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Lehvak Kal Nuva

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Blog Entries posted by Lehvak Kal Nuva

  1. Lehvak Kal Nuva
    Yay 100 people (at most) have viewed my blog! Thanks all!
    And I think I'm setting the record for most blog posts in one day. Not like I'm trying to or anything. I think maybe it's because I'm really bored and have nothing to do.
  2. Lehvak Kal Nuva
    Or, "Another Meaningless Post to Bring My Blog into the Public Eye So I Can Get More Comments." XD
    Yeah, so like last year, here's the six-year spinny. But this time I'm linking.
    Intersting, they chose Hahli's Faxon. I'm not complaining, it is a cool mask, but I was hoping perhaps the undersea Ignika? Meh.
    So yeah, leave comments and such. Please?
    Beggingfully yours,
  3. Lehvak Kal Nuva
    Sadly, my life as a premier member is almost over. I'm so sad.
    But, this has given me the incentive to actually send in the money and join the ranks of the premier! Just got to scroung out the money; the Inika buying took a chunk out of my money supply!
    So, to those loyal (yeah right) readers (more like reader) who stick with this blog (and then leave and go read LOL), here's hoping I'll be back to keep you entertained (*cough cough*)!
  4. Lehvak Kal Nuva
    Wow. Dusty in here. *blows off cobwebs*
    Well, hello again. My name's Lehvak Kal Nuva. As you can see, I've updated my blog name. I think nobody took me seriously while I had it as "A Blog of a Loony". Apparently, I don't do crazy.
    Notice the entry right below this one. Don't read further, as it's rather stupid. Ah, to be 15... Anyway, I said I'd be getting Premier Membership. Well, as you can see, I haven't. But I'll try to soon, okay?
    Now, an update for the past year:
    -Almost immediately after my blog ended, I started school again. As a sophomore. Blarg. Anyway, it was fun (better than freshman year), and I got to take some art classes. I'll try to post some of my Bionicle-related art here or in Artwork I soon.
    -No hurricanes! Yep, an uneventful hurricane season. Oh thank you!
    -Went up north for Christmas. Little snow, sadly. But, I did learn that the ice isn't always as thick as you think it is. Also, hot apple cider is the best way to heat up.
    -More high school, and Spanish II. Better than my Spanish I teacher. Liked her so much, I signed up for Spanish III this year. Also took some programming classes (VB program in five minutes! Owned) and World History (with a teacher who rides a scooter. Yeah, he's really cool).
    -School got out, I had two weeks of lovely time. Then, I started my internship at NRL. Very fun, look forward to doing it again. It'll be over next week, so I'll give you a final update on that soon.
    -After this, another week of vacation, followed by my junior year. Ah, two years to go.
    So, that's my year in review. Now, for current stuff:
    -Finished a drawing of Irnakk. My best to date. I'll try inking it, but I plan on scanning it in as pencil art first.
    -Still drawing. Trying, anyway. Planning on doing Mahri soon. Speaking of...
    -Got Nocturn, the Mahri, and Maxilos and Spinax from Shop@Home a week ago. They are awesome. The Cordak blasters take a second to figure out, but when you do, it's chaingun rockets away! I plan on having an unofficial review of Maxilos and Spinax, as well as a Mahri or two here soon.
    -I still have about a week and a half of Xbox Live Gold, so if you feel like playing me in Gears or Halo 2, or if you just want me on your friends list, my gamertag's dsweenLKN.
    -In Runescape news, I'm slowly approaching Construction level 30. I'll be ranked soon, so watch the hiscores. I'm also doing a little Slayer, as well as some law running. Up to combat 42 yesterday with three more strength levels. Won't be long...
    -Staying up for the midnight release of Harry Potter tonight. And no spoilers here! Ah, a night in a bookstore...
    -Finally, I'm so excited about Halo 3. It's looking to be awesome. I'll devote an entry to new Halo 3 info within the week. Probably tomorrow so that I can include Weekly Update content.
    Last but not least, as my subtitle suggests, this will be a preview of a blog to come. Patterns and conventions I establish here will be carried over to a real blog once I get Premier Membership. Planned features include:
    -Set Reviews. We can't all count on the BZP reviews all the time! As such, I'll take it upon myself to provide smaller reviews of sets not covered yet (i.e., the Mahri, Titans, etc.)
    -Classic Reviews. They're oldies, but goodies. I'll pick a set from years gone by, and tell you what I like and dislike about it, as well as compare it to previous and later sets.
    -Art Previews. As I'm not the biggest artist out there, I'll reserve blog entries for simple previews of what I've done.
    -Games. Not forum games or anything like that, but actual videogame news. This can include:
    -----Runescape. Details on what's going on, recent achievements, etc.
    -----Halo. As Halo 3 approaches, I'll be here to discuss the latest news.
    -----Online games. If a Flash game catches my eye, I'll let you guys know.
    -----Consoles. My honest opinions (spoiler: I hate the PS3 and Wii).
    -Animations. Simple animated GIFs that I hope will make you laugh or something.
    -The BZPRPG. If something interesting's happening there, I'll let you know here.
    Finally, I may ramble sometimes. If I do, please feel free to leave a comment with *smack* in the beginning. Yeesh, that was a long entry. Well, that takes care of the intro, so my ending question is: What do you want to ask me? What do you want to see?
    Here for a week,
  5. Lehvak Kal Nuva
    I'm seriously having too much fun with this. Really.
    So much so that I'm considering going Premier to keep this going. Really.
    It's just so much fun, ya know? I mean, now the boards are deserted (practically) because we're all updating our blogs. Figures.
    And I'm getting close to 100 views. Thanks to all who've come to visit!
    Though I'm reallly wondering why Hahligirl has almost 300 views...am I really that unpopular?
    Random Guy: Ya rlly.
    Me: O wiily?
    Random Guy: Ya wiily.
    Me: O fa sho?
    Random Guy: Ya fa sho.
    Me: O so desune?
    Random Guy: Ya so desune.
    I know, you're probably all going right now, but I don't care!
    ...You're all just jealous of my inferior intelligence.
    Stupidity rating of this post (1-10): 7
    Oh yeah, and credit to Mr. E for that conversation.
    EDIT: Is Hahligirl the only person who reads my blog and comments? I'm sad. j/k Hahligirl!
  6. Lehvak Kal Nuva
    Congrats everybody, and thanks BZP for giving the award to all of us!
    Now, to Halo 3. I would've posted this on Saturday, but I got all caught up in stuff.
    -Online co-op. Unconfirmed if we'll get it, but I hope so. Bungie's not confirming or denying anything, but they did say that if they can get it to work and work properly, then they'll put it in the release. If not in the release, then through downloadable content.
    -New vehicles. This is why I'm so excited for Halo 3.
    ---The Brute Prowler. Essentially the Brute version of the Warthog. From the picture it looks like the driver's in the back, the turret's on top, and two passenger seats are on the sides. Looks wicked awesome.
    ---The UNSC Elephant. A three-story tall mobile base, complete with ammo, spawn points, flag and capture point, and a Mongoose or two in the bottom. I want to drive this thing.
    ---The UNSC Hornet. Seen in campaign, possibly drivable, possibly multiplayer. The UNSC's answer to the Banshee, it has a seat for a driver and two seats for gunners. Oh it sounds cool.
    ---You've probably already heard of the Brute Chopper, the Mongoose, and others, but they're still worth repeating.
    -Next up, new weapons.
    ---The Mauler. A Brute dual-wieldable shotgun that's about half as weak as the UNSC's but when dual wielded is the same power. Sounds like fun.
    ---The Gravity Hammer. Yeah, you saw it in Halo 2, and you wanted to use it, didn't you? Well, Halo 3 allows you to. It has a lunge like the sword, but it's more effective against vehicles. If a Warthog is coming your way, a whack with the hammer should knock them away. If a grenade lands at your feet, strike the ground to get it away. AH I WANT TO USE
    -Finally, new equipment.
    ---The portable shield. You're probably thinking I'm talking about the Bubble Shield here, aren't you? Nope, it's more like the Covenant shields. One sided, blocks from the front only. You can fire from the inside, but you're exposed from behind.
    ---The radar jammer. Known about for a while, it looks like the power drainer, but red. Throw it at somebody, and their radar and screen go crazy while they're there, giving you enough time to kill them off.
    ---The flare. Think of it as a flashbang. An example of use: Get to their base, throw it down, and while they're blinded, grab the flag and hope into the mancannon. By the time they can see again, you're halfway across the map with the flag.
    ---The regenerator. Essentially gets your shields back up quickly. May also give you overshields.
    ---Invincibility. Used by Brute Chieftains as a last resort. As the name implies, gives temporary invincibility. Will also appear in multiplayer, but only rarely.
    Oh, September can't come soon enough.
    So in real life news, I'm building a shed. I don't see why we need it, but whatever. And work's almost over. And it was so much fun! ;_;
    I'll get that Irnakk scan up soon enough. Plus keep an eye out for my M&S review, as well as Runescape updates! See you soon!
    Eagerly anticipating,
  7. Lehvak Kal Nuva
    So, my dad might take me to go get my learner's permit this afternoon. Yay!
    Still, I haven't studied much, so I'd better get back to the manual.
    Stupid test.
    On a Bionicle note, what animals do you think the Inika look like? For me:
    Jaller: Tiger
    Kongu: Lizard (ooh, scaly)
    Hahli: Some aquatic creature
    Hewkii: Lion (very feline mask)
    Matoro and Nuparu: Don't know
    So, what do you think?
  8. Lehvak Kal Nuva
    Wow. My very first BZP blog. Yay!
    Well, I'm Lehvak Kal Nuva. You may have seen me wandering around the forums, primarily in Art III and RPG. I'm lovin' The Academy!
    So, just finished mowing yesterday. You're probably thinking, "Yeah? So what?" Yeah, try mowing over an acre in 95 degree heat, no clouds, no wind, at least 50% humidity, so it feels like over 100. Horrible stuff.
    But, as always, I found time to think.
    I do that a lot.
    Anyway, I was thinking yesterday about the proposed Academy MMORPG. You know, mainly figuring out what skills to put in. Know I'm going to put in mask powers, elemental powers, cooking (mmm, Husi wings XD), mining, forging, that sort of thing.
    When I talked it over with my dad, he said it'd be pretty cool, but might induce copyright infringement. NOOOOOO!!! Finally I find a worthwhile project and all my hopes are shattered!
    *sniff* Well, I'll talk it over with my Academy chums. Chummy chummy chummy chums...cool word.
    Found Toa Training a few days ago. These comics ROCK! They're so hilarious! Also, I found Tales of the Chibi Toa, Remastered! Thanks Tomiku!
    I can't wait to see how many posts I can make in about one week, so check back often for more of my rants and raves on life.
    Hehehe, now I can stay inside today...
  9. Lehvak Kal Nuva
    I have more entries than most of my non-premier friends here, yet much less comments. *glares at Hahligirl56* Do you hate me?
    Aaanyway, three more days of work to go. 'Tis fun, just wrapping up my presentation and report.
    Summer went by too fast. I thought that by getting a job, it'd go slower. APPARANTLY NOT!
    I'm annoyed. Whatever happened to the creative messages? What happened to "Binky is stinky", "Bio Rex likes cheese", and the bubble wrap? Curse the upgrade!
    Nah, I love it. Much cleaner interface. Now if they'd only update with the BZP classic skin, I'd be set.
    Speaking of, whatever happened to the skins from the skins contest? It's been, what, a year now? Bleh.
    And now I'll leave with a picture of me, MNOLG style. Credits to Matoran Onknu for the Kit, which I must say is awesome.

    Waiting for comments,
  10. Lehvak Kal Nuva
    Man, Hahligirl's blog has 166 views (probably about 10 more as I write this XD)!
    Hmm, maybe if I didn't call it A Blog of a Loony...
    *sighs* Summer vacation is starting to slip through my fingers...and I'm going to miss it!
    School is ok, I guess, except that no one really understands me. Not even my friends really do...and I don't have too many close friends, maybe around 5 or so. But everyone acts like they like me; don't know why. I think it's because of my good grades, or intelligence or something like that...
    There's someone I don't want to see that I may end up seeing in a couple of weeks. Ooh, he's such a mean person! He makes fun of everyone (including me) and always puts everyone down. Grr, he makes me mad!
    But maybe it'll all turn out ok. Maybe I won't see him at all!
    Who knew high school was so rough? Oh yeah, everyone's who been through it.
    I have to read Silas Marner this summer. Boring as heck, but shorter than Great Expectations! Woohoo!
    Sorry if I'm rambling, I'm just trying to make it up as I go.
    Anyway, I'm not sure what else I should put here...whee.
    brakalatabaasta feed me Die SPAM!!!
    Well, I guess I should close now. So thanks for reading!
    Edited for filter.
  11. Lehvak Kal Nuva
    Added a poorly drawn picture to my left. Credit to Jagex for helm and gold images.
    And I'm really, really sorry for direct linking the Olmak pic. PLEASE FORGIVE ME!!!
    Anyway, read Exo's blog Lol all the way through. :...: is all I can say, followed by .
    Yay, emoticons! I think I'll put some random ones here just to please you.
    I aim to please.
    EDIT: Sent in a news tip. No, I'm not telling you what it is! Here's to hoping I get credit for it!
    EDIT 2: Whoops, news is void. Never mind.
  12. Lehvak Kal Nuva
    That's Runescape, you fools.
    Anyway, time for some Runescape updates and musings. Why? Because I've got nothing else to say here right now.
    -Oh so very close to 30 construction. Going questing soon, probably the Waterfall quest.
    -Slayer's surprisingly easy, and rather cool. But I really hate Banshees. Gah.
    -The previous line could be describing Halo as well.
    -Been killing Crawling Hands to get a Crawling hand hand (say that aloud, and you'll go insane) that I can mount in my house. It drove me crazy.
    -Castle Wars is fun, and I've been playing to get a red set, starting with the helm, platebody, and kiteshield so I can mount them as well.
    You're welcome to come to my house anytime I'm there. My Runescape name is Elkayen, and I'm almost always in world 104. I'm planning on putting a games room in sometime soon, and you're welcome to all the Asgarnian Ales you can drink.
    I'll be throwing a party there soon to celebrate my ranking in construction. I'll have more details here and in the Official Runescape Topic when I do.
    Eager to play,
    P.S. I copied Biomech's avatar. Tee hee.
  13. Lehvak Kal Nuva
    First, I'm a loony. 'Nuff said.
    Second, everyone's busy making their own blogs, talking about every single miniscule detail of their lives. This also explains why no one's on The Academy today. Me? No, I talk about everything. Such as...
    brakalatablaasta feed me
    Oh yes I did.
    EDIT: Please don't visit and leave without making a comment!
  14. Lehvak Kal Nuva
    I just can't get my picture in the box to the right. Could someone help me?
    Another story: Watched my brother play Halo yesterday. Battle Creek with rocket launchers. For those unacquainted with Halo, Battle Creek is the smallest level in all of Halo.
    Small map+rocket launchers=massive explosions.
    It was also infuriating when my brother almost got the flag back to his base, when a blue came up and blew him up. Another red got the point.
    Poor him.
  15. Lehvak Kal Nuva
    ...so I make a lot of updates. Simple.
    I'm kind of happy right now. See, my brother's got an internship, so he's not here during the day. No teasing 'til 4 'o clock!
    Plus, he's leaving for college later this year, so I'll be an only child for 3 years...hooray?
    I'm all mixed up.
    So, last night I read all the Spam lines that I saw in someone's blog (can't remember whose blog it was...). Though they are a nuisance, they write some pretty funny things.
    ...Not that I'm encouraging spam. By all means no. If you came here to spam, then go somewhere else.
    *looks out window* It had to be cloudy today. Not yesterday. I hate weather.
    Wondering if Vanuri will get on today. Otherwise, I'll bunny him some more.
    Now for a topic change! XD
    I suppose I could tell you all about my vacation to England. We got back a few weeks ago (left the day after school got out). It was such a blast! Got to go to a lot of different castles (my favorites!), Stonehenge (again; never gets old--or does it?), and lots of small villages. My favorites? Orton (we stayed in a cottage there; chocolate shop!), Kendal (beautiful, good shopping, famous for Kendal Mint Cake, a block of mint-flavored sugar), and Edinburgh (pronounced Ed-in-bur-ow; not exactly small...; lots of statues of cows (don't ask); Edinburgh Castle; the Royal Mile; it had it all). Went up to Scotland later.
    Oh my good-golly-gee-gosh, Scotland is BEAUTIFUL!!! Lots of mountains and lochs (pronounced lakes, XD), windy roads (felt sick a couple times), and historic places. D'oh! Just realized I put Edinburgh in England! Oopsies...Anyway, hated to leave Scotland, but leave I did. And no, I didn't wear a kilt.
    Then went to southern England. Portsmouth was the best city ever! I loved all it had. Also stayed in the best hotel I've ever been to (they gave out sewing kits, shaving kits, dental kits, nail care kits, the works!). Too bad it was only for 2 days. Then went to Taunton (beautiful; then again all England is beautiful) and played skittles (kind of like bowling, only much, much harder; can't really explain it; you'll just have to play and find out). England took the Tiny Cup, while the U.S.A. took home the Heavy Plaque. Poor us, we lost. Ah well.
    While I was in Taunton, first saw Brutaka and Axonn! Woohoo! Didn't buy 'em there, though. The next day we went to Stonehenge (Yay!) and then Legoland (again). Turns out if you return your ticket within a half hour, you get your money back! Ran in, got Axonn and Brutaka, a few other things, then ran back out. Enjoyed a Cinnabon (mmm...Cinnabon) then stayed in a hotel the final night.
    Flying home was interesting to say the least. Watched 3 movies (they had enough time to repeat all the movies 3 times, so I switched each time they repeated) before landing in Chicago. Hectic and frantic run in which I soon lost control of my legs (which had quickly turned to jelly) before finding out we missed our connection. Not to worry, they provided us with another flight that left about an hour later to New Orleans. We took off and I fell asleep. My internal clock sad it was well after midnight, even though it was only 8:00. Bad idea to sleep as we were taking off. When I woke up 3 hours later, I had a terrible pain in my ears. Turns out they had popped as we were taking off and as we were landing, seriously hurting. When we landed, turns out one of our pieces of luggage was missing, but someone drove it over a couple days later.
    So, one heck of a trip, eh?
    And if this post contained a lot of rambling, guess what?
    It may get worse.
    So hope you enjoyed reading about my trip.
    Oh, one more tidbit of fun: While we were up in Scotland, we went to a castle that bears my last name (a very uncommon name, I might add). Gigantic cookie to whoever can guess it correctly. I doubt you will though...
    And saw Pirates 2 last Friday. Awesome; won't give away the ending. You just have to go and watch it yourself.
    Wheeooo, long post. Will update later.
  16. Lehvak Kal Nuva
    Several great things happened to me today.
    First, I didn't die! That's always a plus.
    Second, I did Take Your Child to Work Day at Stennis Space Center. My dad works there, but I can't tell you more. It's classified.
    They had liquid nitrogen (still missing a finger, j/k), a winner of the DARPA Grand Challenge (the actual SUV that was in it), and lots more. So much fun! <--I'm using the lol emote because it looks like a very happy person.
    Third, I got my LEGO Magazine! YAY! I've been waiting for a week!
    Fourth, I ordered the Inika yesterday. Finally off backorder! At least they were yesterday...lemme check. *rushes off*
    Yup, still available.
    Fifth, I got a coolio pen! Yay!
    Let's see, what else...
    I think that's about it.
    What an awesome day! The only thing better would be a trip to Comic-Con, even though I think it's over...;_; Still, I could use a time machine, and...
    Ah well. There's always next year, huh?
    LKN, very very happy
    EDIT: Ack! Forgot the sixth thing:
    Sixth, Kai approved me as co-author for Toa Training! I will make him proud!
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