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Blog Entries posted by Parugi

  1. Parugi
    Two days late. Oh well.
    Anyway, as I said in my last entry, I need to modify and streamline Day Run's opening post for the RPG contest next month. Frankly, it's a bit cluttered right now, and I'm not entirely sure that some of the stuff still in it needs to be there. At the moment, I'm planning on shortening some of the longer sections and updating information with the Factions section to be more up to date, but aside from that, I'm not sure what all I should modify.
    So, that in mind, I'm looking for peoples' suggestions on what sections/rules/other things need to be edited. As well, I want to ask for your opinions -- if you played the game or observed it to a point where you have a legitimate gripe with the way I've run things, I would like to know what you all think I could do better as Day Run's GM if it comes back. Basically, how can I improve the game and the way I run it?
    Thanks in advance. =)
  2. Parugi
    Hey. How's it going?
    Going good? That's good.
    Say, you know what's going on right now? RPG Contest #23. That's what's going on.
    Did you know that you get three votes per poll in RPG Contests? Yeah, who knew, right?
    I bet you also didn't know that voting for this contest begins on Saturday. Yeah, that's right: Saturday. And you have three votes.
    Some of you probably already have your top choices picked out. That's cool. But for those of you who don't, here's something to consider:
    Day Run.
    Yes. Day Run.
    It'd be awesome if you voted for it. You know why? Because this. That is why.
    As you can see by clicking on that link, Day Run is awesome. And fantastic--which is always good. So you should vote for it.
    Especially since, you know, you have three votes. And Day Run would only use one.
    also we have cookies.
  3. Parugi
    OhboyohboyohboythisshouldbeFUN! I haven't done one of these in MONTHS, so today I bring not one, not two, but FOUR characters teasers!
    So, yeah. Four characters today, woo! I'll introduce them one at a time, so as to not get incredibly stale fast.
    First, I thought I'd start off with another antagonist, someone along the lines of Team Rocket in the Pokémon anime (though not as lame... ) This fellow has been mentioned in several character teasers in the past, and is an enemy and rival to not only Kovian, but his friend Dothe as well. Quite egotistical, this fellow does not take criticism well -- and for good reason. Ladies and gents, I present Jocra, otherwise known as Summoner.
    Who is he? What are his powers?
    Jocra is, for one, named after one of my former RL friends, using the same naming scheme of such characters as Johmak and Tobduk. He's a veteran Dark Hunter with the power to summon the dead -- hence his codename. He is also able to utilize Madusa vision if he so wishes, turning those who look into his eyes into stone -- more than once he has tried to transform Dothe and others into 'decorations' for the Shadowed One, and has failed in most instances. It is said that the only way for the transformation to be reversed is by killing Summoner -- no easy task, mind you.
    In terms of back story, Jocra hails from a tribal island. Throughout his life, he studied the dark arts, learning how to use voodoo spells and such to take control of the dead. Eventually he had a run in with a a Higher Deity, who cursed him with the permanent ability to raise the dead as well as the power to turn beings to stone -- with a warning that for each body destroyed, with each enemy killed, his home would become more and more twisted. Ignoring this, Jocra went on what could be described as a crusade with his powers, though few took kindly to the zombies attacking their homes; soon enough Jocra's own land was little more than a nightmarish, poisoned realm, and his armies were destroyed in a mass rebellion. Dejected and defeated, he left, and was eventually recruited into the Dark Hunters.
    Jocra is cold, heartless and incredibly egotistical. From his point of view, the fact that his island is gone gives him free reign with his powers, meaning that he no longer needs to be careful of who he fights or how many corpses he raised -- essentially granting him ultimate power. Summoner is among the many Dark Hunters who wish to defeat the Shadowed One and take control of the organization, though unlike the rest, he actually possesses the ability to do so, even if he does lack the skill. Despite this, he is plotting with his closest (for lack of a better word) friend, Fragmenter, attempting to devise the perfect plan for such an act.
    ... Yeah. I feel like I repeated a bunch of stuff... a lot. W/e.
    Who does he work with? Against?
    As stated above (a lot) Summoner is a Dark Hunter, and as such works for the Shadowed One, even if he doesn't like it. He is essentially Fragmenter's permanent partner in crime, and the two have become close accomplices. Other than that, their alliances are to themselves, as they seek to take over the Dark Hunters, thoguh for now, they are willing to follow the Shadowed One's orders.
    Summoner and Fragmenter, like the Dark Toa, are rivals to Kovian and his group, much like the Dark Toa. Unlike the latter, however, Summoner has no respect for Kovian or Dothe, causing mutual dislike amongst them. He will also not hesitate to attack those 'below' him on Dark Hunter territory, challenging them to duels to the death... and usually winning.
    Final thoughts?
    Summoner is cocky. Unsurprising. One might think that he will have a lesser role because of this, but as shown with Dagaeris and Tox in Night Ride or Draco Malfoy in Harry Potter, even cocky individuals can prove very important to the story...
    Oh, and random bit of trivia -- Jocra uses the Tobduk/Johmak/Jerbraz naming scheme in that his name is the combination of the first and last names of one of my ex-friends. This naming scheme is used by a lot of other characters in DD/BU, including but not limited to Coar, Céris, Kythos and Talsim.
    Anyway, second up would be a very sneaky, snaky person, and the final member of the Dark Toa. Terror, Rage, and Technology... All of those are fine and dandy, but what would a group of cliché Toa be without a Toa of Poison? Yup; this is who I will be detailing next -- transformed from a MAtoran and into a Toa of Poison, Kasen brings another threat to the story, partly through ways listed here, and partly through ways that you won't know until he story starts.
    Who is she? What are her powers?
    You already know the backstory to these Toa by now -- they were Matoran picked up by a group of Dark Hunters and subsequently transformed into five Dark Toa of Fear, Technology, Anger, Poison (as shown here) and another element that you won't know until you know. Kasen is a Toa of Poison, and just like the rearranged version of her name implies, she's a snake -- extremely sly, very quiet, and quite manipulative, many times she needs nothing more than her words to get her job done. Should her tool die, she will turn to her Mask of Disguise to change her appearance and destroy her damage from the inside out -- either way works for her, really.
    Kasen is a master combatant when it comes to long range combat, using poisoned darts to her advantage. She's an excellent hand-to-hand combatant, too, being able to paralyze beings by hitting them in the right places, usually after using her flirtatious ways to stall them.
    All in all, she's deadly. Not much else to say about her.
    Who does she work with? Against?
    She's part of the Dark Toa. She's against Kovian and co. For more details look for the Terror/Rage entry or the Anomaly entry.
    Final thoughts?
    See above.
    Kay; third on the list is a Matoran of Air with the unusual ability to copy other beings powers, temporarily shutting them out form their own powers when he does so. This Matoran, if you read what I wrote of Innocence, should be vaguely recognizable, as he made an appearance there. His name? Loky, though he doesn't mind the nickname of Face.
    Who is he? What are his powers?
    Loky hails from a Matoran trading outpost called Iikol, somewhere near Stelt. Not much is known about him, though he was in the area at the time of Toa Exaina's death, sometime after she had created Exa-Nui, and was interrogated by a Vortixx named Diax later as a result, as he had been accused of committing the crime -- reasons included the appearance of a shadowy Vortixx-like figure at the scene, the finding of several of Diax's possessions in the area, and the overall attitude of the Vortixx. Regardless, Loky provided Diax information on what had occurred, and was left alone after that.
    Between that time and Dark Deeds, Loky took part in an experiment in which he was granted the ability to temporarily steal another being's powers for up to an hour. Unsurprisingly, he ended up misusing this power on one of his not so good days, and was promptly inducted into the Dark Hunters. It was around this time that Kovian joined, and being a rather loyal figure in comparison to the Toa, the Shadowed One assigned them to work together on their first mission. Despite initial hostilities, they got over their differences and [DATA CORRUPTED]
    Loky is a very mellow being, usually spending his time relaxing. Due to the experiment performed on him, he no longer needs to wear a mask, at the cost of essentially having no face -- instead it is replaced by, quite literally, a blank, green-white space. This does not bother him, as he no longer needs to worry about his appearance, and it doesn't affect his ability to see, hear or speak at all. He carries a pair of unbreakable, green shields, similar to the Dark Hunter Firedracax, and usually acts as a support unit on the field.
    Who does he work with? Against?
    Loky tends to stay neutral, though has been known to pair up with Kovian (and, through him, other Dark Hunters) on missions.
    Final thoughts?
    Loky's a pretty cool dude. He's actually the result of the combination of the regular Matoran from Innocence and another Dark Hunter I had planned called Symbiont (essentially a carbon copy of Venom from Spider-Man, now canceled (thank goodness;)) frankly I like this better than the alternative option...
    There will be another teaser soon, to go along with the next chapter of Broken Unity, which should be wrapped up by October (no promises.) Hope you enjoyed.
  4. Parugi
    It got worse.
    In case you couldn't tell--yes, I have been reading NGE-related stuff today, and yes, it has had an adverse effect on my psyche! 8D
  5. Parugi
    Could it be?
    An actual picture?
    One of me!?
    Are you sure!?
    Say it isn't so!
    Oh no!
    This can't be so!
    Say it isn't so, yo!
    I really need to stop trying to write songs. But, yeah -- piccy of me, you see, what an anomaly. Which reminds me of today's character teaser, the Dark Hunter Anomaly.
    Who is he? What are his powers?
    So, you remember Dacres/Terror and Sekrit/Rage from earlier, correct? Anomaly -- or, as he is commonly known, Ventelis -- is another Dark Toa, as such I won't be getting into his backstory very much. This time, though, there's a twist! Whilst the others had fathomable powers, Anomaly controls a completely different element. That element is technology.
    Rather odd, right? That's what Ventelis thought at first, as well. Out of the other Dark Toa, he had the toughest time learning to control his new powers -- Dark Hunter computers went crazy as he walked by, simple machinery exploded ta a touch. However, now that he has mastered his power, he is a force to be reckoned with. His ability to control his mechanical bullets, fire through his teched-out sniper rifle, allows him to easily redirect his shots so that they hit has targets. At a range, he can effectively shut down communications between team members using his Kanohi Stalis, Mask of Incomprehension; many groups of heroes have met their end through this, as they are unable to warn the others of the danger approaching from behind. Ventelis himself is emotionless and silent, preferring silence to loud noises -- as is the way of the hunter...
    Who does he work with? Against?
    Ventelis works alongside Dacres, Sekrit and the other two Dark Toa, following their lead whilst making himself heard through his skills. Unlike the others, he harbors no dislike towards any other group within the Dark Hunters -- any attack made by him is merely his following of an order, unless otherwise stated.
    However, he does hate plants with a passion, going so far as to ignite an entire forest so as to clear the area of vegetation, as well as any other creatures that might reside within it -- living, dead or in between.
    Final thoughts?
    Anomaly... What a cool name! And to think, it only took me a whole couple of months to think of it. Anyway, compared to earlier versions of this character, Ventelis is everything I've ever wanted in a stealth hunter: silence, proficiency and drive -- a true anomaly, as you'll find out later on.
  6. Parugi
    Read and review.
    I have to say that I wasn't terribly confident about posting this chapter. Not because I think the writing is bad--far from it--but because I felt the transition from one area to another, done arguably abruptly, might've been a bad idea. Ultimately, though, I think it's fine--it's not like the events in the two areas are going to be separate for long.
  7. Parugi
    Bumping for contest.

    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «Name: Kerid. Faction: The Day Run.
    Species: Upper-Class Steltian (Sidorak’s species.)
    Gender: Female.
    Description: Eight feet tall, with a muscular and heavily armored, navy blue form. Kerid is an incredibly intimidating being in both appearance and personality, at least at first glance; her armor is equipped with several strange devices, many of whose abilities are unknown, and her Kanohi Pakari gives her a rather cold appearance in general. Once you get to know her, though, she isn’t so bad – in truth she simply wants what’s best for people and what will entertain them the most, and is a strong believer in justice, though not necessarily the kind that the KNPD dishes out. She has had disagreements with both the Director and Lyxek in the path, though allows both to continue entering their respective officers into the Day Run – presumably so as to gain intelligence on them. She is also incredibly difficult to intimidate herself, having stood up fearlessly to literal zombies and an enraged Lyxek on several occasions. Kerid has also recently rediscovered her morals and values, demonstrated by the discarding her new Mask of Mind Control and going back to using her old Kanohi Pakari helmet.
    Equipment: Triple-bladed Plasma axe; forearm energy shields.
    Mask: Kanohi Pakari, Mask of Strength; carved into the shape of a helmet.
    Powers: Kerid possesses the ability to control plasma via her axe, as well as increase her strength via her Kanohi Pakari. Other than those she has no powers.
    Vehicle: N/A.
    Biography: Kerid hails from the island of Stelt, where she lived as a wealthy, though often bored individual, as she usually found herself without anything to do. At some point she discovered the joys of arena combat and became a part-time fighter in Stelt’s annual tournaments; her skills attracted the attention of Daeja, who hired her as head of security for the Night Run. After the Night Run ended, Kerid took control of the tournament and reworked it into the Day Run, moving their operations to Kai-Nam and gaining a rather large amount of respect from the Night Run’s contestants. Recently, she has authorized Ring members and KNPD officers to participate in the Day Run, though tensions between her and the aforementioned groups have been higher than usual.
    Name: Ehjoras.
    Faction: The Day Run.
    Species: Pha-Matoran.
    Gender: Male.
    Description: Five feet tall, like most other Matoran, and wearing silver and turquoise armor with wing-like decorations on his shoulders, knees, elbows and ankles. He also wears a belt lined with half a dozen pouches around his waist, in which he carries various tools.
    Ehjoras is a very friendly being, and hasn’t changed much since the Night Run. He enjoys getting to know contestants and getting their opinions on the Day Run, as well as hearing stories about their experiences and sharing his own. Ehjoras is a very optimistic being in general -- he was one of the primary morale-boosters during the last Feranaki attack on Gynel, and almost never lets anything get him down. He is also very enthusiastic, as shown by his commentary during Day Run events.
    Equipment: Standard issue handyman equipment – screwdrivers, nails, tape measures, etc., as well as several electronic devices used to monitor the activity of the Recorder 2.0s, the race track and the arena, in the event that anything needs to be repaired.
    Mask: Powerless Kanohi Akaku, Mask of X-Ray Vision.
    Powers: Ectoplasm (inaccessible.)
    Vehicle: N/A.
    Biography: Ehjoras is well known for being the inventor of many of the Day and Night Runs’ devices, examples being the Team Crests, the nanobots responsible for the drastic terrain changes to the race track and arena, the Recorders and, later, the Recorder 2.0s, among many, many other devices. Ehjoras has very little memory of his life prior to the Night Run, brought about by the first attack of the Feranaki on Gynel, though he has begun to regain fractions of memory, especially after meeting several of the other Pha-Matoran rescued after the last tournament.
    Name: The Director.
    Faction: KNPD.
    Species: Unknown.
    Gender: Male.
    Description: No one has ever seen the Director’s face; in every video chat that he has been seen in (for that is the only way anyone sees him) he has appeared to be completely covered in darkness, due to a bright light in the background behind him obscuring his features. From his silhouette, he appears to be one of a mid-sized species, possibly the same as Sanshou or a Vortixx, though no one is quite sure what he is.
    The Director is very straightforward, and appears to be all about business – he assigns KNPD members their assignments with a cool attitude that suggests that he does not care about what he is actually saying, and almost seems to rush agents along so that he may assign more jobs to other agents. The reasons as to why he acts like this, as well as his true nature, are not currently known.
    Equipment: Unknown.
    Mask: Unknown.
    Powers: Unknown.
    Vehicle: Unknown.
    Biography: In living memory, no one has seen the Director in person since the formation of the KNPD – those who should still be alive and thus would remember that day are no longer around, having died many years ago from mysterious causes.... all at the same time. All that is known is that he runs the KNPD now and he has managed to keep his identity secret from everyone on the island – including his own officers.
    Name: Lurinost.
    Faction: KNPD.
    Species: Páladoston.
    Gender: Female.
    Description: Lurinost is eight feet tall and has half-moon mirrors on her face, stomach, shins and forearms. Her armor is dark green in color, with many points at the tips of each section, and is colored orange at the edges; Lurinost's armor bears a very jester-like appearance to it, due to her rather pointed boots and due to its coloration. She has no visible eyes, yet she is still able to see, and she almost always has a smug grin plastered on what is visible of her mouth through her “mirror helmet.”
    Lurinost is arrogant, stubborn and insistent – and she has reason to be, because she has, according to rumors, single-handedly defeated more Ring members than the rest of her squad and the second most powerful KNPD squad combined. Lurinost tends to use her authority against citizens if they have something she wants, something that is supposedly frowned upon by the Director; strangely, though, she has yet to be removed from service. She sees most other beings as being beneath her, and never takes the words of anyone else seriously – something Lyxek has taken note of and intends to exploit…
    Equipment: Lurinost’s hand mirrors are her primary tools, as they function both as effective shields and, with mental activation, they can be ejected from their slots, though are still connected to her armor via energy chains, and then used as chain-boomerangs of sorts.
    Mask: N/A.
    Powers: Despite what her armor color suggests, Lurinost can manipulate Stone and Sand via her mirrors, to a much greater extent than Toa of either element. She also possesses the ability to locate beings and objects via her left hand mirror and is – to an extent – telepathic. She is also incredibly strong and agile.
    Vehicle: Lurinost pilots a relatively simple-looking vehicle called the Copycat; in its standard form, it is a metal sphere just large enough to comfortably fit Lurinost inside of it. Once several controls are activated, it uses external scanners to lock on to a nearby Mecha, deploying dozens of thin, flexible metal rods from its hull; a strange liquid then begins to envelope the Copycat, connecting at the rods. Soon enough, the Copycat has transformed into an exact replica of the scanned mecha, giving it all of its abilities.
    Biography: Like another being very similar to her, Lurinost’s origins are unknown to all but her. She arrived from the Southern Islands many thousands of years ago, wandering the universe in search of someone capable of defeating her in battle. Thus far, she has yet to find that person. Somehow, she eventually met the Director of the KNPD and joined his organization – though her reasons for doing so are unknown, as she doesn’t seem like the type of being who would willingly serve anyone else. She has been relatively hard at work fighting against organizations like the Ring ever since.
    Name: Sanshou.
    Faction: KNPD.
    Species: Artanian.
    Gender: Female.
    Description: As an Artanian, Sanshou greatly resembles a Toa, being seven feet tall and all that jazz. However, her armor is completely black and is more aerodynamic than that of a Toa. She also wears a long, gray scarf, which is wrapped around her neck at all times and covers her mouth, and the ends of which hang down the left of her back, coming to a stop just below her knees. Her eyes are a glowing yellow.
    In terms of personality, Sanshou is a quiet and reserved individual, as well as relatively polite despite being paired up with Lurinost. She doesn't talk much, making her appear slightly unintelligent, but in reality she is intelligent and calculating. What she does say tends to be short and concise, getting straight to the point. Like Elithes, her intentions are purely for justice, though she doesn't harbor as strong of a suspicion of the KNPD as he does.
    Equipment: Sanshou always carries a respectable amount of small daggers with her, which she uses both to throw and attack with at close range. She has also been seen using a curved blade at times, though this is rare. She also carries a bag of smokeballs, which she uses as a distraction to get away... or as a decoy so as to catch her prey.
    Mask: Sanshou wears a black Noble Ruru.
    Powers: Sanshou possesses no powers. She is, however, an accomplished knife thrower and close-range knife fighter, using her daggers effectively in either case, as well as being an incredibly acrobatic being.
    Vehicle: Sanshou does not own her own vehicle, though when prompted to she has borrowed and effectively piloted several different KNPD-issued vehicles, suggesting she has had past vehicle training.
    Biography: A relatively new member of the KNPD, Sanshou was formerly a bounty hunter operating as a member of the Guild of Tyis, with her primary skills revolving around assassination. Sanshou is no stranger to Kai-Nam, having operated there before; however, the recent rise in crime in the city has concerned her, and has acted as her primary reason for joining the KNPD, so that she may keep a closer eye on events there. Though her plans did not factor in a corrupted leader, she has used the extra power to her advantage during her crime-fighting sprees.
    Name: Sensha.
    Faction: KNPD.
    Species: Southern Ondarian.
    Gender: Female.
    Description: Sensha is very much like Sanshou in appearance; however, there are some key differences. Sensha's armor is almost completely white, with blue undertones, and is extremely sleek so as to decrease wind resistance. She is the same height as a Toa, though is considerably thinner, and is far more agile than a Toa could ever hope to be, pulling off flips and stunts that would rival the skills of the Dark Hunter Lariska. Sensha's eyes are light blue in coloration, and her mask gives her face a perpetual smile.
    In terms of personality, Sensha is extremely cheerful, energetic, and borderline insane. She loves showing off her skills to others, usually taking her time in a chase so as to flaunt her abilities to spectators. She speaks in a cheerful tone at all times, something that tends to get on Sanshou's nerves. Sensha does not tend to listen to others, rushing into situations without much thought and bringing about (what she perceives as) justice through any means possible, even if that means killing a potential criminal. Despite her slightly sadistic attitude, Sensha is considered a thing of beauty by many, and often finds herself surrounded by admirers.
    Equipment: Sensha utilizes a protosteel bow staff in combat, as well as for acrobatic use in day to day life and whilst in pursuit of criminals.
    Mask: Kanohi Idra, Mask of Intangibility. Shaped like a rounded, white helmet with two large feather-like decorations extending back from either side. The sides of the mouth opening are also twisted so as to mimic a smile, much like that of a Miru.
    Powers: Sensha possesses a paralysis ability that can only be focused through her hands. Her power seems to work differently depending on whether or not you have powers -- if so, then it simply blocks access to them for an unspecific amount of time. If you do not have powers, then the attack will leave wherever you get hit numb and unable to be used for some time. Sensha is also extremely acrobatic, and possesses roe strength than she appears to.
    Vehicle: Surprisingly, Sensha pilots a very large, very fearsome Wyvern-Type Mecha. Measuring an incredible 22 feet long and 16 feet tall, Sensha's Mecha -- named the Niaka after the similarly shaped Rahi native to Kai-Nam -- possesses quite a bit of equipment: Powerful thrusters and wings for flight, flamethrowers located in its mouth, bladed wings, protosteel armor, and machine guns all make the Niaka a devastating weapon in combat. Its sheer size, surprising maneuverability, protosteel armor, Smart A.I. and just plain skilled piloting on Sensha's part all make it incredibly difficult to take out.
    Biography: Sensha is rather... unique among the other members of her squad in that she was already on Kai-Nam prior to the formation of the KNPD. Acting as an entertainer, she was and still is fairly famous on the island, putting her amazing acrobatic talents to good use -- sponsoring programs for the common good, for example. She was later influenced into joining the KNPD so as to use her abilities to catch criminals, and was quickly paired up with Lurinost and Sanshou. It was around this time that she also began to display rather sociopathic behavior, using whatever means she could to catch wrongdoers -- even if those means involved severely harming others.

    Name: Lyxek.
    Faction: The Ring.
    Species: Toa of Sonics.
    Gender: Male.
    Description: A standard, seven-foot-tall Toa of Sonics, Lyxek appears to be heavily armored – in reality, his armor is lightweight and is designed to appear baggy, reflecting his laid-back personality. He has buried his roots by painting his armor and Kanohi Kirimo black and white, as well as to better blend in with the residents of Kai-Nam.
    Lyxek is, at first glance, a greedy individual – he wants money, he wants power, and he’s not afraid to use force to get either of them. However, most of his actions stem from his love of fun -- threatening and bribing people so as to provide himself with entertainment, mostly in the form of gambling and watching civilians suffer. He is a strong believer in luck and chance, and employs them in many of the Ring’s operations. However, Lyxek is a bit of a coward, running away from battles that he does not think he can win. He also has a love for music, probably brought about by his control over sound, which seems to help him keep his short temper in check – when an underling brings him bad news, for example, he usually begins playing his guitar in response.
    Equipment: A protosteel guitar, through which he channels his powers. Showcasing Lyxek’s love for luck, the guitar features a dial on the back that, when spun, will come to stop on a random number between five and zero, represented by a skull; the number it lands on determines how powerful the attack is, with the skull being the strongest and five being the weakest (though still being quite powerful.) Should his sonic attacks fail, the guitar can also function as an axe, or he resorts to a deck of blank, razor-sharp, Protosteel throwing cards. His armor is also equipped with an antenna behind his head, though the purpose of this is unknown.
    Mask: Kanohi Kirimo, Mask of Kinetic Manipulation. The Kirimo allows Lyxek to manipulate the speed at which other objects move, be they other beings, rolling stones, his own throwing cards, anything. Though he doesn’t tend to use it offensively, he has been known to use it to pack an extra punch while hurling his protosteel cards, as well as using it to stop police officers in their tracks so that he can make a quick getaway. As a note, Lyxek’s Kirimo is shaped and painted like a white Kakama.
    Powers: Complete control over Sonics, further amplified by his guitar.
    Vehicle: Unknown.
    Biography: Lyxek’s initial appearance on Kai-Nam several years ago was taken rather lightly – he seemed like just an ordinary Toa who wanted to help protect the island’s various labs following the Skakdi raid. Unfortunately, he was met by a string of bad luck – few laboratories considered him serious enough to trust their goods to, and fewer beings thought he possessed the experience to track down and defeat any potential thieves. This along with his virtual imprisonment on the island, due to him not owning a boat, sent him on his own spree of robberies; by the time the crimes had been traced back to him and an arrest was attempted, Lyxek had already used the stolen money and technology to set up a base, as well as corrupt many individuals to his cause. Lyxek has led the Ring ever since, expanding his operations to the majority of Central
    Name: Vailian.
    Faction: The Ring; Day Run (Team Luck. Crest: Three dice.)
    Species: Hivéna.
    Gender: Male.
    Description: Vailian, like all Hivéna, stands at eight feet tall, and appears to be more mechanical than most other species in the Matoran Universe, being far more robotic in appearance than, say, Toa or Makuta. He is black and red in color, with gold and white scattered throughout. His bulky body armor is primarily black trimmed with gold, with a red stripe running down his front so as to give the appearance of wearing a sort of military uniform. His arm and leg armor is all black, with similar gold trim on his wrists and ankles, and his feet and hands are white, resembling gloves and boots. His shoulder armor comes to an upward point near his jaw, creating a sort of coat collar, and his head is black with dark green eyes. Vailian wears a helmet very similar to a hat, relatively flat in the back and pointing outward in the front, and is colored with a gold trim with a large, white feather on the right side; the inside and bottom of the point are completely red.
    In terms of personality, Vailian is calm and collected, remaining calm under pressure, though he is also extremely proud; luckily, the other side of his personality balances this out, though he tends to take certain insults rather badly. Nevertheless, he is cunning, and manages to find ways out of extremely sticky situations. Much like Lyxek, he is a strong believer in luck, something that he seems to have quite a bit of, and relies heavily on his Coder and cards to give him the strength to win his battles. The majority of the moves he makes are carefully calculated, structured so as to give him an edge over his opponent; regardless of this, though, he is fair to his opponents, looking down on foul play, and tends to engage in banter with his opponents before officially beginning a fight with them.
    Equipment: Vailian’s weapon is the Coder, a device resembling a gauntlet permanently fixed over his left hand. It is silver in color and bears a hollow space in which a deck of cards is placed, and three slots in which a single card can be set above that. The Coder is capable of temporarily encoding various powers into Vailian; how it does this is unknown, but it is technology developed on Kai-Nam. First, two to five cards are drawn from the deck; Vailian then chooses one to three of these cards to place into the coder. Once this is done he will gain access to the chosen powers for an hour; during that time, the cards that were not chosen are returned to the deck and no other cards can be removed or drawn until the hour is up. It also modifies Vailian’s armor so as to symbolize his chosen powers.
    Mask: N/A.
    Powers: Vailian does not possess any natural powers, though his Coder can temporarily program certain powers into him via special cards. However, he is fairly agile, as well as a natural acrobat despite his bulk. For a full list of Vailian's cards, see here.
    Vehicle: Vailian is not a strong believer in vehicular travel; instead he opts for small, two-use teleportation devices that were originally developed on Kai-Nam and extensively used by Makuta Jaeda during her time on Exa-Nui and Gynel. The Ring variants are limited to travel between Ring bases; usually Vailian uses them to travel to one base and then back to wherever he was before.
    Biography: Once upon a time, Vailian was a bounty hunter and hired protector on an unknown island. After a series of failed captures because of his lack of powers, he was ridiculed and opted tot ravel to Kai-Nam so as to acquire weapons to assist him in his endeavors. Gaining the attention of Lyxek, Vailian was convinced to join the Ring and train under Lyxek, who also gave him his Coder. Since then he has become Lyxek’s most trusted guard. He recently joined the Day Run out of a mix of interest in the tournament and orders to do so from his leader, and even volunteered and was chosen to take part in the Day Run’s opening arena match.
    Name: Dalmia.
    Faction: The Ring.
    Species: Unknown; reptilian with eight wings. Possible sub-species of Zyglak.
    Gender: Male.
    Description: Dalmia is a reptilian, Toa-sized being. He is primarily black with dark green, slightly florescent lines running all along his body, as well as eight wings on his back; usually, they are folded over him so as to make it seem like he is wearing a robe, though when he unfolds them, such as for flight, his actual, lean body is seen. He has sharp, though small talons on his hands.
    Dalmia is a very mysterious and playful being. Even in the face of danger, he does not hesitate to make a joke, as seen when he was captured by the KNPD. Further, he is a sly individual and possesses a snake's tongue, being able to manipulate powerful beings with his words. Dalmia is also extremely sarcastic at times and has been known to hint at the Ring's plans, or the truth about certain matters, playing this off as if he actually wishes for the destruction of the Ring.
    Equipment: Dalmia wears a helmet that, thus far, has been seen to be able to trace beings through illusions. Other than that, he does not seem to have anything that is not a part of his body.
    Mask: None, though he permanently wears a helmet with a pitch-black visor. This visor is a piece of heck tech equipment that, for one, can not be removed from his head. It can do several things for the Ring agent -- for example, he can see through illusions and track energy using it. Each of these actions switches the interior of the visor into a unique color; the aforementioned tool, for example, turns his visor yellow.
    Powers: Dalmia is known to possess several powers, most of them acting as ethereal or mind-altering abilities. He is capable of transporting himself through invisible portals, making it seem as if he is turning invisible when he does so. He has also been shown to be able to create illusions of himself in faraway locations that he has visited without actually moving his body; an example is when he appeared to Kayzata in a vehicle factory while his physical body was still in the Ring's HQ. It seems that he can also alter gravity, as he was shown to literally stand on the side of a building in the South District. Dalmia can also fly via the use of his eight wings, and launch blasts of dust like energy from his being; these blasts take the form of ghostly apparitions of whatever body part he launches them out of. For example, he was shown to stand still and launch a blast in the shape of his entire body on one occasion. Along with this, he can increase the speed at which he moves, similar to a Kakama user. It is also implied that he has other, smaller powers.
    Vehicle: N/A. He doesn't need one. Seriously; he has wings and can teleport. What point is there in a vehicle for him?
    Biography: Contrary to his status in the Ring, Dalmia is a fairly recent recruit in the organization. Originally just some random troublemaker on Kai-Nam, he joined the Ring as a means to get some recognition for his "art" -- that is, the damage he was causing to City's population; this has put him fairly high on the KNPD's wanted list, as he has been able to do far more damage lately with the Ring's equipment. Recently, he was captured by the KNPD, though regained his freedom when Sanshou was subsequently captured by the Ring, and both organizations agreed to a trade. In that time, his appearances have been marked by disaster and tragedy, first when the Collector attacked a bar he had gone to for the trade, second when he flew around the mountains where Draxion found a dead body, and thirdwhen he appeared to Sanshou and Brother in South District following combat with several monsters.
    It is thought that several of his abilities -- or, at the very least, the high power that he currently has with them -- were somehow amplified when he joined the Ring, though how is not known.
    Name: Zanth.
    Faction: Civilians; Day Run (Team Zero. Crest: Electrified "Z.")
    Species: Unknown.
    Gender: Male.
    Description: Very regal in appearance, Zanth is tall, standing at eight feet, and is primarily black with silver armor. He has broad shoulders decorated with large, upward-pointing shoulder spikes, and is very lean though muscular in appearance. He wears a sort of skirt-like cape that is attached to his belt and covers the backs and sides of his legs, and he wears silver boots. He has a single green eye (see Mask) and two dark green crystals embedded in his chest armor.
    Zanth is a strange individual. Quiet and calculative, he was one the Day Run’s top players during their opening tournament six months ago, though no one knows where he came from or how he acquired his skills. He is an effective leader, giving sharp commands to his teammates and adapting to different situations in the arena or race track in a heartbeat. Outside of the tournament, he is kind and open, though he tends to avoid questions about his origins. He does not like foul play, and deals swift justice to those who attempt to cheat in combat, regardless of whether or not the battle involves him.
    Equipment: Twin spiked maces with claw attachments at the bottoms. He also possesses two tentacles that extend from his back, ending in claws that can latch on to opponents and absorb their strength.
    Mask: Kanohi Faton, Mask of Elasticity. Appearing as a sort of one-eyed helmet with a single, green eye, the Faton essentially turns Zanth’s body to rubber for as long as he concentrates on it, allowing him to stretch his limbs and absorb hits, though also making him weaker to fire.
    Powers: Plasma; limited energy-absorption.
    Vehicle: Zanth uses a 17 ft. tall/16 ft. long, black and green Wolf Mecha, called the Seeker. The Seeker is sleek in design, built primarily for speed though slightly lacking in defense; however, it counters that drawback by using its incredible speed to its advantage, easily dodging attacks from other Mecha. It has thrusters built into the backs of its rear legs, and plasma-coated claws that increase its ability to rip through the hulls of other mecha, along with three deployable cannons on its back and sides. The Seeker, like most other Rahi Mecha, has a smart AI built into it, allowing it to display animalistic behavior and, when enabled, to act of its own accord.
    Biography: Not much is known about Zanth; he appeared on and off of Kai-Nam almost immediately following the formation of the KNPD and has generally been seen near the mountains for a short time before disappearing for hours, days, even weeks on end. He supposedly keeps a collection of information somewhere in City, though many believe this to merely be a rumor. Other than that, there isn’t much information on him or what he is doing; Suya, Zanth’s only remaining teammate supposedly is in on Zanth’s operations, as he tends to follow the same patterns as him, but he won’t talk…
    Name: Suya.
    Faction: Civilian; Day Run (Team Zero.)
    Species: Northern Ondarian.
    Gender: Male.
    Description: Suya is fairly similar to Zanth in build, being eight feet tall and fairly regal. However, while Zanth would be described as looking like a ruling figure, Suya looks more like a member of the royal guard -- in this case, an archer. His armor is sleek and light, and his upper half is mostly covered by a white cape-slash-robe, clipped at the right shoulder and with two other clips at his waist, covering both of his arms when they are at his sides as well as the backs of his legs. His thigh armor is rather large in comparison to his thinner, knee-length, jester-like boots. Suya's armor is a mix of green and silver, symbolizing his connection to Jungle and Iron, and his eyes are a deep blue. He always has the hood attached to his cape up, obscuring the top half of his mask.
    A calm individual, if a little arrogant due to his natural, Ondarian pride, Suya does not let insults or threats bother him. He feels a connection to both nature and industry due to his powers, and bears a sense of balance stepping from that conflict of elements. In contrast to Zanth, Suya is not afraid to voice his thoughts, and talks far more than Zanth; however, he is not as observant as his leader is, and has nearly fallen into several elaborate traps in the past, only to be saved at the last minute by him. Nevertheless, he is not reckless, and is still an observant individual. Suya is also confident in his ability to fight and defeat certain KNPD and Ring operatives, though he has not yet had a chance to test his skills.
    Equipment: A sharp, retractable hook blade on his left arm, symbolizing Jungle, and a retractable, protosteel bullet-shooting pistol on his right arm, symbolizing Iron.
    Mask: The Kanohi Dios, Mask of Fusion, colored green. Like everything else related to Suya, the Dios represents his mix of nature elements and industrial elements. He tends to not use this on anyone other than himself and his teammates, as they do not fight his control when fused.
    Powers: Suya has the ability to control both Jungle and Iron. Some consider this unusual, due to the fact that they are essentially opposing forces of the world, though it gives Suya a very deep and unique sense of balance because of that. He also possesses the power to teleport short distances, usually accompanied by a swirl of his cape.
    Vehicle: Suya pilots a Shift-Type vehicle called the Industrial Plant; this means that his vehicle is able to switch between two forms at the press of a button. The first form is a Centipede Mecha -- relatively flat, it is barely 7 feet tall, and is 12 feet long. It is used primarily for burrowing underground and attacking opponents from the bottom, either by blasting them with its plasma cannons or by catching them in its protosteel mandibles. The other form is a motorcycle, 10 feet long and slightly shorter than the Centipede form. The motorcycle form is faster and more maneuverable, though its only weapons are plasma cannons and extendable blades (the mandibles having moved to the sides of the vehicle.) The entire thing, regardless of form, is silver and green, and is operated with the help of a Smart A.I. named Kruz, which is more prominent in the Centipede form.
    Biography: Suya appeared on Kai-Nam shortly after Zanth, along with the other two beings who formed the other half of their Day Run team, both of whom have since been killed in combat. The four usually spent their time with each other, and seemed to always keep an eye on the KNPD and the Ring, for unknown reasons. When the Day Run formed, they were quick to enter as a single team, though two of their members were killed in skirmishes in between the first and second tournaments. Not much else is known about Suya; he tends to disappear with Zanth for certain periods of time, though no one knows where they go off to.
    Name: Elithes.
    Faction: Civilians; Day Run (Team Vigil. Crest: An eye.)
    Species: Ko-Matoran.
    Gender: Male.
    Description: A standard-sized Ko-Matoran, Elithes has made many additions to his body following the original Skakdi raid on his island. He is more bulky than a standard Matoran, and wears more black armor than a Ko-Matoran normally would. His improvements have also made him independent of masks, and so he now wears a stronger, silver helmet in place of his old Kanohi. He wears a white jump pack on his back, and his entire right arm has been replaced with a mechanical one outfitted with an Ice Shotgun, due to damage he received from the Skakdi.
    Elithes is a very quiet individual, though lately he has begun to speak more, mostly due to having Illuxio with him wherever he goes. He has a strong sense of justice, siphoned into his bounty hunting job, though his hatred of Skakdi sometimes clouds his judgment when a situation involves one. Despite his mistrust towards them, he never lets his emotions get the better of him, and has even worked with several relatively good Skakdi on several missions – albeit involuntarily. Since his return to his home island, he seems happier than normal, though he is a little upset about the formation of both the Ring and the KNPD, neither of which he fully trusts. As such he has decided to try to protect his city on his own, fighting any KNPD officers or Ring operatives who cross him.
    Equipment: An Ice Shotgun, which channels his natural Ice elemental energy into small bursts of fire; a jump pack, which, as the name suggests, allows him to jump extremely high in short bursts; and a plasma pistol outfitted with a bayonet. He also carries containers of a purple substance that can be fired from his gun and will grow into a sort of purple-colored crystal that is hard to break and does not melt.
    Mask: Elithes no longer needs a mask to survive, due to augmentations made to his body. Instead he now wears a highly durable, silver helmet with a built in HUD.
    Powers: Ice Elemental Energy (inaccessible outside of using his shotgun.)
    Vehicle: Elithes pilots a 10-foot-tall/10-foot-long vehicle called the Wheel, named after its shape as it is, essentially, a giant, completely mechanical wheel. Within the center is a seat, and attached to that are two double-barreled machine guns that he operates with a separate control stick, which can fire five different projectiles – protosteel bullets, EMP blasts, rockets, lightning and fire balls. He is protected on either side by energy shields, and the interior of his vehicle is designed so that the front takes the appearance of whatever is in front of him. This allows him to get around without crashing into anything whichever way he turns, a feat which appears impossible to those who see him driving, due to the apparent lack of a front window. Elithes has upgraded it since the last tournament so as to include longer lasting and more durable shields, and its top speed has been drastically increased.
    Biography: Originally a scholar on Kai-Nam, Elithes was a first hand witness and victim to the Skakdi raid of City; not only did it result in the deaths of many of his friends, but the Skakdi also left him severely injured. Using money he had saved up, as well as his own skills with technology, Elithes paid for and made many augmentations to his body, replacing his arm with a mechanical one and, essentially, making him stronger overall; he then began work as a bounty hunter and managed to become a member of the Guild of Tyis, a notoriously picky bounty hunters organization. Elithes returned to Kai-Nam after the last Night Run due to Rahkshi trouble on a nearby island, and has begun to work as a vigilante in light of discovering the Ring.
    Name: Illuxio.
    Faction: Civilian; Day Run (Team Vigil.)
    Species: AURA-Class AI (Smart AI.)
    Gender: Male programming.
    Description: Being an AI, Illuxio has no preset appearance. His usual avatar is a standard, aerodynamic Toa with constantly shifting colors wearing a Kakama. In terms of personality, Illuxio is very formal, polite and sophisticated, speaking precisely at all times. He is able to keep his calm under extreme pressure, and has only ever lost his temper once, when he was insulted by another contestant on Gynel. He is rather blunt with what he says, never beating around the bush, as demonstrated with the numerous times that he has reminded Elithes about his blind eye. Curiously, unlike other Smart AIs, Illuxio's emotions are real; how this is so has not been revealed, as Illuxio himself does not know why or how he has come to possess true emotions.
    Equipment: N/A.
    Mask: Kanohi Kakama, the Mask of Speed. As it is merely part of his avatar, Illuxio is not actually able to use it.
    Powers: Illuxio possesses the ability to travel inside of computer networks and vehicles, as well as jumping from one to the other so long as two compatible networks are near each other; once inside, he can then either gain access to all of the weapons and devices connected to the network (if he is in a computer or a vehicle) or accelerate the processing speed of a being, increasing their reflexes; this can also be used on vehicles. Further, Illuxio is an expert hacker, and has yet to find a computer he can not break into.
    Vehicle: Illuxio possesses no vehicle, though he can travel through cyberspace or be carried inside of a bio-mechanical being.
    Biography: Illuxio was obtained from another dimension by a ghost-like contestant in the last Night Run; at the time, he was inactive, though after being given to Toa Kovian, he was switched on. Illuxio joined Team Shurikan as an unofficial member of the Night Run, and assisted in hacking Makuta Jaeda's computer network at one point. Following the end of the tournament, he primarily began traveling with Elithes, helping him fight against several thieves and thugs on other islands. The two have returned to Kai-Nam to assist against the Ring, acting as contestants in the Day Run and as vigilantes at night.
    Recently, Illuxio has been experiencing several technical difficulties, such as extreme headaches and visions of events that he doesn't remember experiencing.
    Name: The Collector.
    Faction: Unknown? There are hinted ties to the Ring, though nothing has been confirmed at this point.
    Species: Nanobot construct.
    Gender: Seems to possess male programming, though as his voice is heavily automatized, it is hard to be sure.
    Description: The Collector is very difficult to see the majority of the time, as he usually appears as a cloud of green mist. However, when he uses his actual form, he takes on the appearance of a tall, skeletal-like being, with loose, dark clothing. Around his neck is a necklace of seven cards, each with a circle in its center; whenever he kills a being one of the circles lights up, as he collects their soul energy. The Collector has a demonic, automatized voice, which is extremely airy and is extremely disturbing to hear.
    The Collector is a very cruel and monstrous being. He has been known to engulf entire buildings in his essence to trap his targets, and then plays sick and twisted mind games with them -- appearing in a flash before them and setting them up to kill others in the area by accident, allowing him to collect their souls, and other such things. His dialogue suggests that he works for the devil, as he constantly refers to himself as the collector of the devil's dues, the devil's blade, and similar titles. Attempts to destroy him have proved virtually impossible.
    Equipment: The Collector's primary weapon is his scythe, which is literally an extension of himself. He can extend or retract it at will, make it smaller or longer if he so wishes. It, like the Collector, is capable of rapidly shifting between physical states on a whim. The necklace of seven cards around his neck also seems to be able to collect souls, as one lights up for each of his kills, though he is limited to seven souls a day.
    Mask: N/A.
    Powers: As a nanobot construct, the Collector is capable of transforming into a cloud of green mist. He can also shift rapidly between physical states, a power that extends to his weapon. Given the nature of his nanobots, he can also project slight illusions, and seems to be able to extract the souls of beings that he kills. He is also virtually impossible to destroy, and can create his own minions by using his nanobots; examples include a large group of zombie-Matoran and a large Toa made of shadow.
    Vehicle: N/A.
    Biography: The Director has plagued the island for about a year now, popping up every couple of days and killing random individuals before making off again. Not much is known about him, though he has proved virtually impossible to harm or kill at this point in time. It was recently discovered that the Collector is not a demon, as he claims, but a robotic being created from modified, stolen Day Run nanobots, hence his unique abilities.
  8. Parugi
    Wait -- that can't be right! I'm not including a Digimon in my story! >
    Oh, wait -- I see why that's wrong! 'cause "Gallant" and "Gallum" sound similar! Silly me!
    Whell, there you have it -- by popular demand, today's CT will focus on the Pha-Matoran Gallum!
    Who is he? What are his powers?
    If you don't know who Gallum is, then you either aren't very observant or you didn't participate in or read or pay attention to Night Ride. Gallum is a Pha-Matoran, or Matoran of Ectoplasm, who formerly lived on the island of Gynel. Gynel was once ruled by the benevolent God of Death, Ruaki, and his two servants, Pride and Arrogance. Gallum and the other Pha-Matoran worked fervently to build portals through which deceased beings could enter the afterlife. At some point in time, Pride and Arrogance decided to take over Ruaki's throne, and after leading many of the Pha-Matoran (not Gallum) to believe that he was evil, they cast Ruaki away, and the kingdom soon degraded.
    Ruaki lived, however, and transformed, after the breaking of his powers. He attacked the Pha-Matoran kingdom, turning many of them into zombie-like creatures called Feranaki. The remaining Pha-Matoran were sealed behind a large ebony wall by a being named Daeja, and Ruaki was sealed away inside of the mountains.
    Years later, Gallum managed to escape from the quarantine zone, meeting a number of beings who were participating in the Night Run. Initially, Gallum did not trust them, though soon relaxed, and explained the situation to them, and vice versa. Gallum convinced the group to send a message to the Brotherhood of Makuta to investigate the Night Run, as he was suspicious of it, given that it hadn't been there before he had been locked away.
    Later, the Brotherhood arrived, after Ruaki had been freed and the Feranaki had been set on the island. Ruaki and Daeja -- who was revealed to be a rogue Makuta named Jaeda -- were both killed, and the Brotherhood escorted the remaining guards, contestants and Pha-Matoran off of the island. They also found a new island for the Pha-Matoran to inhabit, and rebuild their village.
    Despite their apparent luck and the serenity of their situation, things soon took a turn for the worst, and Gallum attempted to leave the island. What happened afterwords shall be left up in the air, until it gets explained in Dark Deeds.
    Gallum is a rather odd Matoran of Ectoplasm. Whilst most are antisocial and secretive, Gallum is quite friendly and rather talkative. He easily trusts others, though knows not to trust everyone, much to the chagrin of his friend Ilun. As he is a Matoran, he has no extraordinary traits -- however, he does possess a few interesting abilities. Gallum, like all Pha-Matoran, has the ability to utilize illusions, usually hiding himself with them. He is also able to tap into his own energy and form bits of it into a small ball that can be launched at high speeds; by tapping this ball to certain surfaces -- like metal -- he can also change the characteristics of the ball. He wears a powerless Kanohi Iden, Mask of Spirit.
    Who does he work with? Against?
    Gallum doesn't really 'work' for anyone at the beginning of the story, as he is simply a villager on an island. However, he knows Kovian, and is close to the bounty hunters named Elithes and Illuxio, who assisted him on Gynel. He is also friends with Swerv and Draxion, a robotic being and a Light Rahkshi who also helped him and his village on Gynel.
    Final thoughts?
    I am not revealing anything incredibly major yet. But rest assured, you can expect a more in-depth entry at a later time, with more information on Gallum -- interesting information.
    (However, if you are one of a few certain people then you have probably already guessed future information about Gallum. )
  9. Parugi
    I'm thinking of making one. Anyone else interested? And does anyone know how to make info boxes on Wikis?
    UPDATE: Republic Commando Darmen was kind enough to start the wiki for us. Big thanks to him. You can find the wiki here.
    Alrighty. Since the Wiki got made way faster than I thought, I figured I would go ahead and just post the 'guidelines' that I was originally going to post tomorrow now. For those who can't read that potentially confusing statement, I'm jumping forward with what I had planned.
    To start -- general info. What is Rise of the Rockets? Well, if you haven't seen it already, you can find it here. Essentially, Giovanni was overthrown by four Rocket Admins dubbed the Shadow Admins, who, over a 20 year period, managed to take over the four main regions as well as the Orange Islands. In response to this, a resistance group called Team Liberty sprang up, and the two teams have been at war for the past twelve years. RotR was originally intended to be a sandbox RPG, and still is in many regards, though I eventually decided to incorporate a bigger main plot into it, given how the story wasn't going anywhere.
    Anyway, with that overview out of the way, there were a couple of things I was thinking about for this. For simplicity's sake, I'll put them into lists. In my opinion, the wiki should include:
    --Individual pages for each character. Essentially what most specialized wikis do, this would allow us to give more information on each character and tell just what they have done over the course of the RPG and before/after it (what, did you think I intended to let this be a one shot deal? No way -- I'm continuing this even after the RPG ends, man! ) This includes all characters -- official Pokémon characters and ones created specifically for the RPG. Within these pages should be:
    -A history section -- obviously. I don't think this needs much of an explanation.
    -Personality sections.
    -Maybe appearance sections.
    -Pokémon sections -- what Pokémon that particular character owns/has owned, etc.
    -Maybe quotes and trivia?
    -Additionally, I think (for the majority) each page should be maintained by the creator of that character, only edited by others if the need arises, to fix grammar issues, etc. This is because the creator of a character more likely than not knows more about that character than anyone else, though, inevitably, some people will not want to write their own, have already left the RPG and won't bother, or whatever. Just a thought.
    --Individual pages for both teams. Already been done, but still. These pages should include:
    -Member sections.
    -Brief sections on the main base(s) of the team, linking to individual pages for those bases.
    -Pages for major locations, such as regions, the main bases of both teams, etc.
    -Individual pages for certain legendaries -- or, those that have been seen with larger influence on events than others, such as Groudon, Kyogre, Rayquazza, Mewtwo, etc.
    -Pages for certain important items, like Pokétch/Gear/balls/etc., Joker's gauntlet, etc. Certain ones -- such as Joker's gauntlet -- will be maintained and written by people with greater knowledge of those than others, such as myself for Joker's gauntlet. This also applies to characters, like Goldhawk, Bluefalcon, Sleight, etc., though that's already been said.
    -Something else we could include would be pictures of characters, assuming anyone is up to drawing characters or making sprites of them. Infoboxes wouldn't be a bad idea, either, though I personally don't know how to make them.
    So, yeah, pretty general stuff. I think we could end up with something pretty awesome if we all work together and try to make this professional -- though remember to have fun with it, too! And again, this is all my opinion -- some stuff may not end up being needed.
  10. Parugi
    Hi. Well... I suppose the only thing of interest I have for you is the fact that ROTR is pretty much done, so you can just go ahead and read on.
    Shifting focus from the antagonists of the last entry, I now give you a glimpse at one of the protagonist characters. This character is a Dark Hunter who has been permanently assigned to "informant"/"butler" duty, giving a run-through of the Dark Hunters' operations to new recruits as well as serving other, high ranking Hunters. As such, he has been assigned the codename "Server," though he would much rather you refer to him by his true name, Dothe.
    Who is he? What are his powers?
    Server is a Dark Hunter who originated from from the island of Tinar, acting as a servant to a powerful warlord. When that particular warlord ended up dead on an island to the west, Dothe was accused of giving away information regarding his master to the inhabitants of the island he was trying to conquer, effectively framing him for murder. He was forced to leave the island or risk execution, and with nowhere else to go, he was inducted into the Dark Hunters.
    Originally, he assumed that his telepathic abilities and teleportation skills would be put to use on the field, though, much to his chagrin, he was once again assigned to butler duties. He has harbored an intense dislike of the Shadowed One ever since.
    Dothe is a member of a Toa-like species, called Ryslin. He is unable to utilize mask powers, though wears a silver Kanohi Hau regardless, and he possesses powerful telepathic and teleportation powers. While resentful of the Shadowed One, he has no way of leaving the Dark Hunter organization at the current time, though if the chance presented itself, then he would gladly take it. Unlike most Dark Hunters, he is not absorbed in his own abilities, though he knows that he could easily hold his own against the likes of Summoner and Fragmenter, or possibly even the Shadowed One himself if he had to.
    Who does he work with? Against?
    Because of his position in the Dark Hunter organization, Dothe doesn't have any clear cut partners or enemies to begin with. However, he and Kovian become close accomplices fairly quickly, given their similar histories.
    He has an intense dislike for braggarts, which is why he and Summoner have never gotten along. If nothing else, Dothe would at least like to knock Summoner's smirk off of his face in battle, even if it means execution at his leader's hands.
    Final thoughts?
    Overall, Dothe is easily one of my favorite planned characters. I think he should pair remarkably well with Kovian and several other characters, and there are a lot of other possible uses for him, a lot of them playing off of his dislike of the Shadowed One -- one in particular that I'm considering also ends very... interestingly.
    And yes, I'm not going into remarkable detail about him for that reason.
  11. Parugi
    Who's the fairest of them all?
    Definitely not this guy, that's for sure!
    Who is 'this guy' that I refer to? You might know him as that one guy, or that other guy, or even yourself!
    Wait, what? That makes no sense! That's like... like... totally arcane!
    And so it is. The next character teaser brings us to the Dark Hunter known simply as Arcane!
    (Just FYI, I love this guy, so don't be surprised if I keep on fawning over him. )
    Who is he? What are his powers?
    Arcane is... well, arcaneish. No one knows anything about his past, something that the Shadowed One has noted time and time again. Arcane himself doesn't even remember anything about his past, aside from his name -- however, because it would be nearly impossible for a 'mortal' being to speak it, he chooses not to share it.
    Unlike the other characters showcased before, Arcane has had several past appearances. During Jaeda's crusade on Exa-Nui, the Shadowed One sent Arcane after the Dark Hunters he had hired out to Jaeda, as he wanted to know what she was after. It was here that Arcane learned about the Orbs; he also came into contact with Toa Kovian, who, after being sucked into the nightmarish realm of Arcane's mind, defeated the Dark Hunter, earning his respect. Arcane's stomach mirror was shattered, damaging the knowledge he had recently obtained; as such, he forgot that the Orbs actually did exist, and so his goal switched from watching Jaeda and Xaeda to defeating them. Arcane sent a message to TSO, who later sent a dragon-like Hunter named Igolo, to assist Arcane. Together, the two [DATA CORRUPTED.]
    Arcane was later part of the group of Dark Hunters sent to Xatai, during the Tournament of Shadows, which Toa Kovian was participating in at the time. Together with Srizz, Kovian's teammate, the trio broke into the main fortress, where Arcane engaged the main referee in combat. She was defeated, and [DATA CORRUPTED.]
    For the sake of describing him: Arcane is an odd figure. He stands at 8' tall, and wears very dark blue armor. He looks rather plain, until you note the mirrors adorning his body. These mirrors are perfect circles, and are found on his stomach, face, forearms (these two act as large shields) and shins. Arcane's mirrors have a variety of uses: He cane use them to locate objects, wherever they may be, speak in real time to others through them, no matter where they are, pull a being or beings into his own mind and utilize a ton of light-based powers, as well as controlling 'statues' of beings who have sold their soul to him. Arcane's mirrors are easily his greatest strength and weakness: Without them, he can not use his powers as efficiently, hence why they are built into his armor as opposed to be separate pieces. However, if one is broken, his essence -- a deep blue, smoke-like substance, similar to Antidermis -- will leak out. Luckily, his mirrors are easily repairable. Personality-wise, Arcane is a regal figure, speaking with an elegant and precise accent. He finds harm done to others amusing, and only steps in when he feels like it. He was very overconfident in his abilities at one point; however, after being defeated by Kovian, he has grown to respect his limits. While appearing quite sane, those who have been pulled into his mind have found that he is a twisted being -- though he would never show it.
    Who does he work with? Against?
    Arcane works diligently for the Dark Hunters as a whole. He is greatly respected for his power, especially since those who don't respect him tend to end up as zombies to be used in his mind battles. The Shadowed One usually assigns him on solo missions; however, he has called for back-up on at least one mission, on Exa-Nui. This has not lowered the Shadowed One's opinion of him.
    Arcane works rather well with Kovian. The two have actually developed a close trust between each other, speaking to each other as if they were brothers. Arcane does worry about Kovian's odd comments in regards to the Dark Hunters; however, it is unlikely that he would stop him if he tried to do anything... disruptive.
    Final thoughts?
    Arcane is awesome. That's all there is for me to say. You can expect quite a bit of 'stuff' from him in Dark Deeds.
    Also, I'm going to do something different this time. Looking at the Dark Deeds 'cast list' in my profile, is there anyone you want to learn more about for the next teaser? I'd hate to force information on you guys(?) that you aren't interested in.
  12. Parugi
    Looks like it's done.
    All right; well, if I do say so myself, based off of that last link the story cut off in a decent spot, so I'm not terribly sad. Once again, it was great playing with everyone for the last year; here's hoping we can get another season in March.
    And if not -- there's always the epic.
  13. Parugi
    Wow. So, it's been a while, hasn't it?
    Alright; well, I don't have a lot of time to comment on the new BZP layout (it's spiffy) so I'll just say what I need to say real quick before I try to get some stuff done. As you guys know, I was in the process of running two RPGs before the forums went down, Day Run: The Garden and Rise of the Rockets. Unfortunately, I didn't have their coded version saved before the forums went off line, so I need to recode them and stuff before I can repost them. Needless to say, I don't know how long that'll take, nor do I know when I'll get a chance to actually repost them (and I need to check with the mods about reposting them, as well, so additional time... blah.)
    So yeah. Just so you guys all know that. And I'm glad to be back here.
  14. Parugi
    Who else has watched this fantastic anime?
    Because my latest character in RotR is totally going to be a semi-expy of Claire Stanfield.

  15. Parugi
    Team Liberty just got betrayed --TIMES THREE!
    Yeah; looks like TL is in the same position that TR was in for a looong time. But, with the Dragon Trio saga happening and some other planned events occurring relatively soon, it won't matter for long...
  16. Parugi
    [Live video feed.]
    Camera clicks on. Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen! Trainers, Agents of Team Liberty and Team Rocket! As you know the war between Our favorite tyranny -- Team Rocket -- and our number one resistance group -- Team Liberty -- has been hard at work, attempting to become detailed enough to be approved and played! Well, after weeks of editing and fighting, arguing and debating, as well as waiting for the RPG approval topic to go back up, the war may finally become one that people can actually participate in!
    In this report, aside from stating the obvious, we'll be following the progress of Pokémon: Rise of the Rockets in the Completely Off-Topic role-playing game approval topic. Events will be listed in chronological order, from least recent to most recent.
    Apr 25 2010, 07:39 PM: Rise of the Rockets is brought to the floor posted in the approval topic by Mr. Parugi.
    Apr 26 2010, 01:59 AM: Senator Judge I Am Become Death gives his approval of the bill RPG. This movement is unanimously agreed upon, and as such no debate ensues.
    Apr 26 2010, 07:21 AM: Senator Judge Kirakishou stands, seems to want to say something, though gives their approval of the bill RPG. There is much rejoicing.

    Apr 26 2010, 09:39 AM: Senator Judge EmperorWhenua... Well, I think his words speak for themselves:

    Apr 26 2010, 03:15 PM: Senator Judge Spink's approval brings RotR's passage to the halfway point. Mr. Parugi, creator of the bill RPG, waits anxiously for the ya or nay of the other judges senators Judges.
    Apr 26 2010, 05:14 PM: Senator Judge Sisen Lord Togepi has granted RotR his approval. Mr. Parugi awaits the approval of Senators Judges Wrack and Than, who will make or break his bill RPG.
    Apr 26 2010, 06:06 PM: Senator Judge Gaap has given his approval, bringing the total number of approvals to 6. Final approval must be given by President RPG Leader Than before RotR can officially start.
    Apr 26 2010, 07:01 PM: Still no word from President RPG Leader Than. Anxiety reaching is a new level for Mr. Parugi.
    Apr 26 2010, 07:18 PM: Still no word from Than. K.Y.7.3. will be taking a break for a while; perhaps the President RPG Leader will have announced his decision by the time we return. Stay tuned!
    Apr 27 2010, 04:21 PM: Still no word. The suspense is literally killing people, as miniature wars begin to break out between the spectators.
    Apr 27 2010, 06:26 PM: Mr. Parugi is smacked upside the head by both Senator judge EmperorWhenua and Nara567, before moving on to PM President Than.
    Apr 27 2010, 07:48 PM: President Global Moderator Than signs the bill approves the RPG!
    AMENDMENT: According to Mr. Parugi, the RPG will be up before 10:00 P.M. this evening. He is unable to post it at the current time due to circumstances involving "homework," though he assures us that it will be done.
    Players across the boards of BZ-Nui are rejoicing at this spectacular news! You can expect the RPG to be posted soon -- Mr. Parugi states that he must send a PM to his co-Game Master, Kumata, before posting the RPG, but once he does, you can expect quite an adventure!
    Join us next time at K.Y.7.3.!
  17. Parugi
    Alright; while I continue to think over the City name, I have another question for you potential Day Run players.
    As most people should know, Night Ride's central point was the vehicle aspect of it. We had hoverboards, we had motorcycles, we had a giant wheel, we had Rahi-shaped mecha, and, heck, we even had a horse and a walking house.

    (FYI: None of these are accurate representations.)
    So, here's what I have to propose as an expansion to this. Bipedal mecha. Similar to the ones from Darkspace, or even something like, say, this, they would be used solely for vehicle-based arena battles, or they could be used to explore the barrens. And, yes, while technically they could have been used in NR, no one used any, so I get the feeling that they are somewhat unwanted.
    But still. What are your opinions? Should I mention them as a sort of new type of vehicle, or just not mention them at all and see if anyone uses any?
    Obviously I would let people make their own, just as I've been doing, in case anyone was wondering. And yes, you still have the option to use any vehicle you want in the RPG, though unlike in NR, they aren't required.
    Also, as on off-shoot of this, the maximum vehicle size in NR was 18 ft tall/18 ft wide; this seems a bit impractical now, so how much bigger do you guys think I should make it? I was thinking 24/24, but I'm not sure.
  18. Parugi
    Hey, y'all. Well, I've got a bit of the NR sequel (unofficially titled "Day Run" for the moment) written up and decided to share it with you all. Hopefully I'll be done by September.

    The Day Run “Why do we strive to be number two? Is it because we can never truly be happy with the position we have, simply because we feel as if we could do worse? Is it because, deep inside, we hunger for peace and calmness, to be hated for our true potential? I don’t know… yet life has taught me that no one, no matter how noble they make themselves out to be, will ever play unfairly if it means that they will be seen as the weakest player…”
    The Toa of Air sat still as stone, his thoughts jumping from one thing to the next, unable to focus. Outside, a heavy rain poured over the island, water running off of the rafters and into the streets. As a result, the inn was almost completely full, every table loaded with workers and civilians who wished to get out of the downpour. At the moment, these very beings were being rather loud, and the radio that was blasting pointless noise at its maximum volume wasn’t helping, either. All in all, he was beginning to wonder why he was still here.
    So much for a quiet place to think, he thought to himself, watching as a couple of intoxicated gladiators got into an argument on the other side of the room. But it looks like all of those rumors I heard about Stelt were true… Should of known better...
    He shook his head, leaning back in his seat. In this heavy rain, it didn’t seem possible for him to get a temporary job as an arena fighter today, as the coliseum would likely be closed by now, which meant he would have to stay in this wretched place even longer. Or, if it came down to it, he could hop on the Inland Rider and head towards some other island. Irritably, he gulped down the last of his drink, pushing himself up and planning on retiring for the day.
    “…Hundreds of mecha and gladiatorial battles? Countless injuries with every event? Boy, this tournament has got it all, doesn’t it?”
    The Toa stopped in his tracks, turning around. Had someone just said something about a tournament? How… interesting. He scanned the room, looking for the source of the conversation, eventually realizing that the words had been spoken by the being who was running the radio channel that was currently on. He slid back into his seat, leaning forward and pulling his hood off of his head as he did so, revealing his Great Mask of Sonar.
    “… I tell you; folks, if the Day Run wasn’t interesting to you last year, then it ought to be this time around! All new challenges, new race tracks, new teams, new strategies – of course, those latter two will only be there if new contestants join! Luckily, I think the rest of this broadcast will be able to convince you if it hasn’t already…”
    The cloaked Toa looked around, noticing that the room had gone completely silent as all attention turned to the radio. Whatever the commentator implied, the Toa honestly thought that enough people were sold by now that he wouldn’t have to speak another word.
    “… Anyway, before I talk registration, I’d like to give a bit of history for the newcomers. Seven years ago, the island called Kai-Nam was deserted, wasting away to time and weather. Nobody saw a use for it, given its rather strange history (though that’s a story for another day.) That all changed when Bega proposed using the island for a new sport. After getting permission from the proper people, tweaking old structures and building new ones here and there, and then, before you knew it, the Day Run was born – and boy, was it a success! Masterfully composed of racing and gladiatorial combat, everyone was entertained, be they Vortixx, Skakdi, even the Matoran and Toa who would never compete in such a brutal game!
    “But that’s enough from me – see all of this and more for yourself! Registration will begin in a week at the usual locations – Stelt, Iikol, and Xia, to name a few – and in a month, transports will be coming to pick y’all up! So if you're interested in joining, good luck getting that vehicle of yours back into shape and winning the tournament – you’re gonna need it!”
    As the message came to an end, a silence filled the room, save for some music that began to play on the radio and the continued pit-pat of the rain outside. Then, in an instant, dozens of beings big and small charged for the door, all of them hoping to get their vehicles ready for the big game.
    Toa Levrok simply smiled, tossing some money towards the bartender as he resumed his walk back upstairs. What did he have to worry about? The Inland Rider was, all in all, brand new, it had excellent armor, it had perfectly functional weaponry, and he knew how to use it to its fullest potential. All he had to do was register and wait…
    Four weeks had passed since that day. He remembered earlier, when the ships had docked just as excitement was nearing its peak, when the gigantic hulls had appeared on the horizon, opening at the docks of Stelt so as to allow passage for the vehicles and contestants to enter. Guards had watched like eagles to ensure that all ran smoothly. And as soon as they had finished, the ships had disappeared like ghosts, the contestants eagerly waiting for the time when they would arrive…
    Levrok watched the ocean pass as the ship traveled, watched Rahi fly by and ships pass near, going in the opposite direction. Through the mist, he could make out more ships like this one, all headed towards the same destination. It was an interesting sight, to say the least; though one he was getting bored of watching. He leaned back in his seat, pulling his hood back over his head, surveying the other contestants. On the other side of the room, a large, blue and purple being with tentacle-like appendages sticking out of his forearms seemed to be harassing another contestant, who refused to engage in the being’s childish play. Were Levrok fool enough, he would have believed the former to be a being he had fought a year ago, who had been killed in the deciding battle of the war for his island… But as the last fact suggested, it would be impossible for it to be him – Tevos…
    Bitter memories flooded into Levrok’s mind. That island was gone now… He was not welcome to its grave…
    His thoughts were interrupted when a voice blared over the intercom. All quieted down to hear what it said, even the blue and purple Cyntax.
    “We will be arriving at Kai-Nam in a little under an hour,” the captain said. “All contestants should make their way to their vehicles before we arrive, and then proceed to the front office to verify that you are an entrant in the Day Run.”

    Playing the Game Story
    “We have created something rather challenging to describe. Is it evil? No. Immoral? Sure, some might say so; but what is the point of life if you are not willing to stray from the beaten path every now and then? Whatever the case, the Day Run is not designed for one side or another – we are not black or white like the Matoran and Skakdi are to each other, or how the Toa and Makuta might compare themselves. No; we are everything in between. We are gray.”
    ~Bega on the Day Run's moral standpoint.
    Unfortunately that's all I have, but still. As you can see, Kerid and Ehjoras have handed over control of the Day Run to a mysterious being named Bega by the time this takes place, and Lyxek, I have decided, will not make an appearance -- or will he? I'll also be introducing a new species this time around, in the form of the Cyntax -- but you'll have to wait to hear more about them! Finally, Levrok (Broken Unity) and his Inland Rider (a new vehicle, which has never been seen anywhere before now) take the stage for once. Things are sure going to get interesting, wouldn't ya say?
  19. Parugi
    Since I somehow got the posting thing to listen to me this time (for the most part), Day Run has been reposted. Yes, I am aware that I need to update the links in all three topics.
    And along with that, a few notes for people:
    -I am aware that the Events information is missing; I'm going to work on fixing that next week, when I'm back at my dad's house. The team list in the profiles topic is also missing; this was intentional, as I found it a bit redundant to keep the same list in both the discussion topic and profile topic. I may or may not add it back later; we'll see.
    -The RPG will, indeed, be continuing from where it left off -- meaning, in the middle of several things that were going on. I found it unwise to restart from the beginning considering everything that has happened.
    -In relation to the above, as I'm doing with ROTR, full-gear role-playing probably won't actually happen until Sunday or Monday, possibly later, as I'm waiting for people to get readjusted to BZPower before "officially" starting. In the meantime, feel free to get other stuff sorted out.
    -As players of ROTR know, I'm enacting several policy changes in both ROTR and Day Run over the course of the next couple of weeks. The first one will be posted probably on Sunday, in this blog, and will most likely be in regards to god-modding and will definitely have a section on character powers. Others will follow soon after, though they shouldn't have a huge effect on the game play itself.
  20. Parugi
    ...“You… What are you doing here?” the Toa demanded, taking a step forward. The Toa of Ectoplasm before him, her armor battered, dented and burned in several places, merely crossed her arms and tilted her head down, still not looking at him. His eye twitched, and he clenched his fists. “You died on Gynel; no one saw you leave, and there’s no way that you could have survived the Brotherhood’s purge of the island. Either you’re smarter than I initially thought and found a way off without being killed or someone else had a part in it. Now answer me – how are you here!?”
    ...The Toa turned around, staring him straight in the eye, sparks meeting between those two pairs of glowing orbs -- one purple, the other icy blue. A sly smile was plastered upon her Mask of Psychometry. “I think you know the answer to that already,” she said coldly, raising her hand. Ectoplasm floated from it, swirling above her palm. “I’m as close to a ghost as any living being can be… and everyone knows that ghosts can’t die.”
    A little spur of the moment piece. But what could it mean? Hm....
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