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About cam1

  • Birthday 04/21/1994

Profile Information

  • Location
    U.k. or right behind you
  • Interests
    bionicle /running/ bzpower / medal of honor and many i enjoy collecting fossils as well i am quite smart well i think of my self very smart i am good at sports cross country i can run for miles i came in the first 14 in a race once out of 90 people i like climbing.<br />i keep all my bionicles on a big shelf and in a box i am a big bionicle fan and always take care of them.<br />i like my life at home and up my dads i love going on bzpower and have been visiting it ever since 2004 but i became a member in 2006.<br /><br />bionicle is a big part of my life i am extremly mad about it but not crazy people are suprized by how much i know.<br /><br />now on two my favrouites....<br /><br />my favrouite colour is blue and silver they make a good combination<br /><br />my favrouite movie type is horror it just intrestest and scares me 8)<br /><br />my favrouite movies are:<br />bionicle<br />bionicle 2<br />bionicle3<br />alien 1,2,3 and 4<br />preadator<br />avp<br />and other types and war films.<br /><br />my favrouite type of dog is a husky i love them and have one of my own called storm(bewere they are very fast and strong and cost around £700)<br /><br />lastly if you are still awake youm might find me quite postive and happy well its just my character .<br /><br />oh yer i forgot i just love doctor who.<br /><br />my favrouite

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  1. •J9

    im sorry to ask this , but are you a oy or a girl,(its the cameron you was talking to a whie ago)it just that it can be a B or G name

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