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Premier Retired Staff
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Blog Entries posted by Zeddy

  1. Zeddy
    I had this really weird dream last night about G.I.Joes. O_o
    Dunno what caused it, but it was really weird... like they were near a volcano, and then another guy is running from some other guys and he uses his phone to get a car [like in GTA IV]- specifically the Turismo from GTA IV []- and drives away in this mountainous area... and then he's chased... and then... I forgot what happens after that. But still.
    O_o 0_o o_0 o_O
  2. Zeddy
    I've decided to read the book [completely] by Bram Stoker.
    My Dad bought it for me when I was 9 or something, and I tried reading it then, but it was too long and boring for me. Then I tried again when I was.. 11 or 12. It was still kinda boring so I read only bits and pieces.
    Now I'm finally going to read it from beginning to end.
    Wish me luck. =P
  3. Zeddy
    So, I'm back. For a while anyway. Something prompted my renewed interest in Bionicle... I wonder what it was.
    I'll probably be making some changes around the blog, bringing it up to date because it's like, really really old and outdated. My profile section still shows FAs as green.
    I also looked at a few of my past entries, Anne Frankly, I'm a little stunned. Was I ever that young lol
    I'm just gonna leave them there as a warning/testament to my youth. Those were some carefree days. I'm going to be embarrassed about those entries forever though, just sayin'. You should definitely stay away from them.
    Oh, and any new ideas for a title? "Zeddy's Blog" is always an option, but literally anything else would be better.
  4. Zeddy
    No one in my family, but still.
    One of the teachers in my school passed away yesterday. He didn't teach me, but I still feel pretty sad.
    And to think me an my friends used to make fun of him.

  5. Zeddy
    So I was wondering if anyone knows whether applying toothpaste on a scratched disk actually works?
    I've seen this as a solution on a ton of websites, but I have to know for sure if it does really work before trying it. :\
  6. Zeddy
    My Photobucket bandwidth got exceeded, and I'm sure it's got something to do with the requests from the Dark Beings. So please, if you use something from my Photobucket, don't use it. Please, please upload it to your own Maj or Photobucket and then use it.. PLEASE
    PM me if you want your banner and stuff. Which you will upload to your own Maj/Photobucket.
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