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Premier Retired Staff
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Blog Entries posted by Zeddy

  1. Zeddy
    Help me think of a spiffy title. (Subtitle too.)
    Winner gets a blog award/banner of their choice.
    (You have till 3rd December, after which my patience will run out. )
  2. Zeddy
    So, like, school sucks.
    Can you believe I have to go to school tomorrow? Oo
    Yes, a Sunday. SUNDAY. (For some stupid cultural program, but still, man.)
    I've been to school every single day of this week. >_<
    But thankfully, Monday and Tuesday (HINT HINT) are holidays. *phew*
    I just felt like letting out my frustration somewhere.. so yeah. Discuss and what-not.
  3. Zeddy
    ... a contest that I have the relevant skills to enter (check out GA21 guys), and a Humble Bundle I don't feel the need to buy.
  4. Zeddy
    So like I'm having this dessert and it's like super sweet and all the sugar in it is giving me a rush and I'm getting all hyper even when I should be sleeping sometime soon. OMG the energy. :br:
  5. Zeddy
    As you know my comp is totally messed up, and I'm not using mine. So when mine comes back, chances are it'll be re-formatted or something. And that's where I had my iTunes library and stuff. So now when I re-install iTunes on it, it would delete all the songs I have currently on my iPod. Why Apple couldn't have done something for this problem, I'll never know.
    Also there's no way I can get back my pictures stored on the iPod, either. >___>
    Which means I'll have to use some third-party thing to get the stuff back, which I doubt will work. <___<
    *That is, in the case of iPods and stuffs.
  6. Zeddy
    It's kinda sad watching it here, because while the new season has probably already started in the USA, we're still stuck on 'It's Coming'.
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