an obedient slave to TTN, along with Krahka, Sumiki, and Blue. You go back into BZP-Koro and mingle in with the crowd, but people notice that you’ve changed slightly. You attend celebrations for the end of Bionicle, and praise TTN and his second in command, Eeko.
    Some of the suspicious members also discover the truth, and end up kraataed as well. Others are taken by surprise or in their sleep. Soon, TTN has over half of the members of BZP-Koro under his control. Then, when the time is right, he attacks.
    The BZP Staff had been over taxed in recent days, as they investigated assassinations of their fellow staffers whom TTN had already killed. They were completely unprepared for TTN’s invasion. You are one of the members armed and charging towards the Staff, with nothing in your mind except orders from TTN.
    The Staff fight back valiantly, but they are grossly outnumbers, and are quickly overcome. TTN himself steps into battle and defeats Black Six, claiming the title of Administrator. He is now in control of BZP-Koro.
    Unfortunately, in the fight, you were fatally wounded by the Staff’s desperate defense. The mindless members walk right by you, without any ounce of compassion. You are unable to call for help, and slowly die on the battle field.
    In short, you lose, and so does BZP-Koro.
    Go Back and Try Again
  17. xccj
    Disclaimer: The characters in this story are named after real members, but their personalities and traits are fictional and are not meant to reflect on my opinions of the actual members. This is a work of fiction, and I hope you enjoy it.
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    Chapter N
    “There’s Bink!” Blue says.
    The four of you catch up to Binkmeister in the News Discussion forum. Bink appears to be busy with something else, but he turns politely as you advance. Closer up, you can see that he looks sleep deprived, as if he’d been working for days on end.
    “Can I help you?” Bink asks.
    “Yes,” Sumiki says. “We want to know why Bionicle ended.”
    Bink frowns slightly at this question before answering. “I don’t know for sure.”
    “But you work for Lego!” Krahka insists.
    “I do, but not with those who decide on such matters,” Bink says. “In many ways, I am as curious as you. True, Bionicle wasn’t their best seller, but it was doing reasonably well. To end it was a big gamble, and in today’s economy, I don’t know if it was a gamble that should’ve been made.”
    “Could you go ask Lego then why they made this decision?” you say.
    Bink sighs. “In time, I suppose. But meanwhile, I am investigating a very unfortunate instance. Many of our Reporters have vanished. I know there has not been much news as of late, but they should really be around.” He bids you all farewell, and heads off further down the forum.
    “See, even Bink doesn’t think this is a good idea,” Sumiki says, resuming the conversation.
    “He didn’t say that,” Blue points out. “It sounded more like he hadn’t made up his mind. But he also sounded very preoccupied.”
    “Oh, I know why,” scoffs a nearby member who had overheard your interview with Bink. You recognize his as Kakaru, a MOCist.
    “What do you mean?” Krahka asks.
    “Bink’s acting weird because he’s actually behind all of these,” Kakaru says. “He’s actually out to destroy Bionicle!”
    “I don’t think so,” says another member. This time, you recognize her as Nukaya, a blog assistant. “I think Bink was telling the truth; he is very worried about the disappearance of the reporters.”
    “He probably made them disappear,” Kakaru snaps.
    Nukaya shakes her head solemnly. “I don’t believe that. Besides, there have been many strange things going on as of late, and more disappearances. Something strange is going on.”
    “Well, I know that Bink’s behind it, and I’m going to stop him!” Kakaru says. “If anybody wants to join me, feel free to come.”
    “That is utter nonsense,” Nukaya says. “We should be looking into things too, just as Bink is.”
    Your friends appear moved by the two speeches, but uncertain of which to follow. They look to you to make a decision.
    Go With Nukaya
    Go With Kakaru
  18. xccj
    Disclaimer: The characters in this story are named after real members, but their personalities and traits are fictional and are not meant to reflect on my opinions of the actual members. This is a work of fiction, and I hope you enjoy it.
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    Chapter O
    You and your friends go with Nukaya, and she leads you into the BBC forum.
    “Many people have disappeared from here lately,” she explains. “Let’s look for some evidence.”
    You all agree to split up and keep an eye out for anything suspicious. You wander around and look at stuff. Many members are displaying MOCs, both good and bad. It is nice to know that, despite the ending of Bionicle, MOCist are still going strong.
    But you still see nothing strange going on.
    Finally, after an hour, you meet up again with your friends. None of them have found anything suspicious, and are beginning to doubt if there is anything to find at all.
    But then Nukaya joins you. “I think I’m onto something,” she says.
    You all eagerly ask her what she noticed, and she begins her story. “I was following Brickthing around.”
    You know of Brickthing. He’s a very well known MOCer. But how is he acting suspicious?
    “He was going out of his way not to be seen,” Nukaya says. “He was sneaking around in some very popular topics, as if scouting a location for a possible attack.”
    You and your friends nod. “We should check this out,” Blue says.
    “Yeah, and we should ask Brickthing what’s going on,” Sumiki says.
    “How will we do that?” Krahka asks.
    Sumiki smiles mischievously. “I have a plan.”
    Based off Nukaya’s information, you find the Brickthing entering a nearby hut. Then the five of you position yourselves outside it. When Brickthing walks out, he isn’t expecting an ambush. You quickly capture him and take him to an empty hut.
    “Now all we have to do is question him,” Sumiki says. “And then he’ll tell us all we need to know.”
    “Let me do it,” Blue says. “I have ways of making members talk.”
    Nukaya frowned slightly; she hadn’t completely approved of capturing Brickthing in the first place. “How about I talk to him instead.”
    You look to Krahka and Sumiki, but neither of them volunteers to do the interrogation. You’re not interested either, which leaves it between Blue and Nukaya. So you decide to choose which will one will interrogate Brickthing.
    Let Nukaya Do It
    Let Blue Dragon Do It
  19. xccj
    Disclaimer: The characters in this story are named after real members, but their personalities and traits are fictional and are not meant to reflect on my opinions of the actual members. This is a work of fiction, and I hope you enjoy it.
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    Chapter P
    Nukaya enters the hut that Brickthing is kept in, and you and your friends follow behind.
    “What do you want?” spits Brickthing. “What’s the whole deal with capturing me? You have no idea what kind of trouble you’re bringing upon yourselves!”
    “Well, we’d like to know more about it,” Nukaya says softly.
    Brickthing stares at her. “Like what?”
    “We just want to know what you’ve been doing lately,” Nukaya says. “We haven’t seen you around much, and when we do you’re always sneaking off.”
    “I’m doing important stuff,” Brickthing says with a sneer.
    “What kind of important stuff?”
    “It’s a secret,” Brickthing says with a grin.
    “Ah, but it must not be your secret, or else you would share it with us,” Nukaya says. “It must be someone else’s master plan.”
    “Well, yeah, kind of,” Brickthing says. “But I’m still doing an important part.”
    “How do you even know it’s important?” Nukaya asks. “Perhaps it’s just something to keep you out of the way.”
    “No, this is my contribution to the plan!” Brickthing says madly. “He wants to find a way to capture all the members quickly, and I’ve been scouting some of the best locations for him. With my help, he can take over without rebellion!”
    “Who can take over?” Sumiki asks.
    A glare from Nukaya silences him, and she continues. “So you’re one of your master’s minions for a hostile take over of BZP-Koro?”
    “A minion?” exclaims Brickthing, as if the mere idea is insulting. “No way. I am to be Emperor Whenua’s second hand man when he takes over BZP-Koro!”
    But a second after his exclamation, Brickthing covers his mouth in horror, having revealed who is behind this plan. Nukaya, on the other hand, simply smiles.
    “Thank you for that information,” she says, and she leads the way out of the hut.
    “So EW is planning a take over!” Blue sums up. “This isn’t good.”
    “Yes, we must do something about it,” Nukaya says.
    “We should go to the staff right now!” Krahka says. “Let the head guys know about it, so they can put EW in his place.”
    Nukaya shakes her head. “He might be waiting for that. I think we should scout him out too and try and figure out a way to stop him covertly.”
    “You guys must be kidding me,” Sumiki says. “You want to do more spy work or run to the staff, when we really should be bringing the attack on EW ourselves!”
    “What should we do?” Blue asks you.
    Spy on EW
    Tell the Staff About EW
    Confront EW
  20. xccj
    Disclaimer: The characters in this story are named after real members, but their personalities and traits are fictional and are not meant to reflect on my opinions of the actual members. This is a work of fiction, and I hope you enjoy it.
    Go Back to Previous Chapter
    Chapter Q
    The five of you split up to search for EW. You go with Nukaya and spy on the Software forum. You two are in luck, because you spot EW heading to an empty section of the forum. You stealthily follow him, making sure to keep out of sight.
    EW looks around, to make sure he had not been followed. He can’t see you, and when he is satisfied that he is alone, he sits down. He touches the air in front of him strangely. At first, you wonder what he is up to. But then you realize that he is connecting to the inner workings of BZP-Koro. He’s hacking into it.
    “So that’s his plan,” whispers Nukaya. “He hacks into BZP-Koro, gains infinite power, and then take over. Once he’s hacked in far enough, he’ll be able to control the environment, and defeating any rebellion will be a cinch.” She looks at you. “We should attack him now!”
    “No,” you say. “If he’s able to hack in at all, then he has more than enough power to stop us. We have to do this some other way.” You convince her to go regroup with the others.
    Blue, Krahka, and Sumiki are startled by the news. “That’s horrible!” Sumiki exclaims.
    “We should really tell the staff now,” Krahka says.
    “He’ll be expecting the staff,” you say. “And there’s really not much they can do. Once you start a hack, it’s almost impossible to stop unless you have some anti-virus program installed. And EW has obviously gotten around the Staff’s.
    “But what if we introduced a different program that he’s not expecting,” Blue says. “Maybe that could take him down.”
    “It would only work if he’s controlling BZP-Koro through the hack at the time,” you say.
    “But we can make him do that!” Nukaya says, and she pieces together a plan. “If we confront him, he will be forced to use the hack in order to try and stop us. Then, while he’s thoroughly distracted, we hit him with the new program!”
    You nod, seeing how this could work. Quickly, you and your friends form a battle plan, and break off to gather supplies. Nukaya, Krahka, and Sumiki gear up for a deadly battle, while you and Blue find the most powerful anti-virus program around. Once you’re ready, you and your friends reenter the Software forum. You and Blue sneak up behind where EW is sitting, and begin to set up your program.
    Meanwhile, Nukaya, Krahka, and Sumiki march into view.
    “Emperor Whenua,” Nukaya calls out. “You are attempting to hack BZP-Koro.”
    “And we’re going to stop you!” Sumiki adds.
    EW merely grins. “Oh look, more puny members who think they can beat me.” He closes his eyes, as if in a trance. But you realize that he is accessing his hack. When he opens them, he starts firing blasts of electricity at Nukaya, Krahka, and Sumiki, who all dodge to the side.
    Meanwhile, you and Blue begin to work hard to get the anti-virus program running. It begins to work, and you watch eagerly as it targets the hack in the system.
    EW fires a bolt at Krahka, who just misses being fried. However, she trips and falls over. EW laughs and attempts to blast her while she’s down. But no electricity comes.
    “What is this?” he exclaims. “What is happening to my powers?”
    You and your friends watch, mesmerized, as the anti-virus program takes hold of the hacker. EW cries out, but the program immobilizes him, and then removes all the damage his hack had done.
    “This can’t be happening,” EW shouts.
    “It is,” you say. “We beat you!”
    Afterwards, it is really easy to grab EW and carry him to the arms of the waiting Staff. The Administration isn’t too pleased that you took matters into your own hands, but Nukaya, being a Staff member herself, vouches for you. In the end, you all receive proto for your heroism.
    Bionicle may be ending, but at least you saved BZP-Koro from ultimate destruction.
    Congratulations! You Won!
  21. xccj
    Disclaimer: The characters in this story are named after real members, but their personalities and traits are fictional and are not meant to reflect on my opinions of the actual members. This is a work of fiction, and I hope you enjoy it.
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    Chapter R
    You rush to the New Members Q and A forum with your friends, and there you find Forum Administrator Kaiapu answering questions for the newer members.
    You quickly rush over to him. “We have something important to tell you!” you exclaim.
    “What is it?” Kaiapu asks, sounding bored.
    “We think there’s going to be an attack on BZP-Koro by Emperor Whenua, and you need to act fast to stop him.”
    Kaiapu is skeptical at first, but your friends and Nukaya back you up, and he realizes that you are indeed aware of a very real threat. “Follow me,” he says.
    He takes you to the Reference Desk forum, where you are led to Black Six’s personal chambers. He invites you in a listens to your story. Afterwards, he frowns slightly and looks at Kaiapu. “Is there anything we can do?”
    “We can find EW on the member tracking system, and then ban him,” Kaiapu says.
    “Do it,” Black Six commands. “And gather our most powerful staff. This may be a tough member to take down.”
    You follow Black Six outside, as he gathers the other Administrators and Forum Leaders. “We will take him down quick, before he has a chance to fight back,” Black Six tells his forces.
    Suddenly, Kaiapu comes running up, with a fearful look on his face. “I found him,” he says between gasps.
    “Then where is he?” Black Six asks.
    “He… is here.”
    “Yes I am!”
    All the Staff turns to see EW waiting patiently at the entrance of the Reference Desk forum. He looks small compared to most of the staff, but he wears a very strange smile upon his face.
    “So you discovered my secret,” he says. “I thought you might eventually, and I have prepared for such an event.” Overhead, an electrical storm begins to form.
    Black Six marches forward. “Emperor Whenua, you are hereby banned from BZP-Koro. You will comes with me to be imprisoned until the paperwork is properly filed.”
    “I think not,” EW says. Before Black Six can reply, a bolt of lightning shoots down from the storm and hits him. With a cry of pain, Black Six hits the ground.
    The rest of the Staff let out a mightily roar and charge forward, but EW merely smiles. “Bring it on.”
    And then lightning rains down upon everybody.
    You die with the rest of the staff.
    Go Back and Try Again
  22. xccj
    Disclaimer: The characters in this story are named after real members, but their personalities and traits are fictional and are not meant to reflect on my opinions of the actual members. This is a work of fiction, and I hope you enjoy it.
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    Chapter S
    You, Krahka, and Sumiki sit in the shadow of the hut as Blue advances on the tied up Brickthing. Nukaya, bored with your methods, had already left.
    “Now,” says Blue to Brickthing. “We have some questions for you.”
    “I’m not going to talk,” Brickthing snarls.
    “Oh, I know ways to make you spill out your innermost secrets,” Blue says with a grin. “After what I’m about to put you through, you’ll be dishing out the information just to make me stop.”
    “And what makes you think I’ll break?” Brickthing asks.
    “Everybody breaks under this treatment,” Blue says. He pulls out a handful of pages. “First, we’ll start off with some comedies. Not the good kind; the ones written by new members who’ve have yet to discover spellcheck. And yes, there will be pies in them. So much pie it’ll drive you insane!”
    “Is that the best you’ve got?”
    “No, that’s just phase one. After that, we’ll start on the sprite comics. The stories are just as bad as comedies, and the art is even worst. And if that fails to crack you, we’ll move onto the unnecessary argument topics.”
    “Unnecessary argument topics?” Brickthing repeats nervously.
    “Yes, the topics where members argue to the point of a flame war over a trivial topic. There is use of illicit logic and false conclusions, leading to utter mayhem. It’s enough to drive any member mad. And that’s what you’re looking at if you don’t speak.”
    Brickthing looks nervous, but clenches his jaw shut anyway. Grinning, Blue begins.
    You stay for ten minutes, but eventually even witnessing such horrors is enough for you, and you exit the hut. Sumiki and Krahka aren’t far behind. Outside, you wait for another hour, until finally Blue reappears.
    “Nothing,” he says flatly. “Brickthing gave up nothing. And I even covered a topic arguing about the use of red pins in MOCs. My head is still spinning from reading it to him, but he refuses to break.”
    “Well, we can try again tomorrow,” you say, thinking you still have time. But you are wrong.
    The next day, there is a BZP-Koro wide announcement; the staff has something to say, so all members are to gather in the General Discussion forum. You go with your friends, wondering what is so urgent.
    Once all the members have gathered, a large cloaked figure steps onto the stage. At first, you think it is Black Six, but you quickly notice that it is somebody new. Whoever they are, they’re not staff.
    “Bionicle has ended,” he announces. “And BZP-Koro will end with it. The Staff is gone now; I have killed or converted all of them. Now, before I make this my empire, I will grant you the option to join my side. If you come over, you will live. Otherwise, you will perish!”
    This announcement comes at a great shock to everybody. Some members instantly join the stranger, and a large group gathers behind him. Some members, on the other hand, desire to take matters into their own hands. You recognize a member named The Power That Is charge towards the cloaked figure, holding an axe in his hands. He believes he can stop this newcomer.
    The cloaked being holds out his hands and fires a bolt of electricity, bringing The Power That Is to an end. His cloak falls aside, and you recognize him as Emperor Whenua.
    This attack stirs up the other members. Some begin to panic, and rush for the exits. Others, however, move to follow The Power That Is’s example. You and your friends are among the latter.
    “If we all attack him at once, he can’t possible resist us all,” you say.
    But even as you charge forward, a great electric storm gathers in the air above you. EW controls this storm, and lightning begins to rain down from it, striking all the members who haven’t joined him. You get struck, and fall to the ground. As your life force drains away, you get one last view of EW. He’s laughing.
    You lose.
    Go Back and Try Again
  23. xccj
    Disclaimer: The characters in this story are named after real members, but their personalities and traits are fictional and are not meant to reflect on my opinions of the actual members. This is a work of fiction, and I hope you enjoy it.
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    Chapter T
    “Kakaru is right,” you say. “Bink must be the one behind this. Let’s go with him!”
    You friends nod in agreement, and you all catch up with Kakaru and ask him what his plan is.
    “We need to capture Bink and question him,” Kakaru says. “Since Bink is very powerful, we’re going to need to rush him and catch him by surprise. Then we can force a confession out of him, and we’ll know all the details to his devious crimes.”
    Led by Kakaru, you trail Bink into the depths of the News Discussion forum. You enter a forested area, and everything around you is dark. But finally, you notice something ahead in the distance. You see a shimmering light.
    “It’s Bink up ahead,” Kakaru whispers. “Quickly, get ready to attack!”
    The five of you split up, and you and Krahka circle around so as to catch Bink from a different angle. Kakaru gives the signal; the hoot of an owl. Then you all charge.
    But as you enter into the light, you all freeze. Bink is located in the center next to the lantern, but he is in no position to resist an attack. In fact, he is lying on the ground with a dagger in his back.
    Bink is dead.
    “Oh no, what happened!” cries Blue.
    “Somebody must’ve just killed him,” Sumiki says grimly. He turns to Kakaru. “Was this part of your plan?”
    Kakaru doesn’t answer, but the shock on his face is genuine. You can tell that he was expecting to find Bink alive.
    “We need to get out of here,” Kakaru finally says. “If somebody else shows up… they’ll pin this on us. I can’t have that!”
    “No,” Blue says. “We need to see what happened to Bink and see if we can bring his killer to justice!”
    “Whatever, it’s your funeral,” Kakaru says, taking off into the forest. He glances at you. “Join me if you want to live.”
    Run With Kakaru
    Investigate the Crime Scene
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