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About Eagle-7

  • Birthday 10/18/1993

Profile Information

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  • Interests
    My interests:<br /><br />I enjoy building with and playing with LEGO (many different types). Probably my favorite are Mars Mission and Bionicle, and I also liked Exo-Force while it lasted. I'm not a Bionicle MOCer, but I do occasionally build with regular Freestyle LEGO bricks/pieces. Obviously, I like Bionicle a lot and I visit BZP frequently. I mainly like Bionicle's story, but the sets are cool as well. Here on BZP, the forums you'll usually find me in are Completely Off Topic, Library, occasionally LEGO General Discussion, and sometimes General Discussion. Mostly Completely Off Topic, though.<br /><br />Aside from LEGO, I like a lot of Nintendo stuff such as Metroid, Zelda, Mario, etc., and a lot of action/adventure games and movies. I currently own a Nintendo DS, a GameCube, and a Wii. I enjoy reading quite a bit (I like the Bionicle books, The Lord of the Rings trilogy, The Hobbit, The Chronicles of Narnia, and many other books) and I am -- much of the time -- found doing just that in spare time. I like listening to music (though not excessively), and my favorite bands are Lifehouse, Switchfoot, and Stellar Kart. I also enjoy most Christian music.<br /><br />Another thing about me is that I am a homeschooler but take most of my subjects as classes at an ISP. And finally, I am a Christian (the most important thing about me), and above all the purpose of my life is to serve and obey God. Please PM me if you are a Christian or homeschooler as well. :)

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Eagle-7's Achievements

Armored Protector

Armored Protector (18/293)

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