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Takua the Wanderer

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Blog Entries posted by Takua the Wanderer

  1. Takua the Wanderer
    The number one complaint I have about the 2008 Toa is about the some of the fans. To be specific, about how they complain that they "aren't the Nuva."
    Well my questions to those fans are: What are the Nuva? Why do you say the 2008 Toa aren't the Nuva? And finally, what's wrong with them not being the Nuva?
  2. Takua the Wanderer
    ...And not off to a good start. I already missed an assignment, and I have three more projects to look forward to dread.
    Oh, well. Best to take things as they come.
    In other news, I think my blog is quite boring. Does anyone have any ideas for content blocks?
  3. Takua the Wanderer
    It's almost four in the morning here, and I have to wake up at eight in the morning... I have no idea how I'm going to get through school... :annoyed2:
    The good news is that I'm finished with the Science part of the project.
  4. Takua the Wanderer
    We got a new T.V. today! It's an LCG Digital, and I don't know how big it is, although it's pretty big.
    We did speeches in Media today, I might have screwed mine up, but I think my visual aid is better than some of the ones out there...
    Oh, and anyone notice that the Karda Nui Matoran masks are the only ones that haven't been named yet?
  5. Takua the Wanderer
    I am about to exact revenge upon my math teacher for the numerour grievances we the students have against her.
    How, you ask? Simple. I'm going to make a survey asking whether each one of our teachers is competant or not. Because a good majority of the students hate the math teacher, I'm sure that the results will be stacked greatly towards "no."
    The best part is, there's no evident malicious intention in this scheme from the surface, so I most likely won't get in trouble.
    Of course, I'm still wondering how effective this idea is going to be, but it'll still feel good to do.
  6. Takua the Wanderer
    This should have been posted on Saturday, but I was too lazy to do it then.
    Anyway, we went shopping then. There was a sale on Barraki, so I managed to get my parents to get the ones that I'm missing (Ehlek and Mantax). Now I have all the Barraki.
    Hopefully I'll be able to get the rest of the Mahri, too.
    Also, my parents bought me a cell phone.
    After that, my parents left me in a bookstore while they went to by groceries. Because we had some gift cards, we bought a book on world history, The Zombie Survival Guide, and a book of cryptograms.
    Then we went to Red Lobster for dinner.
    All in all, it was a good day.
  7. Takua the Wanderer
    Anyone wonder why I'm not "wanted" anymore? Well, the obvious answer applies here. I killed the task force chasing me.
    Unfortunetly, the local law enforcement replaced it with a goat, which I am having a lot of trouble with.
  8. Takua the Wanderer
    I went to bed early yesterday, hoping for a good night's sleep. Well, I got that, and did better in school today.
    The weird thing is, I got up at one in the morning thinking that it was almost time for the bus to arrive. I didn't even guess that I was wacko until I went downstairs and packed my backpack, and even then, I wasn't even sure that I was right. But I went back to bed anyway. And my mom caught me going up the stairs and thought that I was just going to bed, not getting up in the middle of the night (for no reason whatsoever), and I got in trouble.
    So, my theory on how I could have thought that the bus would come at one in the morning? Same boring routine over and over. It's so not hard to hate high school. :annoyed2:
    On the plus side, I got Comic 15!
  9. Takua the Wanderer
    I went to Chinese School today. I didn't manage to finish all my homework and did rather poorly on the test, but it was still better than average, considering how poor I do there.
    Anyway, it was better than usual, and I suspect it's because of a change in teachers.
    Well, it was rather more fun that usual, probably because I spent the break time throwing coat hangers at people.
    Oh, and I drew a rather decent picture (in my opinion) of Balta yesterday, I might post it when I find it.
    The idea for a comic series I mentioned earlier was scrapped, it's way too much trouble. I think I might do an epic instead.
  10. Takua the Wanderer
    I want to know if a word can look funny if you type/write it over and over.
    Apparently, it does.
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