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Takua the Wanderer

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Blog Entries posted by Takua the Wanderer

  1. Takua the Wanderer
    Hooray for Rocket-Propelled Grenades!
    Seriously though, I think there needs to be a seperate forum for COT RPGs. It's kind of annoying to go there looking for anything interesting, and seeing almost nothing but RPGs. :annoyed2:
    Don't get me wrong, I don't hate them or anything. I'm just not really into them, so they just make it hard to find other stuff.
    Oh, and I've finally killed Kopaka!
  2. Takua the Wanderer
    One of my friends asked a girl out yesterday. Unfortunetly for him, she can't until she's sixteen.
    And after all that trouble we went through to drag him there.
  3. Takua the Wanderer
    The Mistika version of Gali is Gali in the sense that it fits her very well.
    Let's look at one of the more repeated complaints out there: Gali is a sniper.
    Well, what's the problem with that? Gali is perfect as a sniper. Look at it this way: what does a sniper do? He (she) hides and waits for someone to come up, then shoots them. To be a sniper, what qualities do you need? Two of the big ones are patience and a calm head.
    Doesn't that describe Gali well? Isn't Gali patient and cool headed?
    And who says that a sniper isn't graceful? As a trained hitman (XD), I assure you that there's nothing more graceful than a clean headshot.
    Personally, I feel that a sniper rifle fits Gali better than a pair of giant axes, which are known to be for savage hacking and slashing, and need extreme strength to wield.
    Her mask is also a big issue. But that also fits her. Besides the scope, it's mostly flat and featureless, right? Just like still water, or the sea on a calm day. It represents Gali as the calm sea, which is usually her personality.
    Another issue is that silver is grossly overused. Although asthetics-wise that's probably true, that doesn't make Gali not Gali. Silver represents the sea very well, especially in the Matoran Universe (the Silver Sea). And those spikes hearken back to Legend of Metru Nui, when Makuta made pillars come out of the Silver Sea. This, along with the Metru Blue, represent that the Nuva guard Metru Nui now. Not Mata Nui, as there's nothing to guard.
    While I'm at it, I think I'll complain about the use of silver on the 2002 Nuva. It was rather unbalanced. You may have to be a Runescaper to understand this analogy, but it's like wearing only a platebody and not the platelegs or arms. It just looks rather stupid.
    While we're on the topic of appearance, gender is only a state of mind in Bionicle, so there's nothing wrong with Gali being muscular.
    Although Gali's appearance has vastly changed, she is still the Toa Nuva that we all know, perhaps even more so than before.
  4. Takua the Wanderer
    I can barely even move today. I'm even getting short breath. Apparently, I need some more sleep.
    One of these days, Vorahk, I'll get you for this. I'm going to smear you all over the ground.
    On a related matter, MC8 was really well written. It'd have a great air of mystery if we didn't know about the Order already.
    And I think I'll enter the S&T contest. I already have an idea for my weapon (funnily enough, I've had it for ages ).
  5. Takua the Wanderer
    I'm not going to say how similar the Phantoka are to the 2002 Nuva and point out the similarities, since I feel that it's been done again and again and would be superfluous here. Instead, I'm going to do what I did in my previous two blog entries and point out how the sets represent the characters.
    You all know what his personality is. Lewa is cheery and generally happy-go-lucky. A synonym for that is, you guessed it, bright. Just like lime green, which I have seen a lot of complaints about. In my opinion, lime green fits his personality way better than Metru green, or even Mata green.
    Also, his jets. I find that they fit Lewa better than wings, as others have suggested. Lewa's personality is eratic and reckless at times, right? Uncontrolled jets are like that quite a bit easier than propellers and wings (I think). Also, they're the fastest, just like Lewa is naturally.
    Finally, his sword. "Why doesn't he have two Air Katanas?" Simple. A katana is a two-handed sword. Two of them are just really weird. One of the along with his blaster is also weird, but a lot less so. Two don't fit him, either. Since they're two handed swords, two of them are really heavy, and that doesn't fit his persona.
    Pohatu's personality is similar to Lewa's in the way that's he's also a bright and cheery optimist. So why shouldn't orange, as a bright color, fit him? I certainly feel that it fits him better than that darned neutral brown color.
    I haven't heard many complaints about propellers, but I'm going to point something out about them anyway. How would you describe the sound a propeller makes? Choppy and blocky, right? This is probably just opinion, but I've always attributed that noise to rock. Also, a propeller based aircraft is quite slow compared to jets and wings. Doesn't that fit Pohatu?
    Personally, I have no idea why so many people complain about his mask. Who cares if it looks like a Vahi? A Vahi-like mask fits him perfectly, seeing how his old mask was also a bit like the Vahi. Also, out of all the mask powers there is, which one has the closest effect to the Vahi?
    His bayonet seems to be quite hated. But it fits him perfectly. Kopaka's personality is calm, controlled, and disciplined, right? Well, those are traits that a good soldier needs. That's why he has a bayonet, a weapon primarily attributed to soldiers. It's to emphasize his traits.
    His wings are also apt to his personality. Look at an airplane from the ground. It's almost completely stiff-winged and still. That's how Kopaka is, isn't he? Stiff and still.
    And what's wrong with his mask looking like Toa Nuju's? Nuju's mask fits his personality better. And the laser guide fits, too. Think about it (again): Kopaka is very calm and efficient. Someone who's precise and efficient wouldn't like to waste ammunition, would they? That's why he has a laser guide.
    And the grey. True, it doesn't really fit the Nuva in my opinion, but it sure fits the skies of Karda Nui.
    And just for the heck of it: Onua
    Everything I really have to say about him is probably already said. The reason for his blaster is similar to the reason for Gali as a sniper. It's a bit different, as Onua seems more to be more of a close range sort of person than Gali.
    I've also heard it said that Onua looks like an FBI agent. Well, what's wrong with that? Onua has a great deal of self control, just like an FBI agent needs (they can't just go around shooting any criminal they want). He'd make a great agent.
    As for the Kraahkan, it's perfectly logical. Not only does the Kraahkan look a lot like his old Pakari already, but it's dark underground.
  6. Takua the Wanderer
    The last day of school before Spring Break is over!
    Or course, now I have a week full of homework to look forward to.
    On the brighter side, a friend of mine is inviting me to his birthday party tomorrow, although for some odd reason, I'm not looking forward to it that much.
    And I added another content block, the idea shamelessly stolen from Toa Z. Let's all give him a round of applause.
  7. Takua the Wanderer
    Still recruiting for the Anti-Adventurer Club. You still get cookies if you join.
    We're also conscripting, but you'd probably rather volunteer, as you get don't get cookies if you're conscripted.
    Oh, and I didn't have school all week because of snow and frost.
  8. Takua the Wanderer
    It snowed today at school, but then it all melted before school was out. Although that's probably a good thing because it means that we didn't get stuck at school, but still. No snow is a bad thing.
    Oh, and I think there's an angry mob at my profile.
  9. Takua the Wanderer
    Ironically, Tahu Mistika seems to have attracted a lot of flame. The targets for the burnination seem to mostly be the mask, which has been claimed to look both like a ninja's mask and a knight's helm, and his shield.
    I can't really address the complaint about the ninja, except for the rumor that ninjas can exotically use fire, but a knight represents Tahu very well. In the Middle Ages, a knight was seen as a symbol of power, protection, and heroism. All descriptions that can be aptly set to Tahu.
    Even now, we look back to knights as heroes, hence the term, "knights in shining armor." And out of all the Nuva, Tahu is the hero out of all of them, the one who would go to the greatest lengths to protect and fight for what he believes in.
    Tahu's weapon isn't a shield. If it is, then it's the most mediocre shield that I've ever seen. I don't see how it can block anything. Besides, he has a Hau.
    It can't be a shuriken either. Not only is it oversized, but if he throws it, he won't have a weapon.
    I personally believe that it's a spinning blade, a buzzsaw, a vegetation cutter. Not only is that useful in a swamp, but it fits Tahu's persona.
    Think about it: A weapon like that is extremely powerful, but it's dangerous to everyone, including the user. Just like fire (also, it can easily clear away foilage, just like fire). And just like something only someone who is that willing to take risks would use. Such as Tahu. The cutter fits him perfectly.
    The rest of his body is also fitting on him. Jets produce fire, don't they? I personally think it's the best option for Tahu there is. Also, look at the claws on his legs. Now look at this, specifically the flames in the middle:
    (Thanks, Emzee! )
    This is an argument that I expect to come against: "There are tons of Toa of Fire. Just because it describes fire doesn't mean it describes Tahu!"
    In a way, it does. Tahu is the original Toa of Fire. When you say Toa of Fire, doesn't Tahu, the spirit of fire come to mind first?
    In my honest opinion, Tahu Mistika represents fire very well. And fire by extension, represents Tahu.
  10. Takua the Wanderer
    I do have a speech to make tomorrow, which is pretty poorly put together by my standards (and that's really bad). But I've prepared all I can for it.
    Otherwise, I think I can have a break from homework for now. There's nothing really too pressing, anyway. Besides, I need to go bother some people in S&T again, for the sake of my sanity (which is really in a sorry state right now).
  11. Takua the Wanderer
    Some people have requested me to make a Takua the Wanderer Club. So in lieu of that, I'm making the Anti-Adventurer Club, which is basically the same thing.
    Everyone who joins gets a cookie, their name in a list, and a chance to annoy Adventurer.
  12. Takua the Wanderer
    I had a fun lunch break today.
    First, I chased my friend around brandishing a tree, before I got caught by a teacher, who made me put the tree where back where I found it (by a dumpster). No, I did not kill the tree. It was already uprooted. It didn't have any roots, either, so I don't think I could replant it (could I? ). Apparently, the viewers found that quite humorous. I did, too.
    Also, another friend tried to throw something (don't know what it was, probably a pinecone) at someone, but his target moved aside and he nailed the person behind her in the neck.
    I've never heard such swearing...
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