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Jonestown Bartender

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Blog Entries posted by Jonestown Bartender

  1. Jonestown Bartender
    The "Great Beings" are really the Adeptus Mechanicus and the Deus Mechanicus, the Tech-Priest tried to make a Titan with fully mechanical super solders inside to replace the SM but some of them were corrupted by chaos so they dumped the titans on planets far from the Imperium, some of the machines started to act oddly on one of the planets so the Tech-Priest Angonce stayed behind to study them. He later reported back that they were showing life like behavior. When the Inquisition heard of this they deemed it heresy and ordered an exterminatus on the planet that would later be called Bara Magna...
  2. Jonestown Bartender
    I was looking at CoT and we have less then one 10th of what we used to.
    The casualties are over 10,000
    All of it's gone.
    But now we have a new Bzpower to call home, maybe one that well be free from rabid fandom.
  3. Jonestown Bartender
    It honestly makes me hate the radio this time of year.
    If I hear one more song about a deformed deer, possessed snow, or how you have you have to prove your love to people with material objects I'll cut my ears off.
  4. Jonestown Bartender
    "I am Sam.
    I have reached the gates of ######. I entered without fear. I met the Lord of All Evil, and we made a deal. I got back to Earth, with a task.
    I have to kill 665 people before I die. If I do so, I will spend eternity as a Demon King in ######, with my own Legion to command. Of course, I’m very delighted by that perspective…
    There is one condition, though: I cannot just kill random people. There is a trigger: if they hear one simple incantation involving my name, they are eligible to be my target. I managed to make my job easier, putting this spell into a book, a famous one, so that many people will probably hear it. I am very smart, indeed.
    So, after you hear the deadly sentence, I will know you. And, when you are least expecting, you’ll see my shadow out the corner of your eyes. And when you turn your head to see what that was… it will be too late.
    I will be waiting until you hear my name again.
    Sam I am."
  5. Jonestown Bartender
    We want adventure but there's nowhere left to explore.
    We want community but exist,shoe-horned into massive cities, surrounded by people but utterly, utterly alone.
    We strive to find love, for most of us it will never come, and for those who do, will find the loss of it was worse than never having had it at all.
    Everything about the modern human experience is ######ed up and things were even worse before :\
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