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Atton Rand

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Status Updates posted by Atton Rand

  1. On second thought, maybe you're right, maybe I could come back for a while, there's not much at the moment, but maybe we could work together to get things going again

  2. Once upon a time I was a big Star Wars nerd, then I lost interest and saw some more serious science fiction,

    and it's nice to see another sci-fi enthusiast

  3. Sounds interesting,

    I tried to PM you about the subject but for some reason it wouldn't let me

  4. Thanks Lewa

    and Ka-Chan, much as I love Monty Python, no that is not actually John Cleese, it's actually a common mistake, that's an image of Stanley Baker playing John Chard in "ZULU" (a 1964 film depicting the battle of Rorke's Drift),

  5. Thanks, actually, I like all kinds of old TV Shows, Faulty Towers, Red Dwarf, Hogan's Heroes

  6. There doesn't seem to be much to come back to

  7. Tribbles are a small furry creature that most of the crew of the enterprise (including Spock), fall in love with, the only problem is they reproduce too quickly, which is what leads to the scene in the picture

  8. Well, after a... certain incident that happened, I ended up leaving here and doing stuff in LGD, I considered coming back a few times but there aren't really a whole lot of interesting rpgs at the moment

    1. avmatoran


      Hey, you could join mine.....

  9. Well, I would have to say it is very funny, I will admit John Clease had some hilarious parts in Monty Python's Flying Circus but he is just as funny in Faulty Towers. I love old comedies like that, and lots of other BBC comedies, Blackadder, Red Dwarf,

  10. Well, I've got a few ideas, I know at first it sounds strange, but I have a few ideas,

    For one thing, you guys want to change history don't you, I have an idea for a way I can do that through this

  11. Well, it seems I've finally got over that prejudice I used to have towards First-Person Shooters, though that hasn't stopped me from having a confusing love/hate relationship with Call of Duty.

  12. Well, it's nice to see another fan of the show

  13. What picture, has someone been sending spam mail again

  14. Whoa, I was just looking at your interests list, you have good taste, it's nice to see another fan of the Beatles, Star Trek and Doctor Who

  15. whoa, it's been a while

  16. Yeah, I'm a big Sci-fi fan

  17. Yeah, I've seen it, I'm considering joining, I'm thinking of playing as a young girl in the colonies

  18. yeah, that's what I thought King of the Vahki, I mean, while the attacking army was a Spanish-Speaking nation (Mexico), it was probably it's own country by then

    so yeah, I'm not the most experienced with Spanish History, Although I do know a bit about Cortez and the Conquistadors

    I also know a lot about British and Canadian history, and American History is pretty

  19. Yes, I happen to be a big fan of Classic Comedy,

    And yes guys, that is Captain Kirk in me avatar

  20. You just noticed that?

  21. Your PM box is full again

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