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Blog Entries posted by ~Sernakann~

  1. ~Sernakann~
    .........ugh........what? I'm still alive? Didn't think I'd survive that massive explosion of posts of the new 2009 sets. Also, I saved the pics to my computer. A show of hands of everyone who did the same?
  2. ~Sernakann~
    I has Takanuva! Here are the promised pics:

    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... « Front view

    Side view

    Back view

    Close up of double jointed arm

    Upper arm

    Midak Skyblaster


    Close up of double jointed leg


    Front view of legs

    Back view of legs


    Power Lance

    Close up of Power Lance

    New Avohkii

    Mask of Light and Mask of Shadows

    New pieces

    Beware the Giant Toa of Light and Shadows!

    Takanuva vs. Icarax

    Takanuva given in to his dark side....

    Would a Toa of Shadows kill?

    Dark Mirror

    Takanuva with the DM Olmak

    AAAAHH!! Don't shoot me!!
    And even though this is not a review, I'm still going to list the pros and cons. Why? I don't know.
    Great playability
    Cool new pieces
    Love the new Avohkii
    Power Lance is wicked cool
    Takadox heads as armor is a great idea, hope to again in the future
    Takanuva is taller than any Bionicle this year
    Reasonable price (I think $40 for a 267 piece giant Toa of Light and Shadows is pretty good huh?)
    Needs more new pieces
    Can't move his knee sideways
    I also went to S@H and paid $65 for all six Mistika, a Penguin key chain, and a free Gold Brick key chain through a special offer on S@H. The reason I paid only 65 bucks? My mom paid the rest. The reason for that? She had some wine. (Probably shouldn't have said that. ) Also,
    MY BLOG HAS OVER 6000 VIEWS!! *does another happy dance*
  3. ~Sernakann~
    I thinking about writing an epic, but I need ideas for my characters names. If you give me one, you will get a cookie. This is what I gots so far:
    Rejal, Toa of Ice
    Cade, Toa of Fire
    Varsh, Toa of Gravity
    Tiro, Toa of Sonics
    Ryata, Toa of Water
    Kantaz, Toa of Lightning
    Grytor, Toa of Iron
    Still need a name for my Toa of Air though. More names welcome too though (as I'll probably use them for other Toa or other characters).
  4. ~Sernakann~
    Few thing that have happened in in the last....ya know:
    - Went to Canada's Wonderland on Saturday, there I went on the Behemoth! It's 5300 ft. long, the first drop is 2030 ft high and its 75 degrees steep! Went on it four times, once in the rain, and once in the dark. Only one word can describe that ride, and it rhymes with duck.
    - Saw Kung Fu Panda on Friday and The Happening on Sunday. Awesome movies.
    - Got 100 bucks, Mario Kart Wii and some candy for passing Gr.8 with a Gr.9 credit, and 30 bucks for some yard work I did. Anybody got any ideas for something to buy? Maybe something Lego?
    - Today on Space starts a 10 part mini series called Taken, which is about aliens and that. Good stuff.
    Also, somebody PMed me about maybe doing a comic series about the DTO (Dark Toa Organization, my old club), I might do one, maybe even get the DTO back together too while I'm at it....
    Oh yeah, I felt like writing my title backwards today, anybody know what it says?
  5. ~Sernakann~
    I was just about to crush a theory, but it closed just as I was posting. Curse you SPIRIT!!!! Now I'll never have the thrill of destroying a theory....
  6. ~Sernakann~
    My Little Pony is taking over BZPower! Almost all the MODs and Admins have fallen to their might! We must fight back! *is taken away by Fizzy and Galaxy for speaking out* SAVE BZPOWER!!!!!
  7. ~Sernakann~
    Well, actually like the third this year.
    *Been at high school for about a month now, AND I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!! Got music first period (I play the bass guitar ), English second (snore), Math third, and Gym last. Got lots o friends, and already met a girl I like.
    *Plans are in motion for the brand new DTO (Dark Toa Organization) which should show up soon, keep an eye on my blog for updates and other important things concerning the DTO.....
  8. ~Sernakann~
    As mentioned in the last entry, I got 130 bucks, which I've used to buy The Tumbler: Joker's Ice Cream Surprise. Here's a pic:

    But thats not all I bought.

    HOLY #$^@%& I BOUGHT TAKANUVA ON S@H HE IS THE BEST @&^$#% BIONICLE EVAH!!!!!! Sorry, got a little carried away. Also, I'm proud to say that I am the first person on BZPower to own Takanuva! Well, not yet, but I could be soon!
  9. ~Sernakann~
    No more tornado warnings! Looks like I'll get to live to annoy you another day. Also, anyone agree that BL10 is the best book in the history of forever?
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