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Posts posted by Aordain

  1. ***Tanuki stared at the roaring inferno as he came out into the stands, covering his ears to drown out the noise of the crowds, voicing their joy and bloodlust. Dotted across the enormous range were several figures of various races, either scrambling atop mounds of stone, or outright flying. A mountain was vomiting, sickened to the point of a volcanic eruption-as was Tanuki. What had he gotten himself into? This didn't look like a gladiatorial fight-this was a nightmare. Tanuki gripped the edge of railing and continued to peer out, watching what was to come for him...

  2. Hylo, everyone. Sorry about my absence, rl has kept me from here. Anyways, what in general has happened since my disappearance? In particular, is anyone in the arena lounge or near it, and has anything gone on in there? I know one guy tried to talk to me while I was gone and gave up...

  3. Hey, guys, sorry about my absence. I've had computer issues lately. Anyways, these pages are long and I only have so much time to read all this at once-has anything notable happened in the lounge room since my last post? And is/are any player(s) in there?

  4. Tanuki thanked the AI and began walking toward the lounge it had mentioned, looking down at the 'crest' he had been given.He sighed. Like many a matoran before him, he had fantasized about becoming a toa and going off on heroic adventures. Now, desperate for funds, he had sold himself as a gladiator-a position and game he had viewed in contempt before. He went on, his armored boots sharply clacking against the marble-like floor, going over the recent events in his mind, observing, calculating prior events and possible future ones, until he reached a simply decorated entrance, obviously made for beings larger matoran or toa. Tanuki walked through to see a few other gladiators-some standing proud, boasting of their victories to the others, a few sitting and bitterly trying to ignore them, tending to their wounds.Tanuki set his things down against the wall inside and kept his distance, waiting for his first match-whether it was with weapons or words.

  5. Hm... I'm having a little trouble understanding exactly what's going on (I think since I was never involved with the predecessor rp?). Could someone give me a basic summary or something to help me enter? Oh, and, is there anywhere new citizens are required to register or go to first?

  6. Username: AordainName: TanukiFaction: Civilian (Day Run)Species: Matoran/Toa midpointGender: MaleDescription: I will try to get a picture of my moc of him uploaded soon. For the time being, he is a matoran who has only partially transformed into a toa, and as such, his height and proportions are in between. His color theme is a red/dark red base with black offsets (limbs) and chrome silver trim (hands, feet, armor and prosthetics). Bulky prosthetics cover his upper arms and forelegs.Equipment: Backpack, two fire daggers, power sword, a large shield able to produce rhotuka spinners(based off Toa Hagah's). Shield's spinners randomly produce either a blast of searing light that causes chemical bonding, or a blast of darkness that breaks chemical bonds.Mask: Kanohi Kotahi, the Noble Mask of Fusion. This mask allows the wearer to manipulate, create or destroy chemical bonds at a molecular level. As a noble version of the mask, the amount of material that can be affected is greatly limited. (for visual, Noble version looks like Nuhrii's mask- a red and silver noble or lesser mask of dark vision)Powers: Tanuki's natural destiny was to become a toa, though his exact element is unknown. As it is, he has a minor ability to control both light and shadow, but not nearly the same extent that a toa can manipulate a single element. Other than that, Tanuki is a simple warrior, preferring swords and daggers.Vehicle: Currently none.Biography: [Tanuki was created small. Similar to the matoran found on Voya Nui, he was abnormally small for a matoran-with no apparent reason. Over the course of his early existence in a small rural village, he grew tired of dealing with his small size and eventually migrated to Metru Nui in hopes of 'curing' his condition. After several years there, he was taken advantage of by an underworld group who had found information regarding his destiny-as a toa of a rare element. Convincing Tanuki they could fix him, he was tricked and captured, becoming subjects to cruel experiments. The results of these experiments have left Tanuki halfway between a matoran and a toa, with the ability to apparently elemental powers over both light and shadow, along with the ability to use Noble Masks (theoretically he could use Great Masks, but all previous attempts have rendered him unconscious). His arms and legs were also damaged in the process, and have been fused with partial prosthetics that also act as strength enhancers] All information in the brackets are not on his sheet, but I felt are important enough and need to be placed here. What is on the sheet; Victim of bizarre experiments. Hoping to find a way to reverse effects with technology available on Kai-Nam.

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