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Status Updates posted by Torchflare1234

  1. Read the personal statement.

  2. I consider the word "Toa" to be both plural and singular.

    Elaborate- to discuss or describe in greater detail.

  3. His mask is the Mask of Force Fields; it allows the user to create a force field, the extent and strength of the field depends on the willpower and concentration of the user.

  4. His eyepiece gives him targeting/infrared vision.

  5. Yay for nonconformists!

  6. I'm going to be offline for a while to work on a special project. See my new avatar for a sneak peek.

  7. First 98, then 13, 4, and now 5?! I wish you would make up your mind on how old you are.

  8. Be careful Haru. You've awakened the swarm.

  9. My nearest LEGO store is in Orlando, FL.

  10. Thou shalt be missed.

  11. Ohes noes! A black hole! We're all gonna die!

  12. Ohes noes! A black hole! We're all gonna die!

  13. Ohes noes! A black hole! We're all gonna die!

  14. Ah, yes. There it is.

  15. Or maybe I can turn things to metal with my eyes.

  16. Ohes noes! A black hole! We're all gonna die!

  17. Now, now, if I knew the answer, the question would no longer be eternal.

  18. Bunis taste like chicken. Don't know why, they just do.:P

  19. But there's like, fourteen of us.

    *The other Toa Kamas surround and mob Xairos*

  20. Do you feel this?

    *blasts Xairos into oblivion*

  21. You can find the Halo book series in several bookstores and are available for purchase online.

    There are currently five books; The Fall of Reach, The Flood, First Strike, Ghosts of Onyx, and Contact Harvest which is scheduled for release on October 2nd. A sixth book is possible.

  22. Cause you haven't tried venison.

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