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Jonestown Bartender

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Blog Entries posted by Jonestown Bartender

  1. Jonestown Bartender
    You are not free, you have never been free, you will never be free. Dose not matter where you live, how old you are, how much money you make, or what your family has done in the past.
    You're always a slave to something until you let go. Stop holding on and let go.
    There are three kinds of people in the world, those of you who control others and are slaves to power thus losing control of them selfs, those who have given up power and are slaves to other humans thus losing control over others, and then there's those lucky few who have let go and are falling, soon to their own doom sadly, but they are free.
    To be free you have to let go of your money, your future, your family, and your will to live.
    If you do this, no one will be able to hurt you, ever.
  2. Jonestown Bartender
    1. Spiders
    2. Doctors
    3. Medicine
    4. Dolls
    5. Small towns
    6. computers that can think
    7. Radio static
    1,2, and 3 are related because when I was 8 I had a bad cold and the doctor gave my mom some 44D.
    After one dose I was seeing giant killer spiders for three days.
  3. Jonestown Bartender
    Eventually I had to post a serious entry about nothing other then what I'm like so here it goes...
    I’m a bit of a rebel and a loner preferring the company of my thoughts and fantastic daydreams to the company of other people.
    I tend to express myself in a very blunt manner to others simply because I don’t really believe in wasting time with niceties. People have told me that I don't express myself well with facial expressions or body language but I can be quite eloquent with words. I don’t say much but when I do say something it’s usually a weird observant or something on the same lines.
    I’m a reserved, analytical and peace-loving soul who is blessed with intuition and intelligence. I dislike braggarts, gossips and neurotic individuals and find socializing difficult. This is because sometimes I can barely hold back my contempt of other people, who are often, acting like fools. I dislike crowds, noise and confusion; you’re more likely to find me on my computer at home rather than attending a big sports event. Emotions are very trying for my mind, I find myself feeling very unbalanced when in a relationship; More than anyone around me. I’m very prone to negative codependent behaviors such as obsession or acting out fears of abandonment on my close friends. For this reason many close personal relationships don't often last.
    I’m happiest when I’m alone to think about thoughts and inner dreams.
    Wow I think I need to lay down now...
  4. Jonestown Bartender
    Someone gave me a link to a forum for people who really think the have super powers so as a joke I pretended to be start a club to stop the government from eating our flesh and drinking our blood so they can take our power's and they thought I was for real ;.;
    then when I told them it was a joke I got flamed and told I was a horrible person.
  5. Jonestown Bartender
    The more innocent and helpless looking a loli is the more likely it's a trap

    The more innocent and helpless looking a real loli is the more likely it's a real trap
  6. Jonestown Bartender
    There's a cold wind carrying ice and snow down from the mountains, when it hits your face it will cut you. The sky is gray, but sometimes will clear up and show a cold, dull looking sun that seems to mock with sadistic hatred. Every now and then birds will be knocked into buildings by the wind, I saw one bashed into an on coming car. Its tiny body spread as it hit the wind shield, it slide across the top of the car and fell off. It's fragile body almost split in half was crushed under the tires of the next car.
    I stared at the twisted and blood covered body. The wings had been twisted out of shape and had large amounts of skin pulled of, the head had been smashed and the birds organs had been forced out of its belly. Snow started to cover the mangled corpse and soon all that was left was a red spot in an otherwise uniform snow drift.
    Winter is an unforgiving season where the delicate beauty of nature and it's menacing cruelty are combined so strangely it brings lonely thoughts to one's head.
    I just realized one of the best things I've ever written is about a bird getting smashed. =\
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