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Status Updates posted by Bloodnok

  1. 'Life and times of an unlucky bionicle fan' eh?

  2. * regenates himself throws exploding bagpipes at tentacle, free's TtW. Then distracts symbiote king with a picture of a ga-matoran.

    Throws a granite plungers at SK. Then tears symbiote of him and throws them into a dimensional portal conjured by me*

  3. *Flips symbiote King over his shoulder Sk hits TtW. Shout: Thats not very nice. and swims away drying himse to save time*

  4. *Vidkid enters does the can-can and runs off*

  5. Dark? I've seen the movie and, on the contrary is actually, despite its occasional jolts is actually quite sweet and beautiful.

  6. kinda sounds like something from 'let the right one in'

    (thats a vampire movie that's recently come out')

  7. King of Nobodies?

    Okay! what happened this time?

  8. oi whats wrong with

    - exploding bagpipes

    - regenation

    - a collection of granite plungers

    - dimensional portal opening


    that doesn't seem like god-modding to me!!!!!!

    *regenerates and forces SK to regurgitate him*

  9. ps cool update on hopeless!

  10. Say KOA when the next chapter of hopeless out

  11. so no chance of 'hopeless' being updated?

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