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Status Updates posted by Whiplaaash

  1. *plays awesome solo*

    Yeah, Slash is awesome.

  2. Aw, he was banned?


    I loved your comedy, dude. :(

  3. Dude, when are you gonna get my PBZP done? It's been a month or two. >>

  4. Excuse my ranting, but why in Mata Nui's name did you post on my profile and say "You know, I thought I'd pretend I was one of those deaf-mutes."

  5. Hallo thar Kali.

    Sorry I didn't really get active on that site. But how are ya right now?

  6. Hey. Also, I added you as friend.

    I still prefer BZP much better though, since there's much more selction in fonts and it's easier to navigate and to use.

  7. Hmm, funny you ask that. I was trying to decide on whether or not I have the pure TIME to do that. For example, I had a max of two hours yesterday to be on my comppy. That doesn't do me much good to think of new chapters, check my E-Mails, look for iPods, yadayadayada.

    I think I might not actually start it again, but I might think of a new comedy. If my brain allows me to do so. :P

  8. Hmm...Good question. He would first get horribly mutated, but then get out somehow. Then he would meet the Toa and snap them in two, if given the chance. But since he's outnumbered, he'd be owned, and thrown BACK into the swamp. Mutated horribly again, he would fly out of the Western Portal, meet with Nidhiki again, and get attacked because he looks like a freak. :P

  9. I guess. Just add me, and I'll approve.. On another note:


  10. I'm fine, thanks. :) Yeah, I guess I'm lucky. I don't know how I got rated five stars, I always thought it was there because I voted myself to be five stars. :P Still, you're getting close, too.

  11. I'm stalking you in the sets forum. xD

  12. In response to your comment on my profile;

    So? What was the point of that? I did not copy your name in any way. My name is Mizerizzy, not Mister Izzy or Izzy. What's wrong with that? >.> It's like saying you copyrighted every single one of the letters and symbols in your name.

  13. Lagomorphishness!

  14. lolrotflol

    Sorry I haven't posted in Swarm lately. I've been busy. Plus I got a new puppy! :D

  15. o.O

    Creepy avatar/banner, dude. :P

  16. o.O

    Your signature IS the longest on BZP. You must have been bored. :P

    By the way, you take forever to post in S W A R M. xD

  17. Oh. Dangit. :P

    *still keeps him locked up*

  18. Okay, looked up it up.


  19. Populus: Oh. But what the heck does it mean?


    That's where you got it from, right?

  20. Post...in...SWAAAAARRRRMMM....

    Also, that thing that we met in the Greenland Cave, that was the Overmind, right?

    *suddenly wants to add a Queen, Overlord and Ultralisk to the team*

  21. Posting has been done. :P

  22. Sorry dude. I've been busy, and today's my birthday. :P I'll be in there soon - I'm still thinking of what to post so the story isn't repetitive.

  23. Wassup, GA? Remember me, VisorakKing/Aqua King/Xora? :P

    It's been forever, eh?

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