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Status Updates posted by akbrucke

  1. I know you're in there!!

  2. sorry. for sum reason my pm privilages are gone. Comment bout the pm.

  3. Not that any1 cares, but I just went to Wal-Mart to buy one jar of peanut butter. That's it. And was it worth $10 dollars of gas? Yes. Yes it was!

  4. Imma peekin atcha profile. Blaarf...

  5. Hello. Just thought I'd say hi.

  6. Yep. I'm a criminal mastermind. Nah, really. I don't even plan on keeping this name until my time frame of not-being-able-to-do-anything-about-it-so-oh-well is up.

  7. HAH! I stole your future screen name. Beat that! By the way, my banner is awesome.

  8. Okay...


  9. Yo Icy, I stoled yer future name. I'm not trying to bash ya er anything, just that I needed a new name and stumbled accross your user page.

  10. I iz wanting to steal your sandwhich...

    still unsuccessful.

  11. Sweetness.

    Total sweetness.

  12. Trade? Topic? You?... you really think I'd waste my time in a trade topic? Just kiddin. XD

    But, I don't even have any bionicles anymore. I sold all of mine on ebay until I had no more. That...

    ...was a BIG mistake on my part. Ah well...


  13. Ello? Any1 there?

  14. I am not the picture you have created in your mind. I am not the picture I have created for myself. I am not a picture at all, but part of a bigger mural on the wall of reality.

  15. I did... but I changed it. I like the scrunchy-face guy. Blaarf...

  16. Hello... are you REALLY Tanma?

    Cuz if you are, you owe me 1 plate of ribs.

  17. Ive been here! :)

    I love that avvie, what with the Halo Theme and whatnot.

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