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Blog Entries posted by Parugi

  1. Parugi
    Just got a potential idea for a new Day Run-related-but-not-quite-sequel RPG. While it obviously won't be entered in this contest, I may have it ready by September, if I decide to do it at all.
    If not, you'll still hear about it.
  2. Parugi
    Zanth (slightly blurry, sorry)
    Lyxek (!!!!) And again. Once more.
    Vuelo snarrrl
    Sivik (bad picture; see note at bottom)
    Galagi (kind of)
    I still have a bunch of other pictures to take, but not enough sunlight at this point, so I'll get them tomorrow after school. And on top oft he other MOCs, I'll be taking a few more/better pictures of some of the above.
  3. Parugi
    So I may be meeting with a published author on Tuesday to discuss novel writing tips.
    As you can imagine, this is flippin' awesome.
    The only downside is that the meeting would be in Eugene, which is like... a couple of hours away from here. But you know what? I'm cool with that.
    The only issue is whether I can get a ride up there...
  4. Parugi
    So today has been in interesting day in Day Run. i think now is as good a time as any to go on that break, until it's either continued via RPG or epic...
    Questions and points raised here:
    The Construct -- the Searcher -- has settled in the Barrens
    Alan and Kairan are both injured, as well as an untold number of others
    Elithes, Illuxio and Dalmia seem to be primed for a massive battle in the eastern Barrens
    The Director seems to have some untold plans for the Day Run
    Lyxek is unusually happy about the results of the Construct's actions...
    Rhindon has sensed... something... that is out of the ordinary, only partially related to the Searcher
    The Dark Hunters are all on their way to finding the Rose
    On top of that... An ocean of Feranaki trapped underground? How did the horde get so large when it had been thinned so much?
    Tarius seems to be dead... but is he? And what was that light that rose from where he died...?
    Just what the heck is even going on!? What is the true purpose of this war? What is the relation between the Director and Lyxek? Who built the Director? What is Dalmia actually up to? Who is Lyccir? What happened during the Forgotten Period?
    Who or what is Rhashahk?

    Yeah, definitely a great place to cut things off for a while.
  5. Parugi
    Hey, all. I'm looking for opinions on what all I can condense/change/reword/fix/you name it for Day Run. With three days left before the RPG Contest entry period starts, I'm looking to get this done as soon as possible so that I can jump on adapting it for the contest theme once I get the chance.
    The current draft is below.
  6. Parugi
    So yeah. A little late, but I suppose it doesn't hurt to say this publicly. The Silvermind arc in ROTR -- which, as many know, took up a ridiculous amount of time (over half of the RPG, actually) -- has finally ended, so if it was holding up your plans, fear no more -- you're free to move forward again.
    Let it also be known that I will no longer accept gigantic plots like those if whoever is proposing one is the only person who will be running them -- especially if you don't have a very good activity record. In other words, you need at least one person to help you drive it along if it's going to affect more than five people. Because that was ridiculously long and I stand by my claim that it almost killed the RPG from lack of interest quite a way in. :3
    That is all.
  7. Parugi
    Hey, players of RotR! I have a question for you!
    So, Rise of the Rockets has been going on for over two years now, yes? Yes. And it now spans over 200 pages in total. That said, if you could choose any of the plots that have happened--any at all, however many you need--which ones would you say compose the main storyline of the RPG?
    Obviously, a lot of stuff has happened, but admittedly, a lot of it has been filler--the Killer Hypno arc, for instance, or a lot of the recruitment missions. So I'm curious to know what, out of all the plots that have been done, actually counts as 'main plot.'
    So yeah, if you guys could help me out here, and try to be specific with locations and who was involved (if possible,) that'd be awesome. And don't just say stuff because your characters were involved in it--I'm looking for the RPG's main story, not your characters'.
    (Yes, there is a reason for me asking this, aside from simply being curious, but I'll go into that later.)
  8. Parugi
    Wow. So, it's been a while, hasn't it?
    Alright; well, I don't have a lot of time to comment on the new BZP layout (it's spiffy) so I'll just say what I need to say real quick before I try to get some stuff done. As you guys know, I was in the process of running two RPGs before the forums went down, Day Run: The Garden and Rise of the Rockets. Unfortunately, I didn't have their coded version saved before the forums went off line, so I need to recode them and stuff before I can repost them. Needless to say, I don't know how long that'll take, nor do I know when I'll get a chance to actually repost them (and I need to check with the mods about reposting them, as well, so additional time... blah.)
    So yeah. Just so you guys all know that. And I'm glad to be back here.
  9. Parugi
    Wow, it's been two years already? Where did the time go...
    Anyway, happy anniversary to Rise of the Rockets! It's been a long, strange trip, spanning well over 200 pages, and I'm excited for whatever else is to come--regardless of how good or bad it is.
    As a treat, everyone gets a freebie reward--as per tradition! So use it however you want, whenever you want, and on (almost) whatever you want!
  10. Parugi
    The Garden has been submitted.
    Now, with any luck, I'll win and we can avoid another dual GM-disappearance for this next batch of RPGs. :/
    No offense to anyone intended.
    But... now what? I'm all out of salsa and ROTR has slowed to a halt! ><
  11. Parugi
    Oh boy. I'm giving myself goosebumps now. And it's only going to get worse from here. X3
    Much worse.
    Though I have to say, this plotline has been fun to play.
  12. Parugi
    So, tomorrow will be December 2nd, which means that the Short Story contest is going to close to new entrants. While that's all well and good, it means I'm going to have to work -very- hard tomorrow on editing my entry if I'm going to get to enter -- which, hopefully, I will.
    Regardless of whether I get to or not, tomorrow is the start of a weekend (after school, anyway,) and I have a ton of stuff that I'm going to do on here to celebrate. This includes, but may not be limited to:
    -Uploading several drawings of characters and scenes from Day Run, some of them things that people have seen at this point, some that you haven't. Obviously, because of that latter point, I will not be uploading all of them onto here, though they will get added as time goes on and more gets revealed.
    -Again, the posting of Absolute Power, regardless of whether I get to enter it or not.
    -Renewed activity and updates to important stuff in Island of Pain, RotR (which really needs some hugs and new members; I highly encourage people to join it ^-^,) the BZPRPG and, most importantly, possibly, Day Run -- which,. as things stand, there's already quite a big thing or two going on, which may or may not have been influenced by NGE... ;P
    -Potentially the official posting of the rewritten Broken Unity. At this point,. the prologue is ready; I'm still debating on whether I should add onto the first few chapters, though. I do, however, absolutely need to rewrite parts of some of them.
    And that's all I can think of. But yeah, it should be interesting both on and off BZP; we're putting our Christmas tree up tomorrow (our first real one in my memory... :-O) and we're having a party in my Art class, so it'll be fun. ^-^
  13. Parugi
    Not going to bother with anything formal or whatever today; for some reason looking at ROTR has worn me out.
    Day Run
    Not much to say here; things are rolling along nicely. If things go according to plan, it'll be done by January -- and with a lot of twists and turns thrown in.
    Heck, even in the short amount of time that it's been back, we've already had a couple of major discoveries... kind of. While I'm pretty sure this post (coincidentally post #66) breaks a couple of rules, it very clearly turned the public view of Lyxek around as a villain -- and that's awesome. With luck, things will keep going smoothly.
    Rise of the Rockets
    Sigh. As I said before, for some reason, every time I go to reply to the RPG, I feel all worn out. Before anyone asks, it has nothing to do with the players that have been posting a lot lately; you guys are awesome. But I seriously feel as if the downtime did some terrible things to the RPG. Interest was already waning immediately before the forums went off-line, which stinks by itself; but now that the forums are back, it feels like I -- as well as a couple of the others -- have just... lost a bit of interest. I don't feel the same energy I did back in April when I would go to post; it seems like trying to come up with a post is now a tedious duty or something, and it's really aggravating me for a number of reasons -- the biggest of which being that, as the game master, especially with the number of plans that I want to put into action in the game, I shouldn't feel so worn out about the game.
    The biggest problem, I think, has to do with another downtime-related thing. As a result of the archiving thing, we essentially had to leave behind all of the information we had put together in the old RPG topic and start anew -- which in many ways is a good thing, except for the fact that, because of the whole "log you out when you go to the archive" thing, a surprising number of people seem to suddenly be uninterested in the RPG, just because they don't want to have to log back in; I've actually had to push a couple of people to just suck it up and go get their profiles, since I don't follow their logic of not doing so, but eh....
    I don't know. I guess my main point is just this: I really don't want the topic to die, especially just because we had to relocate; that seems like a terrible reason to let something as big as ROTR die. Consider this a reaching out of sorts -- the point at which the old topic was cut off is now a new milestone for us to reach again. So let's pull together and keep on playing until we beat that page record -- it's senseless to me to consider that as something that can't be done again, considering we've done it before, and with the experience that we've gained since then, this will provide an opportunity to come up with even better plots and role-playing experiences than we've had in the past.
    Art and MoCs
    Since school started, I've begun taking an art class. I'm happy to say that I'm improving at a very rapid pace -- I've already made a couple of really awesomesauce pictures (including one of a Breaker from Day Run) that I'll eventually scan and post here. Needless to say, Lady Kopaka and others were right in saying that everyone is an artist -- they just need to find something that works for them.
    But yeah. Due to failing in all of my attempts to draw Dalmia from Day Run, I've recruited a friend to try her hand at it; most likely, knowing her, it'll be amazing and I'll have to accept it as the official artwork of the character. That, too, will eventually be posted here, whenever it gets finished. I've also improved several MoCs over the downtime, including Lyxek and the Toa Exa; I'm not sure when I'll get those posted, though rest assured that they will come eventually -- the Toa Exa, in particular, tie in with my Broken Unity reveal below.
    This'll require a blog post in and of itself; however, over the summer I watched the entirety of Neon Genesis Evangelion.
    My reaction?
    ............................................................................. ARGBOOM.
    More information once my head reforms and I make a blog post with a more in depth explanation.
    Finally... the reveal about Broken Unity:
    I've decided to restart it.
    I know at least one person is probably going to be upset by that sentence. However, after rereading it and weighing some things, I've come to the conclusion that it's... well, just really badly written. It's been on-going since 2007, and since that time, due to events in Day Run, Night Ride, Gladiator, Thaken and other stories, a lot of my original plans just don't add up anymore; there are a number of plot holes that I really want to fix, but can't, due to the fact that it would require the rewriting of several chapters to effectively do, anyway. On top of that, ever since its last update, I've found myself in a position where I just can not continue the story -- I had a chapter written up back in June, but the thumb drive that it was on was stolen and ever since then I just don't have the will to put back together what I had at one point.
    So... yeah. I'm going to restart it. With new forums to post it on, as well as with everything on the other forum, anyway, and newer, better ideas that can be written far better now that I've improved my writing abilities, a fresh start seems like the right choice. I'm planning on starting the rewrite sometime within the next few weeks, so if you're interested in following it.... yeah. Be on the look out.
    (And Kal -- again, I apologize. But to be honest, you basically are my only reader... )
  14. Parugi
    So as of now, Day Run is in third with a two vote lead--and that's fantastic! With the final poll closing tomorrow, we only need a few more votes to absolutely secure a victory. So I would like to encourage everyone who hasn't to keep on voting, and to spread the word if they so wish!
    As part of this encouragement, I'm writing up a really long, almost short story-like opening post for Day Run as we speak! With luck, I'll have it ready by tomorrow--and a part of it posted here before the finals end!
    So yeah. Vote Day Run! 8D
  15. Parugi
    ...“You… What are you doing here?” the Toa demanded, taking a step forward. The Toa of Ectoplasm before him, her armor battered, dented and burned in several places, merely crossed her arms and tilted her head down, still not looking at him. His eye twitched, and he clenched his fists. “You died on Gynel; no one saw you leave, and there’s no way that you could have survived the Brotherhood’s purge of the island. Either you’re smarter than I initially thought and found a way off without being killed or someone else had a part in it. Now answer me – how are you here!?”
    ...The Toa turned around, staring him straight in the eye, sparks meeting between those two pairs of glowing orbs -- one purple, the other icy blue. A sly smile was plastered upon her Mask of Psychometry. “I think you know the answer to that already,” she said coldly, raising her hand. Ectoplasm floated from it, swirling above her palm. “I’m as close to a ghost as any living being can be… and everyone knows that ghosts can’t die.”
    A little spur of the moment piece. But what could it mean? Hm....
  16. Parugi
    RPGs are fun.
    I like them.
    They are great.
    And... I can't think of a funny pun.
    Horrible verse aside, anyone know what the current deal with the COT approval system is? EDIT: Thanks, EW. I have an idea for a Pokémon RPG that I don't think has been used yet.
    To give you an idea of what I mean, allow me to paint you a mental picture:
    It's 20 (maybe? Still working on the time) years after the Sinnoh games/anime/adventures as a whole. Four Team Rocket administrators, fed up with Giovanni's inability to successfully take over Kanto, rebel against him and take control of Team Rocket. They move on to take over not only Kanto, but Johto, Hoenn, Sinnoh and the Orange Islands, as well as destroying the Sevii Islands and the remnants of Teams Aqua, Magma and Galactic. Ash, Gary, and every other powerful trainer/legendary Pokémon is imprisoned, forced into hiding or dead. 10 years after the takeover, an official, organized resistance springs up (not the first -- other trainers had attempted rebellion in the past, though to little avail, mostly because they weren't as organized and they had fewer resources) led by three trainers, and they declare war on the Rockets. Present time, the war takes a turn for the worst, and so the resistance, now desperate, begins to send newer recruits -- the players, also called "Agents" -- out to the field so as to find Gym Leaders, E4 members, trainers like Ash and Gary, Legendary Pokémon, etc. while the rest of the organization continues to openly fight, so as to gather enough strength to defeat Team Rocket once and for all.
    The story would be fairly sandbox-like -- players could choose to include whatever they want and mix the manga and anime however they wished. The only set in stone things would be the obvious -- the resistance leaders (though they are subject to replacement by player characters, particularly in the event that any are killed,) the four Rocket Leaders, and the location of the Resistance HQ -- which is also subject to change, because you never know when the Rockets could launch a full scale attack on it.
  17. Parugi
    Narrowest victory ever. Of all time.
    1st. Island of Pain by TPTI--29 votes
    2nd. Perpetual by Parugi and Loophole by Legolover-361--18 votes
    4th. Waves of the South Alter Securi by Toa Levacius Zehvor--17 votes
    5th. Dystopian by Giant of Lannister and Claustrophobia by Kryzath--16 votes
    I'm surprised by how much of a landslide lead IoP had, but dang--for a while there, the five-way race between the others was getting nerve-wracking...
  18. Parugi
    See this RPG?
    It's at 244 pages at the time of writing this blog entry, pages filled with multiple story arcs -- many of them long, some of them short, a lot of them fantastic, some of them not so much. It's the first ever Parugi-hosted COT RPG. It's also the longest ever (from what I've heard) Pokémon RPG on BZP to date, surpassing even Exo's.
    And it's almost a year old already, as of a month and three days from now.
    Geez. It feels like only yesterday I was working on it both in this blog and in the RPG planning topic. Time sure does fly! Now to think of an anniversary prize...
  19. Parugi
    Wow, today has been big, hasn't it?
    -Bluefalcon has died.
    -Kyle's been shot.
    -Reboot of World's End has been launched.
    -I almost got assassinated.
    -I talked to my best friend who I haven't talked to in a while 'cause she has been sick but is now doing better.
    -RPG Contest 18 just started.
    -My dad is going to work on getting MS Word working again.
  20. Parugi
    Check it out! I think it turned out pretty nicely, personally.
    And yes, I did reuse part of a Sleight post for the Rocket portion of the introduction, but that's only because I thought it did a good job of showing what the current TR situation is. I'll probably change it at some point in the near future, though. =)
  21. Parugi
    So... I posted that short story I was talking about. It's called "One" and it can be found here.
    Once again, I issue this warning: It has spoilers for what -might- come to be in the RPG. If you want to read it, though, then go ahead; I can't stop you.
    Also, yes, I decided not to enter it in the SS contest. Oh well. Maybe next time.
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