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Blog Entries posted by Laka

  1. Laka
    Today went like really not so great. Bleh.
    Since last entry I talked about the nice things in my life, I guess this entry can be me being unhappy.

  2. Laka
    Hey guys. It's been a looooooong time. Over 4 months. ._." I keep meaning to renew my premier membership, but I never got around to it. I guess I'll brag about my life now.
    How come no one told me I could use my blog again for a week?
    Took the ACT way back in month of... the spring, and I'd say I did quite well. Just wish I had gotten a 35 on my grammar section, so I could have gotten that 36. Lol jk I love my 35.
    Took the AP English Language and Composition and AP Psychology tests. I got a 3 and a 5 respectively.
    Back in early May I got myself a new girlfriend. (Thinking about how that went down, I now remember that I took the ACT in late April)
    Managed to get the straight As I need for my four-year plan. That was pretty dicey since I almost got a B in English. At the end, I was .18% from a B, and that was after reminding the teacher he owed me extra credit and doing an extra assignment.
    Since school ended I've had some fun. Went to see Amery, The Secret Handshake, Sing it Loud, Every Avenue, and some other band at a show a few weeks ago. That was pretty awesome. On a similar note, that Motion City Soundtrack concert I mentioned a couple entries below was all kinds of awesome. Going to see them again on Halloween. (That concert actually introduced me to Sing it Loud, and they're the only reason I went to the other concert)
    I had some cousins from India living with me for a month or so. Having 7 extra people in your house gets kinda crazy, and sleeping on the couch isn't so bad.
    Got The Force Unleashed and Arkham Asylum (FINALLY @ both) for the PS3, and they were both pretty cool. I did Arkham Asylum on Hard, so it took me a while, but it was still fun. ^__^
    I won't be going to Brickfair (sadly), but I will probably end up sending a few things.
    Went to BrickWorld on the public days. It was pretty cool, plus I got to see Ecto again.
    Visited Northwestern University on Wednesday. It was a pretty good experience. If you're considering journalism, definitely check into it. It's too bad I'm not.
    Been spending a lot of time on Skype chatting with real friends, which is probably why you haven't seen me much on AIM or MSN. *shrug*
    White Collar new season. <3
    Psych new season. <333333
    Steve Carell leaving The Office. ):<
    Saw Iron Man 2, Get Him to the Greek, and Inception. Didn't like Get Him to the Greek, even though some parts were funny. Inception was well made, but the plot wasn't my thing. Iron Man 2 was pretty cool.
    I guess if I think of anything else to blog about, I'll do it later this week. I hope you enjoyed the flashback episode of my blog.
    Hope things go well tomorrow. Wish me luck! (Even though no one but Dorek knows what I'm talking about)

  3. Laka
    Theory, that is. I <3 it.
    What? You thought I meant the scientific one perhaps? Nonono, I mean the TV show. :3
    I've been watching it off and on pretty much all day since my plans fell through. Watched the majority of the third season, and now I've started the second season. Yes, I realize I'm weird.
    I blame Draco for making me like it.

  4. Laka
    Oh man that finale was awesome. As sad as it sounds that's one of my favorite hours spent. So awesome. Very very end was kinda eh, but whatever.
    Makes me think I want to watch Hitchcock.

  5. Laka
    So I changed my avatar and banner. Then I realized how happy/fluffy/whateveradjective it is.
    Then I realized that it is the complete opposite of my recent mood.

  6. Laka
    Everything's starting to make sense, and then it all goes kablooie?
    Can kablooie be a good thing? It's not necessarily bad, but now I'm like more confused about it than before....
    Don't really feel like offering a full explanation, but suffice to say it has to deal with girls.

  7. Laka
    Finally found brown jeans. <3
    I am now so happy. And they're even skinny jeans whaddayaknow means they might fit normally on me. Too bad the waist is an inch too big, but ohwell. I am so funding this.
    E: Did I mention it's only $20? . Wooot reasonably inexpensive jeans.

  8. Laka
    Think I've finally decided on my classes for next year. Anyone with experience with such classes, some tips/knowledge would be cool.
    Purple is looking forward to, black is hmm, dark red is noooo.
    AP Physics (Double period, Learning in one, labs in the other.)
    AP Calculus (AB I think?)
    AP Microeconomics
    Honors English World Lit
    Honors Italian 4 (>>)
    Guitar 2
    Fwee :3

  9. Laka
    But boy does it feel good, and I sure do miss it.
    In other news, writing stuff for AP English when I should be sleeping YAY
    Also, PSAE is no fun. ;__; I do think my essay came out nicely for 30 minutes, though.
    Also, Laka's Life Tips will start sometime soon. Maybe this weekend? Last week was finals week, then I was doing stuff this weekend, and I'm tired this week, so yeah. Also largely uninspired. But I will get there....

  10. Laka
    Man, AP English really does require thought. We're writing this essay right now reflecting on this semester and saying how we've changed, and what we need to improve on. I'm kinda realizing, even though I have before, that I was the worst possible straight A student last year. In English I wrote book reports without reading the majority of the book. How I got As on them, I'll never know. I also wrote a HUGE (Worth 3 grades) research paper by mostly rewording from Wikipedia and making up half of my sources. In history I wrote a book report on Fly Boys, I only read 1/3 of that book.... Also copied stuff from worksheets. Math was math, so yeah. Chem I did ok I spose. I did copy some homework from the net, but not as much as I do in physics this year.... Arch Drafting I collaborated with my buddy for like 70% of the assignments.... Gym was gym. Drivers ed was drivers ed. Italian I actually did my stuff, though.
    Anyway, the point is, I sucked as a student last year. I kinda hope I've been doing better this year.
    Physics I copy homework off internet, but I really don't care since I get the topics....
    Italian I still do work.
    Guitar is relatively easy and little effort required, so yeah.
    Arch Drafting I do most of my work, so that's good.
    Trig. <33333 I do all my work and love the fast paced.
    AP English. Wowzerz. So much more effort than last year. After my first attempt of faking my way through an assignment, I realized it wouldn't fly. (Oops asking for proofreading help from someone who shall remain nameless until he comments here, but other than that I've done all my stuff.)
    AP Psych. Boo I want my A back. Stupid tests/quizzes.
    But yeah, I hope I've been doing better. I really don't wanna be that super lazy cheater I was last year.
    E: Yes, this is the fourth title for this entry. Can't find one I like.

  11. Laka
    So I have my finals this week. H Physics, H Italian 3, and Arch Drafting 2 today. AP English and AP Psych tomorrow. Guitar 1 and Trig Thursday.
    So Physics I think I did kay on (Probable A). Same for Italian. Since I have a good grade and extra cred, I think I'll get an A. Arch Drafting, I had a 132, so final is lol who cares.
    So for psych, I need a 104 to get an A, but since we get 11 EC points, I really only need a 93. English, I have NO idea lol.
    Guitar is pretty much whatever. Trig, I need to get a 7% on the final to keep my A.
    IRONY I HATE YOU. I need a 7% for trig, and I need a 103% for psych. What is this madness.

  12. Laka
    Hey, guys. So I got more positive responses than expected, so I'm gonna give this a whirl. Having a bit of trouble getting started, so if you guys have anything you want me to comment on, lemme know, and I'll think about doing it.

  13. Laka
    Something I've been considering for a while now. Would you guys be interested in me making a handful of semi-serious life "tip" entries basically mapping out what I do in my life that makes it so awesome*? It'd probably include things like grades, friends, personal hygiene, and whatever else I come up with. Seems like it could be fun, and maybe you guys will think so, too.
    Just lemme know if you're interested. Let's say if I get 5+ positive comments (Not begging for comments, blog staff, just getting an idea of whether it'd be worth my time or not), I'll start 'em.

    *Haha yeah right. I do like my life for the most part, though.
  14. Laka
    So this is my 400th (really 402nd, but I drafted two entries) blog entry. Thought I should do something special... but then I couldn't think of anything. So, instead I'll just do a belated Christmas entry.
    Weeeelp it's 12:31 AM my time, and Christmas is officially over. Christmas isn't really a big shindig over at my place. It's usually just my mom, dad, sister, and me (of course). We wake up whenever they get me out of bed (), eat some food, and then open gifts. We didn't go all out this year, since most of my relatives are stressed/tight on cash, but that's ok. I'm pretty happy with what I did get, so yeh.
    -Bionicle Stars. My mom must've ordered them in a bundle deal or something. (Gresh is my favorite [Chibi head is so coooot ] [Also, not having Glatorian Gresh probably makes it more enjoyable])
    -Brown reversible hoodie. <3 it since brown goes with everything I own.
    -New Super Mario Bros. Wii. Oh man this game is fun. The Yoshis are like suuuuuper fun, and the co-op is both entertaining and aggravating. You get all the fun of bonding with your sister mixed with yelling at her for landing on your head and shoving you into lava. xD. We did that to each other numerous times, but we're on World 3 now yay.
    -Caaaaandy. Christmas is like my halloween. I eat like soooo much candy. Chocolates and fruity candies galore. :3
    -$25 iTunes gift card. Yay free music. :3
    -$25 Best Buy gift card from friends. Will probably be buying the Orange Box?
    -Eco Speaker things from other friend. Keep forgetting to open them lol.
    -$50 from dad's aunt and uncle? Something like that....
    So yeah, I didn't think it would be a white Christmas since it's been 40ºish and all the snow's just been melty and bleh, but at like 11:53 I looked outside and there was a thin layer of snow, so I was happy. ^__^
    Merry -late- Christmas!

  15. Laka
    I'm just putting this in Bionicle category because I can.
    So Walmart didn't have Chromastone (or any other Ben 10 set for that matter), so I had to make due with Swampfire. It's actually a pretty pleasing set. Other than Ackar, I don't think any canisters have pleased me this much since the Piraka. Proportions are pretty good, with a few gripes. Namely the slightly long arms/hands, and the shoulders could probably stand to be slightly higher up.
    * Bionicle compatible
    * Torso is pretty much what I want the Inika/Piraka torso to be, minus the separate waist.
    * Sand green. :3
    * Pieces are nice.
    * More pleasing than most of the canisters since 2004.
    * New spike bits.
    * Expensive
    * Very few Technic connection points on the limbs.
    * Hands are fail
    * Feet are awful
    * So close but not perfect proportions
    * Torso armor is a little awkward for some reason.
    * The build is lacking in interestingness. Probably could have built it without looking.

  16. Laka
    So my break was pretty good this year. Started reading 1984 somewhere in there and finished it like 5 days ago? Cool story. George Orwell is <3
    Christmas Eve my old neighbors came over with their step sister and we had some fun times. Played some pool and did our Christmas Carol play for our parents. (Lame but fun and a tradition)
    Saw Fantastic Mr Fox with my sister one of those days. Good movie. Would see again.
    Saw Sherlock Holmes with family a few days ago. Was aiight. Was uncomfortable in seat so yeah. Didn't enjoy it as much as I probably would have.
    Went sledding with like 13 people. Uber fun times, but I also froze to death. I'm writing this from my grave right now. HEY KIDS STEPPING IN FROZEN WATER IS A BAD IDEA. And yet it was also underwhelming.... Also, first time since like Thanksgiving I've really been able to hang out with my girlfriend so yay.
    Went ice skating with idk 6 people? yesterday. That was pretty coolio. I didn't fall, which is surprising.... Only like the third time I've ever gone, but I think I've got the hang of it now yay.
    FINALLY got my VR in the 9000's again yesterday. Was racing with Tifosi92, and I finished with 9001. ^__^. Then today I got it up into the 9100's. It's been down in the high 8000s for the longest time.... I finally feel pro again. ^__^
    That was pretty much my break. Other happenings included getting halfway through world 8 in NSMBW with my sister. Too bad she went back to college today. Also spent a lot of time talking with girlfriend and another couple with fourway phone calls. Cool stuff.
    Lalalala school starts tomorrow lalalala.
    No real MOCing happened. ):
    Kinda suxorz but eh. Maybe I'll MOC today, but probably not.

  17. Laka
    Fantastic Mr. Fox was a preeeeetty good movie. Better than Princess and the Frog maybe. But not Up good....
    In other news I now love Primus. <3
    In other other news I am gonna go try to MOC again. <3
    In other other other news popcorn is tasty. <3

  18. Laka
    Sono molto molto stancooooo
    (I am very very tiredddddddd)
    Also, my translator widget is telling me boh is Italian for meh. Guess who is thinking about saying boh more.
    EDIT: aaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh nooooo this is a waste of my 400th entry. Brb deleting an entry.
    EDIT 2: Entry with 1 comment drafteeed

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