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Blog Entries posted by Bionigirl

  1. Bionigirl
    I could do a blog entry on how much I love Arch Angel.
    I could also do it on the fact that this is my first blog entry.
    But I'd much rather do it on something else...
    That was a shout-out to my French peeps!
    *French chicks chirp* They come from French Hens. Those things in the 12 Days of Christmas, ya' know?
    Yeah, who would give those as gifts anyways? Were they kicked in the head one too many times by Pohatu?
    I just got back from Oregon with my little sister and my foster parents.
    Yes, I'm adopted.
    There's a long story behind that, which I'll save for another time.
    I'm really tired. And I have to thank my boyfriend, Arch-Angel, for getting me this premier membership.
    I'll be back later. Comments, please!
    Or...duckies will attack you in your sleep.
    That's real threatening.
    You know it is.

  2. Bionigirl
    And there's a good reason for that! I have a new royal zoo of adorable and cute animals that are here for you to look at! Just scroll down and you'll find it on the right side of the screen. If you want to donate some animals to the zoo that are cute and adorable, PM them to me and I might add them!
    Oh, I think I'm gonna go ahead with the comedy. And it'll be very original. Hopefully one of the more original ones. We'll see. I'll try to post the first chapter tonight. B)
  3. Bionigirl
    So I've been playing hide and seek in my house with my little sister. but I neglected to tell her one rule.
    You can't set the house on fire.
    Now most of you would be like, oh, okay. You're kidding.
    I'm not.
    So apparently, she thought it would be a good idea to hide under our stove (under it is an empty compartment where we were supposed to keep school supplies.
    Like school supplies belong in my house. I mean, they're SCHOOL supplies.
    Spell it with me.
    S K O L
    There ya go.
    Anyway, so she also thought it a good idea to leave the stove on and put a rag on it to hide her even better (I question this child's logic...but she got it from me, I'm told B)).
    So I'm in the basement, and I hear an alarm go off.
    Something sorta like this.
    That would be the alarm of smoke. (Very nifty, ain't it? )
    So I ran upstairs, my face covered. My little sister is out on the front yard with firemen and some cops. They bring me over to an ambulance and do the usual routine.
    Yes, this has happened before in other houses.
    Luckily, it was just a stove fire, and didn't get much further than the wall.
    HOWEVER, that wall was the wall where all cords are run to the different rooms.
    And that includes the ethernet cable (internet cord, for all you non-computer junkies. )
    So I'm at my friend's house writing this, since I have no internet. This happened earlier in the week. But I just wanted to say one more thing.
  4. Bionigirl
    I mean, after all Vezon and the Ignika have been through, you wouldn't ever expect them agreeing with each other, would you?
    And yet...
    Now, my theory is that there was a pact made between them in the swamp of Karda Nui. Toa Ignika brings Vezon living rocks, Vezon smashes: everyone happy!
    Of course, I could be wrong.
    *evil pet duckies quack viciously in the background* Or I could be right.
    I suggest leaving comments, unless you want what happened in the last blog post to happen again.
    Yes, I do find that funny.
    Hey, what would you all think if I started a comedy? And not one of those stupid ones where there are pies and spontaneously combusting Toa all over. What about a real comedy, written by me (and maybe ♥TAKi♥...)?
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