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Wrinkledlion X

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Blog Entries posted by Wrinkledlion X

  1. Wrinkledlion X
    Okay, so I know I'm not active on here anymore, but these 2015 rumors are drawing me back to my old internet haunts.
    I just wanted to say: does anyone else completely disapprove of this Velika-as-a-Great-Being twist? I remember Velika and the other Voya Nui Matoran being a huge breath of fresh air when they were introduced, because it was a return to the fun, quirky Matoran characters we used to see back in MNOLG times. Why does every character who's a bit of an oddball have to have some secret evil agenda? why can't we just have fun
    Anyway, I hope this plot thread is dropped when Bionicle comes back, assuming it isn't just a reboot anyways.
  2. Wrinkledlion X
    Okay, because nobody's using reason in the Toyfair topic:
    I seriously doubt they're raising prices by three dollars. It lists the Phantoka at $12.99, too, so by all logic it's either in a foreign currency or it's simply an error. How many of you honestly think it would be profitable to the company to raise prices on their best-selling part of their best-selling line?
    If it gets that bad they'd just make the sets a bit smaller...
  3. Wrinkledlion X
    Yeah, Target stopped "refurbishing" and we didn't even have to make the drive all the way to Toys Я Us. Thank God!
    So anyways, I got them and they are vastly awesome. Especially Onua. I was worried that, based on what I've heard, he might prove to be somewhat lackluster, but that's not the case. I find him much funner to play around with and pose than either of the others. Chances are I'll try some silver fins and rockets on for size once I get Vultraz, but I'm not even sure I'll have any need to replace the red ones. They look surprisingly nice and don't mess up the color scheme. (I did replace the red plus-rods, of course.)
    I did modify him a bit, though. I gave him dark green eyes and a bit of a hunch to match the old sets, along with flipping his pauldron over. It looks cooler.
    I'm glad to say that my main worry regarding Onua, that he might appear thin and weak, turned out perfectly fine. Though his body armor is fairly thin, the massive shoulder armor spreads out the bulk quite nicely (To quote another review I read) and makes him look very strong. When you give him a hunch, especially.
    I also feel the new Pakari is very reminiscent of the old one in shape and style. Unlike some people I don't think it really looks that evil. Stern is how I would describe it.
    Also I think the aimer-thing works well on Onua (Unlike Gali). He barely ever used his weapons as a Nuva, anyways, generally using his (De-clawed) hands and his elemental powers. He never had any weapons as a Mata at all, so I'm certainly not complaining. As a matter of fact, I think he looks pretty powerful standing without any Nynrah at all.
    Tahu's quite nice as well. His spinning blade looks very nice, and looks even better when the hand-shield beneath is substituted with Tahnok-Kal's. I replaced his Metru-head with a pink-eyed Mata-head as well, so as to give the proper eye-color. His jets and limbs needed no modification, looking good from the start.
    I'm a bit perplexed by the torso, however. I still don't understand why many sets feature this backward torso. It makes no sense to me. I decided to leave it as the instructions said, however, because the set's torso was a bit lacking in red and it seemed worth it.
    As I've said in past entries, I think the Hau Mistika resembles the Mata version sufficiently for my tastes. Plus it looks noble and leader-like, embodying the knightly quality some of the Mata had.
    The leg spikes are cool, too, but it must be hard to sit down comfortably with them.
    Krika is very nice in appearance and makes a mighty fine Cloverfield monster. The head reminds me of a Rahkshi, similar to the feeling the Kraakhan had. He truly looks like a Makuta. He looks quite impressive and frightening.
    I can't help but feel, though, that he seems a bit juniorized. His pieces are all so big and pre-made that he generates no feeling of complexity. Building him was dull. Despite his awesome appearance I can't help but be a bit disappointed with him. There's just not a whole lot of substance to him...
    I guess that's where Greg got the idea for his storyline role.
    Despite the flaws, though, I still recommend him very highly. He just looks great, undeniably.
    Oh, and I almost forgot the Nynrah- Six pieces, counting ammo. Onua's has eight. They fire very well and are quite light. They make a very satisfying pop when launched. Good fun. Onua's plate-thing that covers it makes it look very cool.
    So all in all quite good. I can honestly say that Onua's my favorite without having to lie to myself as I probably would if another turned out to be cooler. I can't tell whether I like Tahu or Krika more, as Tahu's a more solid and complex set, but Krika's more stylish.
    Oh, and Onua and Lewa look good posing together.
  4. Wrinkledlion X
    "I am not Hafu! I am Taipu! Why does everyone think I am Hafu, and he is me? We are not even from the same village!"
    — Taipu, Mata Nui Online Game 2
  5. Wrinkledlion X
    Say what you will about the Kal Saga, but I still think this video has just about the best epic tone and some of the greatest examples of mysticism that we've seen in BIONICLE to date.
    Man, I miss Templar...
  6. Wrinkledlion X
    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «There's not a single name in 2009 I dislike. It's been years since I could say that. "Vorox" sounds a bit like "Vohrak," but that's as bad as it gets. And even then, I don't dislike the name in the slightest.
    And Bara Magna! I can't get over how cool that sounds.
    Are you guys pronouncing it "bear-uh mag-nuh" or "bar-uh mog-nuh?"
    I like the second. It sounds so exotic and it rolls well off the tongue.
  7. Wrinkledlion X
    I just saw Iron Man and it was awesome.
    I've never read the comics or anything, but I loved the movie. Best superhero film I've seen in a while.
    Oh, and when we were buying tickets, my dad accidentally asked to see the Iron Giant. I looked at my watch and said, "Sorry, that film came out a decade ago."
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