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Jonestown Bartender

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Status Updates posted by Jonestown Bartender

  1. ...

    I should of thought of that.

  2. "Don't turn this into an RPG. RPGs are not allowed in blogs and they're probably not allowed in comments either".

    it's not a rpg we're just messing around

  3. "You embrace the more negative things in life enduringly while most others merely try to run away from it."

    Ugh. running away from things that i don't like is one of my many flaws. its kind of funny through.

  4. (Yup, and btw it was meant to be helpful, didn't see you cancelled it.)

  5. *hacks at neck with sword befor dying*

  6. *knife impales left lung*

  7. *thores a fish at everone runs a way yelling "Alba gu bra!!!!!"*

  8. ###### I'm going to miss you.

  9. ###### you and your Momentai~, I'll calm down when you stop jumping on everything I do.

  10. ###### you man, ###### you.

    no one has pride in anon it's a joke your too stupid to understand.

  11. A person who can't post

    "Would it KILL you to talk about something not from the Chans for like FIVE MINUTES?"

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