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Jonestown Bartender

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Blog Entries posted by Jonestown Bartender

  1. Jonestown Bartender
    I'm a herpderp.
    My herp (derp,herp,hurr, and durr) were all durrhurr.
    I am a derpherpderp.
    I am herpdederp in both the hurr and durr, and hurrdee durr durr.
    I herped derp hurr durr with a derp hurr durr herp.
    I am not herp do derp, but lost my herp at derp and herp derp derp.
    I am herp, derp and hurrdurr.
    And i am herp derp derp.
  2. Jonestown Bartender
    There's a cold wind carrying ice and snow down from the mountains, when it hits your face it will cut you. The sky is gray, but sometimes will clear up and show a cold, dull looking sun that seems to mock with sadistic hatred. Every now and then birds will be knocked into buildings by the wind, I saw one bashed into an on coming car. Its tiny body spread as it hit the wind shield, it slide across the top of the car and fell off. It's fragile body almost split in half was crushed under the tires of the next car.
    I stared at the twisted and blood covered body. The wings had been twisted out of shape and had large amounts of skin pulled of, the head had been smashed and the birds organs had been forced out of its belly. Snow started to cover the mangled corpse and soon all that was left was a red spot in an otherwise uniform snow drift.
    Winter is an unforgiving season where the delicate beauty of nature and it's menacing cruelty are combined so strangely it brings lonely thoughts to one's head.
    I just realized one of the best things I've ever written is about a bird getting smashed. =\
  3. Jonestown Bartender
  4. Jonestown Bartender
    Ever notice how people today seem to go out of their way to not touch people?
    You'll swerve to avoid brushing someone while walking down the street, close friends try not to bump each other while walking, even lovers try to keep PDAs to a minimum.
    Fathers are discouraged from holding their daughters' hands because it's "perverted," and ditto for sons.
    "Hands to yourself!" is a frequently heard phrase in the classroom.
    Today and yesterday, did you actually come in physical contact with another human being?
    Was it skin to skin?
    How many days has it been since your skin has touched the skin of another human?
    Who was the person?
    We find great comfort in petting a dog or a cat. Perhaps it is partially because we are starved for touch.
  5. Jonestown Bartender
    "I think long ago and advance civilization intervened with us and gave us just enough intelligence to make dangerous technology, but not enough to use it is wisely, then they sat back to watch the fun, kind of like a human zoo. You know what folks?
    They're getting their moneys worth."
    I love George Carlin thiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiis much.
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