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Premier Retired Staff
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Blog Entries posted by Zeddy

  1. Zeddy
    Help me think of a spiffy title. (Subtitle too.)
    Winner gets a blog award/banner of their choice.
    (You have till 3rd December, after which my patience will run out. )
  2. Zeddy
    It's kinda sad watching it here, because while the new season has probably already started in the USA, we're still stuck on 'It's Coming'.
  3. Zeddy
    Bad start to staffdom. Can't use images with that URL on them. The site has forums -Shine

    B6 whar my forums kthxbai
    and ill be gettin some new graphix up soon
    EDIT: 'Kay, then Shine. I'll upload it to Photobucket minus the link.
  4. Zeddy
    So I got a ton of holiday homework for the summer holidays.. and there's like a 100 questions for Math.
    I'm staring at them and going 'How the heck do you solve this <yay> question?!'. I mean, if you're giving us 100 questions and about a 100 more in other subjects, at least give some that kids can understand?
  5. Zeddy
    I mean really. A couple of days ago I realized I hadn't updated my staff bio in forever (read: 6 years), which means I was literally 13 when I wrote it. If you have ever encountered the average 13 year old online, you may have been slightly taken aback by the things they threatened to do to you and your loved ones. Needless to say, writing short paragraphs about their still developing sense of self in a humorous, yet not-incredibly-immature-sounding way is not one of their strong suits. Just look at the early days of Adventurer's blog for an idea of what I'm talking about.
    My point is, I have a new bio (thanks Gata). The old one has been purged.
    BUT that's not the end of it though. Fortunately for you and unfortunately for me, I decided to save it. I mean, what is the point of past mistakes if you can't learn from them? And also because something like that didn't deserve to disappear forever- it was a testament to my youth. A reminder of a different, happier time, when... er... Krika (?) and Tahu et al. were trudging around a swamp, with giant bat-Makutas flying overhead. And those Axalaras and Rockohs, how great were they? Good times, man...
    Anyway, here is the screenshot. Enjoy.
  6. Zeddy
    I was thinking I should start drawing again. As in, on paper, with a pencil etc.
    Haven't drawn a single thing [except doodles in text books during class when I'm bored =P] since last August or September.
    The problem is.. I can't get around to actually doing it.
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