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Status Updates posted by Torchflare1234

  1. I've uploaded most of my MOCs onto my majhost.com folder, just need to take a few more pictures and I'll be done.

  2. Lol. You finally caught on.

  3. lol!!1! i luvz 2 give spam

  4. Yeah, been busy cooking up more ideas for new MOCs and my epic.

  5. Let's see what you got.

  6. I did for a while, but I got over it. Now I consider it a form of flattery.

  7. You guys are making me hungry. Here kitty, kitty!

  8. Yup, he's my brother. By the way Coran, I love the avatar. Grunt-smash, heh.

  9. Look for Sprite Kits in the Art forums, and I've uploaded my entry for BBC 48.

  10. And that's why we don't touch hot objects. Or run with scissors.

  11. Haru: oh yes i will.

    Xairos: I didn't want to include Dakar because I didn't like the idea of a Toa of Shadow as part of a Toa Team.

  12. Oops. I meant bisKITs, not biscuits.

  13. That can't be a healthy thing.

  14. Check out your topic. I made a post there.

  15. I am not a cookie. You may not have a cookie.

  16. *toots horn weakly*

  17. That pic is a VERY big candle.

  18. Well, The Pit Repair Team came in second place in the preliminaries with 41 votes. Thanks to all who voted!

  19. *melts blades*

    A mere vortixx won't hurt me!

  20. I is now a Lightning Voyager. *ZAP* Oww...

  21. Oof! Gonna feel that in the morning.

    *drops a safe*

  22. I did for a while but lack of practicing caused me to get a little rusty. Now I'm getting back to practicing more often.

  23. Some better pics would be nice, but I meant I'd talk more about your mocs when you post a topic for them.

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