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Premier Retired Staff
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Blog Entries posted by Zeddy

  1. Zeddy
    FINALLY found an ethernet cable and got connected to Xbox Live.
    I downloaded the NXE, though, and it's cool. =P
    Not sure if I'm going to play any online games ATM. Maybe later. I only have a few coupons so I'll use them sparingly.
    EDIT: Oh, I guess my Premiership ran out.. 3 days late, but whatev. =P See you guys in July.
  2. Zeddy
    So that was a fun (and tiring) trip. Everything hurts and I just want to lie down on my bed and drift off. But I still have the weekend so I could go somewhere else (but probably not because comfy bed + homework + shower + heating = staying inside).
    I think the highlight was when I got to do a tour thing where I got to drive around Tuscany in an old Fiat 500. It was my first time driving on the wrong right side of the road so that took some getting used to, but I managed without any civilian casualties. Most of the drive was either up- or down-hill so we didn't really have a chance to go past second gear but it was fun nonetheless. It was refreshing and fun driving a car with no electronic assists and also the engine was at the back (!) so it was very loud but oddly peaceful. The petrol/gasoline/whateveryoucallit fumes may have helped a bit.
    I've always wanted to drive an old-ish car, and the Fiat 500 (the new one) is basically my dream car under the category of "Cars I Will Realistically Be Able to Afford Someday", so it was a pretty satisfying tour. (If any of you are planning to visit Florence, I'd recommend looking into these tours.)
  3. Zeddy
    ... a Hero Factory set? I don't own a single one and I've been craving for something to build. I'm not with my Bionicle collection (it's at home) so I can't dismantle things and start building. Also I would like to have a few of the pieces too, just to see what they're like and maybe use them in a hypothetical MOC.
    So my question is, of the current line which one do you like best? I was leaning towards the Evo XL one because if it's the only one I buy, it's OK to splurge a little. Second option would be the Rocka Stealth Machine. If you guys already own them, let me know what you think of them. How big are they, how heavy, how fragile/stable (mainly coz they're gonna have to fit in a suitcase).
    Worst case, I'll just buy a couple of Mixels.
  4. Zeddy
    I finally made it to one lol
    Pomegranate, TMD and B6, y'all are cool people.
    Hope to meet more people at the next one, whenever it is.
  5. Zeddy
    So I got a ton of holiday homework for the summer holidays.. and there's like a 100 questions for Math.
    I'm staring at them and going 'How the heck do you solve this <yay> question?!'. I mean, if you're giving us 100 questions and about a 100 more in other subjects, at least give some that kids can understand?
  6. Zeddy
    So, I'm back. For a while anyway. Something prompted my renewed interest in Bionicle... I wonder what it was.
    I'll probably be making some changes around the blog, bringing it up to date because it's like, really really old and outdated. My profile section still shows FAs as green.
    I also looked at a few of my past entries, Anne Frankly, I'm a little stunned. Was I ever that young lol
    I'm just gonna leave them there as a warning/testament to my youth. Those were some carefree days. I'm going to be embarrassed about those entries forever though, just sayin'. You should definitely stay away from them.
    Oh, and any new ideas for a title? "Zeddy's Blog" is always an option, but literally anything else would be better.
  7. Zeddy
    ... kinda.
    Me and Erebus were chatting, and we got to the topic of all those old cartoons.. Dexter, Powerpuff Girls, I Am Weasel, Johnny Bravo, 2 Stupid Dogs, Ed, Edd and Eddy, Flintstones, Courage the Cowardly Dog.. man were those good times.
  8. Zeddy
    Sometimes when I'm super tired and at the point where I should be waking up, I start dreaming that I've woken up and doing normal things like checking my phone and e-mail, turning my laptop on, getting coffee etc. When this has progressed sufficiently I realize that I'm only just dreaming and come out of it, by which time I'm too disappointed to do anything and just go back to sleep and the cycle repeats itself.

    Another time, I was dreaming and then I realized I was dreaming and so I woke up, only to realize a few minutes (seconds?) later that I was still dreaming, and I woke up for realsies. Dream within a dream.
    Inception is real, people.
  9. Zeddy
    I've been wanting to do this entry for a while, if only to share my own experience with something people have a very limited exposure to. It also happens to be my 200th entry (I honestly don't even remember when I made the other 190+, but whatever ).
    Anyway, I don't know how familiar y'all are with Bollywood. You've probably seen Slumdog Millionaire, but that one doesn't really count because it was made by a British filmmaker and just had Indian actors and was set in India (at least, it doesn't count for me. ) The other things you might have heard are that Bollywood is full of mindless comedies that make no sense, often relying on overused tropes and slapstick humor that is in the loosest sense of the term, "funny". That, plus the music and the dance numbers. Ever present and in abundance in almost every movie that's released.
    Some filmmakers tend to stick to the age-old, tried and tested formula of a "comedy" with the occasional catchy (and often exploitative) song to draw the audiences in. Then, there are others who use the medium of film to tell smart, compelling stories that are miles removed from the other films that tend to fill the space of Bollywood.
    I wanted to use this entry to share some of the movies I'd seen recently that are able to remain uniquely Indian, and are not just "good" in the Bollywood sense of the term (which honestly isn't very hard), but good films in general. They tell their stories well and use music to accentuate themselves, rather than as standalone crowd-pleasers. I was planning to do a series of these sort of entries. There's a lot of gems that get lost in the sea of generic films that are released almost every week, and I don't think I'll be able to cover them all in one entry. Let me know if you want to see more of these.
    The following are movies I've seen and loved, so I might miss out on some that I haven't seen but are equally good or better (I'll probably talk about those later). If you're interested, you can probably find most, if not all, of these films on Netflix or something. OK, enough rambling, onto the list:
    Kahaani ("Story"): I don't want to spoil too much because this is after all a mystery. It is a beautifully shot movie set in the city of Calcutta. I would say she goes against the grain and tends to portray strong, independent female characters that do not rely on a male lead. This was the first movie of hers I'd seen and the ending blew my mind (it was a little contrived, but not like anything audiences had seen before). The journey is amazing and tells you a lot about the city and living in it, and the performances are exquisite. If you're into foreign films at all, pretty much all films starring the lead actress Vidya Balan, and the actor Nawazuddin Siddiqui are worth a watch.
    Mardaani: The title literally translates to "manly", but this film is entirely centered on the life of a female police officer in Mumbai. It deals with some strong subject matters and is quite ruthless in its depiction- not something I'm used to seeing. Again, I don't want to say too much, but it does a good job in dealing with an issue that is a serious problem in society, not just in India, but the world. Like any film, it does have a feel-good ending, but that shouldn't take away from the fact that it is a great movie nonetheless. I would argue that after seeing or learning about the things depicted in the movie, you need to end on a high note. This movie released only a few months ago, btw.
    Queen: Another movie released recently that centers around the life of a girl named Rani (queen). I don't know what to say about this movie, except that you're missing out by not watching it. Think of it as a sort of coming-of-age movie, with some actual self-realization and character development thrown in. It's progressive by almost any standards you apply to it, which is a huge step for Bollywood. It also helps that the music is pretty amazing and if anything accentuates the film, rather than being a standalone thing.
    Chak De India: Released a while ago, in 2007 I think? But it was a huge success. It starred Shah Rukh Khan (you may have heard of him) in an actual, serious role. It is a sports film, and one that deals with the Indian national women's hockey team and their coach. This was unheard of because a) it is a women's sports team and, b) the sport is hockey, which despite being the national sport of India, is sadly neglected in favor of cricket (which is almost like a religion now). Again, this is a feel-good movie but in a way that almost anyone who has been part of a team can relate to. It does a good job of shedding light on the plight of women's sports and this is a problem not just isolated to one corner of the globe. I don't know, but I felt super awesome after watching the movie. This one is definitely available on Netflix.
    So there it is. This is just a fraction of the movies I could talk about, but if you guys want, I could make a series or something out of this (and maybe even include some music?). Let me know. If not, that's fine, I just wanted my 200th entry to be something semi-important.
  10. Zeddy
    Bugs! Of some kind have infested my roommate's and I's... room. And beds. I'll give you one guess as to what bugs they are and, if you guess right, I wouldn't know because we don't know what kind of bugs they are either. My money's on a carpet beetle, which is weird because there are no carpets in sight but I guess just because it's called a carpet beetle doesn't mean it's exclusive to carpets.
    I don't know. We're getting the room smoked out or whatever... the good thing about being in college is there's someone to do it for you. What sucks is we can't enter the room for a couple of days and we've been sleeping in the basement which probably has worse things going on than a few critters.
    In order to make you (and me) feel better about this, here is a video of dachshund puppies:

  11. Zeddy
    So I was watching this preview of the Heroes episode 'Into Asylum', and a part of it shows Sylar and stuff. And I couldn't help noticing the striking resemblance to the Joker.
    And I'm thinking of maybe getting a signoff...
  12. Zeddy
    I've been watching Salt in Russian as a way of procrastinating, instead of researching stuff about Ukraine. I think it's a fair compromise.
    also im sleepy halp
  13. Zeddy
    Now it looks exactly like that other dual-stick zombie shooter with 3D cuboid characters!
    Especially after you ruined Fruit Ninja with whatever silly updates you made to the interface and menu... I don't think I can support you in this endeavor anymore, Halfbrick. Good luck with the fat wads of cash you'll be making but I'll tell you what, you're not gonna find my money in there.
    It was a good... idk, like five? years and a lot of fun times, so I'm just gonna leave now before you ruin it more. If you need me, I'll be here, glued to my phone, playing 2048 till the end of times.
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