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About ~Quickfire~

  • Birthday 03/15/1993

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    To begin, a small insight to me:<br />Name: Lauren<br />Age: 17<br />Home Country: England<br />Height: 5' 7'' (I think O.o)<br />Weight: too heavy but losing steadily<br />Eye colour: colour changing/multitone - usually dark grey on the outer edge, brown on the inner (YAY for birth defects!)<br />Hair colour: mouse/blonde<br />Loves: BIONICLE, Pokémon, Munchlax, Nintendo, Red vs Blue, Tim Burton films and Kingdom Hearts<br /><br />Now, let's take a more detailed look...<br /><br />I'm Lower Sixth Form (the British equivilent of the 11th grade, I think). In Sixth Form I am taking Performing Arts, English Language and Literiture, Graphic Design and Soiciology. Hopefully that'll make for an interesting two years... <br /><br />I have the best friends I could ask for (but one is in the year below me so I don't see as much of her) and I hang out with them in my free time at school (lunch break and the like). I go out with my friends a lot more these days because in recent years my outgoing-ness has gone through the roof and I want to be out and about a lot more than I used to... back when I was a very shy little thing with barely any self-confidence...<br /><br />I'm not at all into make-up and fashion as most girls are. I much prefer to sit at the computer writing stories or playing on video games. Although, I do love having my hair done! Reading takes up some of my free time, too. I'm currently reading numerous books including "ghostgirl" by Tonya Hurley and it is soo good!<br /><br />Karate takes up my Saturday mornings. I'm very close to being a Black Belt (yay!!!). I just need to grade once more before I can do a Black Belt grading. I've been doing it for about... nine years now?<br /><br />I've been told by many that I am a very creative person. I enjoy writing stories as well as reading them, and they are usually about either BIONICLE or something magic or dragon related. I blame the amount of stuff I've read over the years for my creativeness (:P).<br /><br />Films. I LOVE to watch films. The live-action Transformers films are two of my favourites at the moment, but the '80s one is pretty fun to watch. I also love to watch martial arts films (like Kung Fu Hustle, anything with Jackie Chan, Iron Monkey, Curse of the Golden Flower etc) to see how other cultures (mainly the Chinese) fight in comparison to the Japanese (who created Karate).<br /><br />TV... hmm, TV... not one of my favourite things to do unless I'm staring at the infamous box because I'm using it to play on my Wii or PS2. I do, however, love to watch Fairly OddParents, Pokémon, Sonic Underground, Dr. Who, Heroes and the Simpsons. I do enjoy watching anime (mainly Cardcaptors) on the internet, though. Web series seem so much more fun for some reason (GO RED VS BLUE!!!). <br /><br />Games - I couldn't live without my games consoles. I have a PS2, Wii, Gameboy Micro, Gameboy Advance and a DSLite. I do workouts on WiiFit every day (if I can) and I'm doing pretty good on it at the moment. I have at least 30 games for my PS2 but I only play on a few (e.g.: Beyond Good and Evil (Number 2 is in the making!!! WOOP!!!), LEGO Star Wars 1-2, BIONICLE: The Game, Kingdom Hearts 1-2 etc.). I play Final Fantasy III, Pokémon Diamond, Cooking Mama (which is surprisingly fun) and BIONICLE Heroes (which took me about three days) on the DSLite. I love to play LEGO Star Wars: the Complete Saga, Pokémon Battle Revolution, Super Mario Galaxy, Super Smash Bros. Brawl and Rayman Raving Rabbids on the Wii. My favourite old skool game is Banjo-Kazooie and the N64 - it is soooo awesome!<br /><br />*sniffs air* Ah... food... I love to try new foods from all over the world, but my one true food-related love is fajitas (for those of you who don't know: meat, lettuce, cheese, sour cream in a flour tortilla (flat bread type thing)). If you've never had fajitas, you've not lived! :P<br /><br />Music - I listen to it all the time! I'm currently listening to Tiger Amry. My favourite band at the moment has to be either The All-American Rejects or Skillet. Both are AWESOME!!! I have an iPod mini (yeah, kinda old skool but oh well) in blue. I've had it for about five years and the battery nearly stopped working but my dad put a new one in (he's clever like that).<br /><br />I love to travel. I went to Florida last summer, and apart from the occasional tropical storm it was AMAZING!!! I'd really like to go to New York and California, too. Other places I'd love to visit are Japan, China and Canada (I did end up there briefly on the way to Florida but I only saw the airport).<br /><br />I LOVE acting. I recently had a Performance Evening which bagged me an A to go towards my final grade, but in the past I have played a large range of characters such as the Crow from the Tortoise and the Hare. Artaban the Fourth Wise Man, a mummy (as in ancient Egypt), and the Rooster from the Musicians of Bremen. I've done all the kiddie rolls, too, such as the little animals that dance around the stage whilst the main characters sing, the chorus etc. I was also a very grumpy lioness, a centaur (no, I didn't actually look like one, but that was what the character was meant to be...), and I've been the narrator on several occasions.<br /><br />It is unfortunate for me to report that I'm getting dragged down the path of fangirldom. Not for Kopaka, or any other Bionicle character, actually, but for none other than Jack Skellington from the Nightmare Before Christmas and I bought so much NBC stuff when I was at DisneyWorld! I can't help it, though; he's just so darn AWESOME!!! *glomps Jack* I also love Cosmo, Wanda and their son Poof from Fairly OddParents. I do have a liking for Vakama Metru and Gresh, however...<br /><br />Well... I think that's all I have to say *takes note of large cast of fantasy characters (BIONICLE included) stood behind her looking very bored* and I think my imagination wants me back.<br /><br />Bye x

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  1. *Looks at QuickFire's photo* Are you an Emo? Just to know ._.

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