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pit walker

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Status Updates posted by pit walker

  1. nothi'n I cant talk or anything cause i'm grounded for a weak

  2. nothi'n I cant talk or anything cause i'm grounded for a weak

  3. how did you make your pic move?

  4. i gave u 5 stars.

    I had 5 stars but someone (wont tell) made it so I only have 2

  5. cool same here

  6. we have alot in common christianity, metroid all the good stuff

  7. r u christain I am

  8. I gave u 5 stars 10times and your state ment is as real as it gets

  9. I gave U 5 stars

  10. nice statment we need more people like you .

    wanna be friends

  11. are u christain I am and I am proud of it

  12. do you do any martial arts i do

    ryu kyu kemo,


    small circle-jujitsu,

    and original okinowan martial arts

  13. do you do any martial arts i do

    ryu kyu kemo,


    small circle-jujitsu,

    and original okinowan martial arts

  14. do you do any martial arts i do

    ryu kyu kemo,


    small circle-jujitsu,

    and original okinowan martial arts

  15. do you like martial arts ?

  16. Ok ill add you to my friend list

  17. shure ill add you to my friend list

  18. do you go to a christian school because I do

  19. I got to go catch ya later

  20. I want to be friends how do i put u on my list

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