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Wrinkledlion X

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Entries posted by Wrinkledlion X

  1. Wrinkledlion X
    Although his stories kind of set precedent for noobish comedies, he was always able to keep them entertaining and use the noobish style to his advantage.
    He's also one of very few members here I feel actual nostalgia for, as he wrote the first story I ever read and enjoyed on BZPower. Welcome back!
  2. Wrinkledlion X
    I had never listened to the full version of "Crashed" before, but I realize now that the beginning sounds just like the Po-Wahi music in MNOLG 2.
    (Credit to Zumoro Nuva.)
  3. Wrinkledlion X
    I'm very happy with 2007 so far.
    It has squid (One of my two favorite animals!), mutations, abysses, sunken cities, the sets are each unique, and, considering the fact that the video on BIONICLE.com is animated by Ghost, I'm pretty sure the commercials will be canon, unlike the Piraka and Inika.
    Also, I only have seven days until my fourth year on BZPower. I'm-a waitin'.
  4. Wrinkledlion X
    Yeah, the comic was disappointingly rushed, and I wish Greg had known the end was coming earlier. Yeah, Pop Mhan wasn't briefed properly on the size of Mata Nui, or even the Stars, apparently. Yeah, the trap-door is a ridiculous cop-out, Mata Nui's control room looks like a boring space-ship, and the interior of Mata Nui looks like a technic hallway rather than a whole other world, but at least... Uhh, at least...
    Okay, I can't think of anything, but still. Maybe the book, if it comes out, will make a bit more sense, and hopefully bring BIONICLE to an at least somewhat satisfying conclusion. The whole year is so rushed that I'm not confident in that, though. As much as I've enjoyed Bara Magna, I wish the whole "defeating Makuta" plotline had just ended in 2008, or at least that the battle had remained in the MU and not spread out on this short, random detour.
    It makes me wonder, though- If Mata Nui wins this year, what will the online story be about after the sets stop?
    EDIT: I figured it out. At least the back cover was cool.
  5. Wrinkledlion X
    So I've been using Photoshop for magic recently. I now have a decorative blog-thing over there. >>>
    You may recognize it as a modified loading screen from the MNOLG. You may also recognize it as the ring around my avatar. Which is now animated, thanks to Photoshop. Also, I'm considering a directory (ie: Life, BIONICLE & BZPower, Art, etc.). No one ever uses them, as far as I'm aware, but they look very nice. I'll have to go through my old blog posts and categorize some of them, though.
  6. Wrinkledlion X
    I'm so disappointed. I just realized that the S&T contest has already ended... I have half of a story written for the Karda Nui category, and I think it really could've won.
    Ugh, I'm sad now.
    These should really be held over the summer, so that people actually have time to write out stories.
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