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Posts posted by nickohlodge

  1. I really enjoyed the first three chapters.  More than I thought.  I felt character development was coming along nicely and I liked the world building with getting to know the protectors, their personalities, and the places they lived.


    The last half was another story.  Really rushed and pretty much just the animations in written form.  Like I was kind of hoping the fight with the Lord of Skull Spiders was going to be less anti-climatic then it was in the animations but nope, it was pretty much just that.  All the villains in general just did not feel that threatening at all.


    I really hope we'll get some more stuff in the second book that fixes these things but I guess we will see.

  2. Okay so I have a bit of confusion on the Gen 2 mask powers...


    So I know they're technically not Kanohi and we don't have the powers of speed, shielding etc.  From what it seems we know so far, the toa masks are what give the toa their elemental powers.


    However what I'm not sure of is the Gold masks purpose.  Are they just giving them stronger elemental powers or just elemental powers to begin with, with their regular ones not really doing anything.  I feel like I've heard it both ways somewhere.


    Also are the main protectors masks powered?  Like do they also have access to elemental powers and maybe that's what powers their blasters?


    If anyone knows the for sure answers on these please let me know!

  3. I bought every single throwbot and every single roborider so I wanted to try out the next thing. They had an ad for selling Vakama and Tahu as a set in Lego magazine so I went for it! Still have them in good condition. Except for Vakama's rubber band since Lego couldn't make a decent rubber band.

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