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Status Updates posted by Konguparu

  1. @Both:

    Yeah..I kinda lost interest in Bionicle.And I don't post a lot here anymore.Maybe I should be more active!

  2. =0

    I liek orandge.

  3. 0__o weird,you where lhikan at first,but now you're his enemy.

    Freaky XP

  4. 1022*

    Depressing to me XO

  5. 6(°_°)9


  6. and HOW DARE YOU call Nuparu 'nupuru'

    =P no prob Vezon

  7. Are you calling me Kongu?What about Nuparu!And I'm the happiest person now,with my wii!!

  8. awesome avvie xD

  9. Ehm,I stopped my PBZP a long time ago,won't finish those I think.Anything else I still have to do?Hope not =P

  10. For sure,Vezon =D

  11. Glad ya like it!You're getting lots of profile views,eh?Come enter my sig-contest everyone ;-p

  12. gnrjopzubcutepé'''

  13. Good luck, oo.

    Indeed,Niev,but I thought they're just in a break.

  14. Great APBZP,Dex,i didn't know you where female,too!Keep it up!

  15. Great!We're going to Austria next week,so I'll be gone then.Hurray for skiing!Thanks for asking :)

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