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Blog Entries posted by Torchflare1234

  1. Torchflare1234
    97,000+ years ago- Kamas Nui's foundations are set.
    96,500 years ago- Matoran populate Kamas Nui.
    95,500 years ago- The Toa Barak come in to being.
    92,000 years ago- The Barraki known as Mantax conquers Kamas Nui.
    80,000 years ago- The Toa Barak ally with the Brotherhood of Makuta in a preemptive strike against the League of Six Kingdoms. Mantax and the other Barraki disappear and Kamas Nui is freed. Kamas Nui experiences a time of peace.
    74,000 years ago- The Skakdi known as Lupike is banished from Zakaz and becomes an inhabitant of Kamas Nui.
    39,000 years ago- Skakdi raiders begin to terrorize Kamas Nui.
    38,996 years ago- Skakdi raiders are beaten back to their home island.
    1,300 years ago- Toa Konitu and his team become suspicious of the Makuta of Kamas Nui. A fierce battle ensues, the Makuta of Kamas Nui is believed to be dead.
    1,000 years ago- A massive earthquake breaks Kamas Nui, one village disappears completely. The Makuta of Kamas Nui attacks the Toa Barak. Toa Niru, the Toa Barak of Earth, is the last remaining Toa on Kamas Nui. He sacrifices his Toa power to create the Toa Kamas, becoming a Turaga. Turaga Niru instructs the Toa Kamas to coordinate hit-and-run attacks on the Brotherhood of Makuta and the Dark Hunters.
  2. Torchflare1234
    For the past few weeks it been really dry and really hot. Yesterday, the badly needed rain decided to come and with it came thunder, some hail, and a bit of lightning.
    Unfortunately, that bit of lightning had a bite. And that bit of lightning took a bite out of the cable. And the cable's connected to the cable modem. And cable modem's connected to the phone lines. And the phone lines are connected to the phone, the fax machine, and the computers. All of which fried like a chicken.
    We got the cable and the phone fixed, but the computers are trashed. Right now, I'm on my mom's laptop and that means my BZP time is going to be cut short for a while.
  3. Torchflare1234
    I'm really liking this contest. I'm just hoping I can finish in time.
    My entry still needs its legs and cannon. TransforMOCs rock. Probably gonna post it tomorrow or Monday.
    EDIT: The cannon's done, but the legs still need work. In the words of the LEGO Maniac, "Gotta build like crazy!"
  4. Torchflare1234
    One of the purposes of writing this is to explain the past of the Skakdi with three in particular; Dronik; intelligent and scheming, but insane with a delight in seeing others in pain. Zaktan; the ruthless future self-appointed leader of the Piraka. Lupike; the "muscle" of the group and the most skilled in combat of the three.
    The story begins in the time before Makuta Spiriah's experiments on the Skakdi began. Together they are hired to steal important research from the Brotherhood regarding the Skakdi species. With the research information, the Skakdi species can be altered to become a powerful fighting force. While the research exists, the job itself is a set-up by the Dark Hunters to capture the three Skakdi for the reward placed on them by the Brotherhood. Should they succeed, the Dark Hunters gain important information and the reward for the Skakdi's capture. Should they fail; the Dark Hunters merely gain the reward. However, the three succeed in stealing the research, but Dronik, not wanting to split the profits, betrays Zaktan and Lupike. Lupike is believed to be dead and Dronik and Zaktan are captured, but before his capture, Dronik destroys the research.
    The Dark Hunters receive the reward placed on the Skakdi. Dronik is sent to Makuta Sinosis for the extraction of any information the Skakdi might remember from the research. Finding nothing and intruiged by the Skakdi's love for inflicting pain on others, Makuta Sinosis teaches Dronik the ways of torture and interrogation then sells him to the Dark Hunters. Without the fundamental research, Spiriah's experiments on the Skakdi species fail and he is exiled. Zaktan is sent to work in a proto mine until he is later found and recruited by the Shadowed One. Lupike wakes to find himself on the shores of Kamas Nui with a badly fragmented memory and no recollection of how he got there. The Skakdi is found by the local Matoran and amazingly enough, becomes a leading figure on the island, forming an impressive Matoran military.
    Just after the Great Cataclysm and the start of the Brotherhood/ Dark Hunter, reports of the death of Makuta Sinosis reach the Dark Hunters and a team of Dark Hunters is sent to investigate. Dronik, having been trained by the Makuta, is made a part of the team. After several confrontations with the island's new Toa team, Dronik is captured and he and Lupike meet. The encounter restores Lupike's memories and Dronik reveals the knowledge that he, Lupike, and Zaktan were actually the first and only Skakdi to be altered through the process described by the research they had stolen so many years ago. He continues to relate how they had killed the Makuta who mutated them and escaped, leaving only the research information as any clue to the Makuta's experiments. The Brotherhood placed a bounty on the three Skakdi for killing a Makuta without realizing their value.
    Matuka Sinosis having faked his death and infiltrated the Matoran society, overhears Dronik's story and reveals himself to capture the two Skakdi and reverse-engineer the mutation process. However, through the combined forces of the Toa Kamas and the Dark Hunter team, the Makuta is stopped and killed.
    I'd appreciate any thoughts on this, especially towards any possible conflicts with the canon story. Thanks!
  5. Torchflare1234
    Always watch the road. Always.
    Getting a ticket sucks. Majorly.
    Fender-benders suck. Majorly.
    But brakes are good. And being able to walk away is good. No airbag deployment is good. Minor damage is good. No damage is better. Minor trauma, a little flustered, but I'm okay.
    Just, watch the road. Always.
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